"The SS soldiers cynically amused to warn the prisoners in any way this war will end the war against you we won, and none of you will stay ... Show tuttoà to testify, but if someone escaped, the world's crederà.Forse there will be suspicions, discussions, research by historians, but there are no certainties because we will destroy the evidence together with you when this test should remain and some of you survive, people will say that the events recounted are too monstrous to be believed: say that they are exaggerations of Allied propaganda and will believe in us, who deny everything, and ninth in voi.La history of the camp we will dictate to us. (...)
Fortunately things did not go as they feared victims and the Nazis were hoping for. "
Levi, Drowned and Saved
"Now we go up the river," said Granger. "And the head tucked well in one thing: you're not important. You're not anything. One day the burden that each of us must take to succeed may be useful to someone. But even when we books available to us, long ago, we did not able to benefit from what they gave us. We continued as if nothing had happened to insult the dead. We have continued to spit on the graves of all the poor dead before us. We will know a lot of lonely and painful, in the coming days in the months and years to come. And when you wonder what we're doing, you can say to them: We remember.'s where the long run we will have won. It will the day when we will be able to remember so many things that we can build the largest mechanical digger to dig the story and, thus, the biggest hole of all time in which to bury the war. Come, now. First we will build a factory in the mirror, because we only produce mirrors for at least one year, all mirrors, look at where we agree, a long time. "
Ray Bradbury" Farheneit 451
"Always the eyes watching you and the you.Asleep enveloping voice or awake or eatingindoors oor working out of doors in the bath or in bed-no escape.Nothing Was your own except the skull Few cubic centimeters inside yours ... " Orwell, 1984