September 26, 1970 The Highway of the Sun between Ferentino Agnano at 23.25 and die in a collision with a lorry, Casile Angelo, Gianni Aricò, Franco Sordo, Luigi Lo Celso and Annalise Borth.Stavano going to Rome to protest against Nixon.
They are the "Five anarchists of the South" - as in his book that will call them rebuild their lives and the mystery of their death-Cazzola Fabio Reggiani, twenties-that of "cabin" so-called from the place where he met and discussed ( soon become the epicenter of the youth of the dispute Reggina). They are smart guys with an uncommon curiosity sensibilità.Da years and have become known in the province but not only for their steadfastness, despite arrests, beatings and threats, demonstrations and investigate the mysteries of strategy of tension began in '69 with Fountain Square and the relationship between neo-fascist groups of the National Vanguard and the 'Ndrangheta (especially in the fighting dela revolt of Reggio Calabria in the last few months). 13/14luglio of '70 is in the city of Reggio prey to the revolt caused by contention for the capital of the region by Catanzaro, for the road was barricaded, several fires, bombings and the first death occupazioni.Il Bruno Labate, railroad frenatore.Ai his funeral thousands of people poured into the streets, the procession passes through the police, you touch another massacre, revolt spreads out of control and will last longer than one year: 5morti and hundreds of wounded and the army arresti.Nel February '71 come to the streets to clear the last barricate.In those days Gianni, Angelo, and Franco-Annalise-pacifist demonstration because the uprising is over, photographing and documenting the exploitation of the revolt by the fascist Ordine Nuovo and Vanguard Nazionale.Ma not only . At the same time conducting an investigation of train derailment on the counter "Arrow of the South" at the Gioia Tauro (6morti and 139feriti). Meanwhile
threats increase, the rolls disappear, Franco is attacked by neo-fascists, but they are afraid that the boys of '70 26settembre decide the same as attending a demonstration in Rome issued against Nixon arrived in Italy. The night before at home
Lo Celso was a call comes by a police officer del'ufficio policy of Rome to warn the father: "It is better that he does not leave his son to the capital." After the square fountain anarchists, easy scapegoat as the case Pinelli, come bound d ' eye, shadowed and spied upon by the police.
at 23.25 on September 26 of that, the impact with the truck transporting canned: Angelo, Luigi, and Franco muiono instantly, Gianni and his wife Annalise dopo.I little early September John had warned the FAI of Rome 's be managed together with the other to collect compromising material on the revolt of Reggio and the derailment of the train "Freccia del Sud" and warned that some of the material 's had already been mailed to Rossi, a friend of anarchist Roma.Il were taking the rest of that person going to Rome on September 26 under the pretext of the event.
the mother shortly before Aricò Gianni had said, without going over,
"WE HAVE DISCOVERED THE THINGS THAT WILL SHAKE ITALY. preaziosi The documents that the boys took with them were never found.
The story of the massacre of Gioia Tauro, which occurred 39anni ago, intertwined with that of the five anarchists of the South is a story of strange incidents and mysteries long dimenticata.In initially branded as the tragedy was an accident, the police station drivers were investigated and denounced the railway stationmaster and three in '74 but, at the end of the investigations, the court declared istrutttore not to proceed further and the case was chiuso.La track, most likely, a bomb was as simple ipotesi.All 'era caused a sensation because this ruling actually permitted the execution of a possible attack but did not state the opening of a dossier against persons unknown for them to understand who was responsible.
The previous year a leaflet dated 17 May 1973 had been delivered to the Prosecutor of Salerno by the anarchist circle "rod", which denounced an attempt at concealment, operated by the same forces, the responsibilities of groups and MSI Fascists in the massacre. (Thesis also endorsed by newspapers such as the Unity and the Corriere della Sera).
same is also claimed that the accident which claimed the life of the so-called "anarchists of the cabin and the disappearance of their documents would be linked to the massacre, on which the five boys were studied. The investigation was reopened
nel'93 only. Repentant Two of the 'Ndrangheta began to lay their testimonies in front of the Deputy Prosecutor of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate Vincenzo Macri under investigation maxi Olimpia 1, aimed at bringing about the network relationship between politics and organized crime in Calabria. The two repentant
Ubaldo Giacomo Lauro and Carmine Dominici argued that what occurred in Gioia Tauro was not an accident but a bomb attack: the bomb, provided by the 'Ndrangheta was crafted by neo-fascists on the rails and was done before the train eplodere that, once passed, deragliò.Lauro later repeated his testimony in Milan, the examining magistrate Guido Salvini, who was investigating' subversive activities of Vanguard Nazionale.In Lauro exchange would receive several million pounds, from the "Action Committee for Reggio capital" (related to members of extreme-right).
With the reopening of the case following the testimony of the penitent, the Court of Assizes of Palmi in February 2001 issued a conviction for the perpetrators of the massacre but Silverine Vito, Vincenzo Caracciolo and Giuseppe Scarcella, defendants found guilty were all and three already deceduti.Lauro was acquitted by the Assize Court February 27, 2001, for "lack of intent," then ruling confirmed March 17, 2003 by the Court of Assizes of Appeal in Reggio Calabria.
Judge Salvini in his sentence towards some members of National Vanguard, he argued the need to reopen the investigation on "Shack anarchists" perished in the accident car, perhaps caused on purpose to eliminate inconvenient witnesses including John Aricò who had confided to his cousin to be in possession of documents concerning the attack.
Years later still the precious material must still be found ... and the circumstances of the deaths of five teenagers still be devovo chiarite.Alcuni elements and the incident-from the political police rushed to Rome in place of the too fast (for Cuzzola police and intelligence services followed them since long before they were heard by Judge Victor took to the massacre of Piazza Fontana in 'field of the first investigations on anarchist circles), the disappearance of their documents, the fact that the two truck drivers were employees of Prince Junio \u200b\u200bValerio Borghese (which in 1970 was among the promoters of an attempted coup), the warnings and threats-confirm the thesis of a multiple murder and not an accident: a massacre organized to cover another.
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