"Guarantee of all rights to all persons and all over the world," one of the UN objectives for the twenty-first century.; contraddizone a century marked by an increase of democratization on the one hand and a systematic denial of human rights on the other.
Recently, new studies on the core theme women and human rights have demonstrated the abstractness of categories within the concept of equality and dell'unversalità of universal human right: using in-process study of the history of human rights, the gender difference as a category of analysis-the very concept of human rights is extended and reformulated, redefined, gender issues are the problems of all mankind.
liberal regimes in the principle that the first to be acquired were the civil rights and later the political and social issues can be considered valid for men but not for women who won the first importance in the social sphere in which that policy. (Civil rights are still denied in many countries).
The book "aims to scoperto.donne and human rights" by Stefania Bartoloni about these issues examines the policies UN conventions and the balance of the sexes focusing on some paesi.Secondo Vezzosi can determine the number of stages in the historical route of the statement of the rights of women: the first steps start in '46 with the Sub commission on the status of women, but only in the last thirty years, s' will implement a real policy in this direzione.Nel '75-proclaimed the International Year of the woman in Mexico City held a conference-organized by UN-where it is publicly acknowledged the oppression of women in the '76 to '85 mondo.Dal part of the decade for women: in 1980 the international conference held in Copenhagen, nel'85 in Nairobi, was established a Convention on nel'79 'elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women-CEDAW.Sono the first important steps.
From '90 to 2000, two conferences, one in '93 in Vienna (United Nations World Conference of Human Rights) and del'95 in Beijing (Fourth World Conference on Women) marked a decisive step in the path of human rights ridifinizione .
But in investigating these issues can not come to light the difficult internzionali development agencies to promote policies of human rights of women.
Statements such as these: "I women's rights are human rights (the Beijing Conference, 1995). The human rights of women and girls are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of human rights universal. (Vienna Conference 1993) "now seem almost obvious, but it took almost 50 years because they were spoken clearly.
Even today, many still use the term human rights as if women were only a subcategory of main human category, declined to maschile.Altre complex issues related to these issues and discussed in recent conference concerning the very definition of human rights of women in different parts of the world, the contradiction between equality rights and religious laws, the interweaving of universality rights and recognition of diversity (a diversity that should not be universalizing but riconcetualizzata following parameters of place and time.)
Another very important aspect is the active role and action-organized informal, individual-carried by women to defend their rights. (from their mothers and grandmothers of the Plaza de Majo to Chinese dissidents, the Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan ).
About this point I would like to recall the story of Mukhtar Mai, told bravely in his book "dishonored by the laws of men" who made it known to the world and become a woman-as a symbol of courage and hope.
Mukhtar is Pakistani, Punjab, in 2002 the jirga, the court determines that the village Mukhtar, who belonged to a lowly caste of farmers, must repair to the existence of the offense alleged to have turned brother 12enne the word to a powerful clan Mastoi.Viene girl raped repeatedly in a stable of 12 members of the family, outrage and abandoned in the street a coma animale.Successivamente was discovered that the prosecutor's brother-in-Shakoor had been formulated to cover violence suffered by the boy himself by Mastoi men.
"I made my decision: suicide. It was what women did in my state. I drank the acid and I would have died, to settle definitely the focus of the shame that enveloped me and my family. I begged my mother to help me die. (...) Until a surge of unexpected anger saved me from this paralysis (...). I myself felt already different. I did not know how I would fight for justice, but I had a clear idea that the new path that I decided to go was the only possible one. My honor and that of my family depended on it. Maybe I should be dead but I died humiliated. I had suffered for several days, considering suicide, crying .. Now I had changed my attitude, if not I would have never believed capable. In this path alongside the official law, penalized by my womanhood and my illiteracy, as well as my family had only weapon at my disposal: the rebellion. A rebellion was strong as strong as my submission so far .
M.decide to denounce the violent and fight for justice, supported by Amnesty International and the international press.
Three men were jailed for sodomy, which is sustained by Shakoor, but five of the six men accused by Mukhtar, initially sentenced to death, were released in 2005.Mukhtar, fearing for his life and that of his family, appealed to the Supreme Court. Finally, after his courageous legal battle in July 2005, the Supreme Court of Pakistan issued the final verdict of guilt against the six violentatori.Con funds received as compensation from the Government of Pakistan for the violence Mukhtar has built two schools for ' girls' education and a center for refugees, Mukhtar Mai Women's Welfare Organization.Mukhtar herself has learned to read and write only after the construction of justice scuole.La obtained by Mukhtar Mai is an important message of hope not only for Pakistani women, but for the whole world, a signal that shows how each We may all be the creator of change and development of civic consciousness.
" I love my country and I'm proud. But I hope that my story will help people to understand that some things must change. And if my suffering could contribute to these changes, then there will have been useless .
Its history unfortunately can not but be regarded as an exception in a general framework for analysis of violence donne.Esemplare on in recent months in an attempt to legalize Afghanistan's marital rapes and forbids women to leave without the permission of her husband, a law called 'Taliban' by human rights activists and has provoked strong protests from the ' UN and community internazionale.Pur announcing the change in the law, President Karzai said in a press conference in Kabul that "The concerns of our allies and the international community are understandable, but may be due to inaccurate or incorrect translation interpretation of the law. "As if there could be a correct interpretation.
In recent conflicts, in Bosnia, Kosovo, Rwanda-national rights have been superimposed to those of humans, rape has become a 'weapon of war covered by the plans of ethnic cleansing. (The Balkan wars of the '90s have reversed the earlier case, which now recognizes rape not as an "insult to the honor" of women, but as a "war crime" and therefore criminally prosecuted by an international tribunal).
.. Despite the women's rights movement has acquired a global character of today we still need to talk to the women of formal equality, not substantial.
Also Italy is no exception, from the comments of the Prime Minister on rapes ("We should have as much money as are the beautiful Italian girls, I think we would not do never ... ") 'ITER court of law 66/96 which included the crimes of rape among the" Offences Against the Person "until 1996 (!) are just some esempi.Per not to mention the law on adultery that blamed only the women (abolished in 1968) and Equality Act of spouses sanctioned only in 1975 (!).
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