L'economia capitalistica non è nata dalla democrazia, si basa diseguaglianza.Le on the characteristics with which we identify today's liberal democracies (trade unions, universal suffrage, freedom of the press) are not spontaneous fruits of capitalism's achievements but after long struggles for all 800 and 900.
Claims of Marx and Engels at the end of the Manifesto of 1848 (progressive income tax, free public education, abolition of child labor) were awarded following these people's struggles. The history of Porto Marghera
highlights the social costs (the exploitation of workers) and environmental (the 'pollution of natural resources) of an economic system, the capitalist, which is the accumulation of capital and profit the only valid laws . In 2006 he was confirmed
the Supreme Court ruling against the five executives and Montedison Enichem
convicted of manslaughter multiple: a victorious outcome is rare in Italy.
The investigation had started in August 1994 when the judge Felice Casson begins to examine some of the files full of information collected by a worker, Gabriel Bortolozzo (1934-1995), who for ten years had gathered together a Democratic Medicine incriminating information about the deaths on the job, the responsibilities of managers, the misinformation about the harmfulness of the toxins and pollution of the area surrounding the lagoon. The investigation
verify 157morti and 103 patients between the workers and a real environmental disaster peroprio: 120 illegal dumps and 5 million di metri cubi di rifiuti tossici .Il processo di primo grado contro i padroni della chimica italiana termina nel 2001:tutti assolti.
Il giudice Felice Casson non s'arrende e riesce a trovare le prove di un famigerato"patto del silenzio"sottoscritto dalle multinazionali chimiche di tutto il mondo,tra cui compare la Montedison,per tenere nascosti i dati sulla pericolosità-mortale-del gas cvm,una sostanza chimica da cui produrre il pvc una materia plastica.
Nel 2004 la sentenza d'appello capovolge la prima e la condanna dei dirigenti verrà confermata nel 2006: disastro colposo, lesioni colpose, omissione di cautele.
Nel libro-inchiesta "la fabbrica dei veleni . storie e segreti di Porto Marghera"di F.Casson vengono ricostruiti non solo l'iter del processo ma anche alcune indagini sulle morti bianche in realtà anche molto diverse tra loro -in USA,Cina,India-accumunate dai medesimi effetti del gas nocivo. Viene documentato,per esempio, il disastro in India nel'85 a Bhobal. Lo stabilimento della multinazionale americana Ucc(union cardibe corporation)produceva mic-necessario per la produzione del pesticida sevin;per un incidente nuvole di mic s'alzano sopra tutta la città:15mila morti 5mila persone intossicate.
Nel 2001 i reparti del tdi di Porto Marghera passano sotto la direzione della "Dow Chemical" -nel frattempo diventata proprietaria di tutti gli impianti della Dcc;nel 2002 a Marghera in questi reparti si sfiora il disastro di una "seconda bophal":per fatalità una second off the first explosion.
From the book "The grass feels like life. Autobiography and political history between the lagoon and Petrochemicals"-an 'autobiography, which is also the story told by Gabriel Porto Marghera Bortolozzo who lived intensely the years of industrialization-is Marghera light on the mechanism lethal player on the heads of workers. Any health problems of workers and to protect the environment from the beginning venerro considered impediments to free enterprise and free market. Some examples are documented by
Bortolozzo: each year were produced 350 thousand and 300 thousand tons of VCM to PVC, the employees were working there in the midst of clouds of gas whose effects were comparable to those given ethyl alcohol. The doctors of the factory, who were aware of the harmful gases and effects, branded the workers as regular drinkers and kept them ignorant of the truth.
Thousands of tons of toxic product were spilled in the waters of the lagoon and in the air, the gas-prs being 2.2 times heavier than air and fell in the area causing considerable damage to the population, until 1988 the discharge of chemical waste was done in 'Adriatico, after the ban on the toxic barrels were shipped abroad in eastern Germany after the '89 and in third world countries.
For the water needs of the plant was built a turbine to make deeper water, this caused an almost complete drainage fountains and wells (closed nel'74) for a 20 km radius around Marghera. In 1995 Greenpeace
-picks during a search-samples of dioxin into the lagoon show that a concentration of the chemical 15volte above the limit allowed by the international tables.
"today Porto Marghera is dying, one by one the factories are closing [...] many consider the working class defeat. But life in manufacturing, with its tragic implications and destiny must not be forgotten, the historical memory of workers must not be forgotten. There is no future without historical memory. "
These days it is back to talk about deaths from asbestos, April 6 in Turin was held before the preliminary hearing in cui vengono accusati due ex proprietari della multinazionale Eternit di Casale Monferrato.Nel comune piemontese di 36mila abitanti 2000persone uomini donne bambini sono deceduti per aver respirato amianto prodotto dalla fabbrica che ha chiuso nel'86.
La nocività dell'amianto era noto degli anni '60,in Italia la prima legge contro questa sostanza cancerogena fu varata nel'92.Intanto i lavoratori morivano.
Finirei con le ultime parole di Bortolozzo che lasciano un filo di speranza:"La natura ha capacità di rigenerazione,l'uomo è lo specchi dell'ambiente che l'attornia;la sua esistenza fa parte di un sistema sociale e naturale delimitato da armoniche regole di vita.Rovine ambientali vengono riscontrate nel trasporto di sostanze chimiche.A Marghera, at the beginning of the road Romea, there are numerous incidents that desertification surrounding area ... next year the vegetation is still lean, but then checked a few leaves, the buds of a tree back to life, more and more verde.L 'grass wants to live. "
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