Congratulations, however, also to all other participants in the tournament: experience definitely to be repeated, perhaps even broader formulation.
One eye on the championship
course, the League championship and is always more exciting to follow! After the last day before winter break, the ranking says there are three teams (Paulaner, Astrakhan, Globetrotter) appear in top of the league and four points away from the first of the pursuers (New Holland). Blackburn Zidanes and are slowly climbing up the slope, while there are teams in crisis, some light (bunch, Independiente, Nexus) for other heavy (River, Dinamo, Allupathos).
No distractions

although involved on three fronts, Wenger's men did not flinch and they did plunder of goals and points in the championship. The victim of an unlucky day is the Nexus, which is slowly going down the anonymity of the league. The biancoblu take home his third win in four races, and the fourth in seven, confirming the excellent moment of form! The neroverdi, however, come to second consecutive defeat after a series of five matches without losing.
BLA 2-0 NEX (Hernanes, Sanchez)
After the draw of the first round, this time the Kazakhs will award the entire stake, proposing itself as the largest representatives Library. The usual Cavani and the resurgent (defined as twice-born, not as the supermarket ...) Jimenez realize the networks, but all the training orange to play great team. Equally, of course, you can not say the same red and white, now in a deep descent into the abyss: nine rounds without winning, alternating in a mechanical way and regular draws and defeats. Supporters hope that the arrival of Gargamel can make a breakthrough!
ASK 2-1 RIV (Jimenez, Cavani - Maxi Lopez)
looked like a dull game is already decided for the 0-0. Instead, in the final fifteen minutes they wake up some key players and enliven la questione: secco botta e risposta tra Juan e Parolo e tutti a casa, con un punticino a testa, che è meglio di niente! Per i gialloblu si trat
ZYP 1-1 HOL (Parolo - Juan)
Pane e acqua
Senza i loro attaccanti principali, Cassano da una parte e Milito dall’altra, era inevitabile che queste due formazioni avessero difficoltà a segnare almeno una rete. Se poi Bogdani si fa parare un rigore da Storari, anche le poche occasioni per poter segnare facilmente vanish. Reds to Calatrava non-alternating wins and wins by six rounds, while the Giallorossi have won only once since the beginning of the Second Round. And so I slipped a dead heat with just the CAI in the area for the play-off Pentacup.
are two networks that Paulaner has scored in four of five games of the Second Round. Two are the most prolific players, who went to sign today, and that together they show . Two to five plus one are the days when the neroarancio not lose, or an entire group! Two goals that are Allupathos achieved in this first part of Round Two, settling permanently in last place in the standings. But that will not do, is a reversal of the trend (which is to become gay ...)!
PAU 2-0 ALL (Quagliarella, Ilicic)
wasted opportunity

For the second consecutive Dinamo not scoring goals and not won a Pelino (0.5 points), earning both cases the three points. But unfortunately this is the fantasy, and thus violates lose the opportunity to beat the points leader, fell for a time in a day of nothing in terms of game but fruitful in terms of points earned. Borriello & C have not won for seven days and remain in the relegation zone. Ibra & C are unbeaten of 6 matches, but come the third tie yarn. And they remain always at the top of the list, although coexistence.
Special Alternative
Finally a victory for the people of Ferrara & Maifredi: is the second time this has happened this season, after the very first day. Obviously the fault of the other teams that invariably plunder the most beloved players in the formation of the League.
SCA GLO 1-0 (Isla)
Needless to say they are still biancoblu Wenger to dominate and make the masters! Second win in as many games and next round already achieved with a day in advance! Phenomenal! There are only crumbs to the other, and this time Nexus is the most voracious and quick to take advantage and win the head to head against Independiente. Now both are at an altitude of 3, as he closes ranks Zidanes at zero points.
The resumption of hostilities is scheduled for January 6, so the training will be sent no later than 24.00 on Wednesday, January 5.
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