MEETING: Area Celebrations LASER - Stalis (Gemona del Friuli)
How to get there: once you reach the Old Town of Gemona del Friuli (Piazza Garibaldi) is continuing in the direction of village of Stalis (see signs for Mount Cuarnan - LASER Recreation Center). Area celebrations of the laser is placed at the end of the village of Stalis (just over 1 mile from the central Piazza Garibaldi). The festivities
area located at the Sports Centre and Recreational LASERS, where is located the eponymous football field, football and used by Stalis GEMONA Castle, the foot of the Sella and the Mount Saint Agnes Cumieli.
REGISTRATION: from 8.30 am to 9.45 am
are open to all athletes FCI, UDACE, UISP and agencies of the Consulta, and all non-members with a regular medical certificate of good health.
DEPARTURE: 10.00 am
PASTA PARTY: from 12.30
AWARDS: 13.30 hours
- Distance: For all junior categories, women, veterans and senior ABC for three complete revolutions total of 21 km and a vertical drop of about 723 mt.
- Fund prevalent: 90% dirt, asphalt
10% - Level of difficulty: medium
- Description: race course runs along a new path was impossible to go the traditional route of Sant'Agnese Sella - Monte Cumieli due to a landslide.
The route, to go three times for a total of about 21 km, on the whole is fast, suitable for athletes passisti, because by alternating stretches of uphill to downhill into individual tracks.
The departure is near the sports and recreational center of the laser along a dirt road, adjacent to the access of the football field.
easily reached the bank of the Stream Watch, you will take for a short distance (100 m) of the paved road until you reach Mount Cuarnan on the left "by Oge Roads (km 0.2): now athletes will be involved along the first stretch of dirt road climb characterized by an average slope greater than 10% for about 400 meters.
After 0.6 km you will cross a small road on the right in 200 meters in floor plan will link up with Via Savalons (Km 0.8).
Turn left uphill, less than 100 meters Lucardi Vincent Street intersection on the right ("la vie by miluciars"), which first on asphalt and then slightly downhill on dirt roads leading to the last houses of village Scugelars (1.3 km ): This is the last real stretch in which the athletes can catch his breath before the next stretch of the climb. Reaching
last houses of village Scugelars you will turn left onto the path CAI 713 (km 1.3): 300 meters uphill very hard to allow athletes to reach the bv. Via Baldo and turn left onto the paved road of Cuarnan (km 1.6).
always uphill, but definitely more affordable (4-5%) will cover a short stretch of paved road Cuarnan, about 700 meters, until reaching the 10 ° bend shaft at the GPM in "GIRSE of Ciarnana" highest elevation point of the track (m. 450).
easily reached the entrance to a path not far from the bed of the T. Watched (km 2.3), the athletes will be working as fast as a long- interesting section of single track downhill.
The descent then becomes very fast when you cross the main road with gravel on the right of the Old Man (2.9 km): The real dive at the end of the village of St. Agnes Roste.
Hence the inability to take the cart to St. Agnes because of known landslide has forced the organization to tender to find an alternative route.
After a few meters of the road San'Agnese, athletes taking a downhill path on the left side just after the sign ban on driving. Also in
single track, a continuous and enjoyable "eat and drink" will allow competitors to cross The Tors first place and then reach the area of \u200b\u200bthe shooting, placed immediately after crossing a ford on the T. Watched (Km 4.9). An easy
discesetta, which extends along a wide dirt road, then allow to reach the area north of the Poplars Camping (km 5.7), where you cross Leaving Fornas. By last
village edge, characterized by slopes averaging around 8% again reach the area of \u200b\u200bsports and recreational center of LASER (km 7.0), where is the arrival place.
BABY RACE: Departure at 11.30 (after the race of adults)
- Distance: Km 2
- Degree of difficulty Path:
easy - Fund prevalent. lawn
E 'obligation to wear a helmet
Edition 2005: Andrea Mascher - Giovanna Del Gobbo - ASD Stalis
Team Edition 2006: Marco Del Missier - Giuliana Zoppè - ASD Stalis
Team Edition 2007: MBC-Trieste
David Bevington edition, 2008: Alberto Filosi - Antonella into Christ - KI-CO-SYS
Info: gemonaedintorni@gmail.com