32 th anniversary of the assassination of Peppino Impastato, a life against the Mafia.
basta.Non not just a day to remember for the rest of the year and believe live-under the 'ignorance and indifference-that the facts of the Mafia , Camorra and 'Ndrangheta are stories of the south, their stories (hence "our thing"), which do not concern us and appartengono.Non simply because in today's world of information you can know everything through courageous journalists and writers, who have force, risking their lives every day, to tell the reality of this country. (and that this damage to our discomfort chairman of the board). To remind me
Peppino is remembered every day, trying to follow is to live as consistent as possible to an ideal, is informed, is to combat indifference, is to circulate the truth, is conoscere.Ed is still little but perhaps the least that all should feel like a necessity, not as opzionale.Oggi a choice to respect the memory of Peppino and all mortiamazzati for mafia can not say I do not know, I do not say, I do not speak, I do not nomi.Se urliamoli names we have if we did not yet we continue to look because they are inside our own institutions. How
Saviano says that we have before-the-Camorra has never declared a war that has more deaths than any other war, is a power structure in society, economy and politics.
Saviano's weapon is the word, as he says "I have a mortal sin, far more serious gold, I have a worse ambition: to change things with my words."
Peppino's weapon-an artist in the round-passed through the channels of radio, theater, journalism, politica.La his whole life is an ideal anti-mafia.
a revolution of conscience.
why not just remember one day all year ... Peppino Peppino is alive and fight with us!
peppino radio-aut-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5B048QXfkI&feature=PlayList&p=2C01E0166FF8CE9C&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index = 34
-up for Roberto Saviano-peppino