Milito 5 votes, 4 votes Di Natale, Handanovic 1 vote, 1 vote Ibraihmovic
REZZATO - Hip. The Argentine Milito has won "The Ball of marble," the 2010 prize is awarded to the best player of the year award last year that combines the preferences of presidents and former presidents of the league averages, namely Media player world.
is not favored - Milito already winner in 2009 was certainly not favored in the final sprint that saw him as opposed to samples Pazzini and Di Natale who had their victories in the Cup, and Pentacup Championship. In 2010, however Milito did not win any competition International along with mediocre Indipendiente CA. A vote for the award for the Argentine in any case have been well against four of the five presidents of the national Christmas.
Milito was taken aback by the announcement made by President of the Marco Fantaromero Cai, flanked by FIFA president Fantabramovich Thomas, who then rewarded the winner. "I did not expect it myself - an emotional Milito said." Now I want to share this joy with my mates Cai especially with my neighbor's locker room that Christmas in the beginning of this year is doing wonderful things to see, and it is a huge honor to have him beaten. "
Fantaromero on the other hand, as usual, wanted to argue, "Milito ball of marble in 2009 and 2010, Di Natale vice Marble ball of 2010, both play on my team, this tells you two things, one is that they are the best Fantapresidente two years now. The second is that the newspaper and strong powers of the league averages are not in line with the current popular thought-naziolale. "
2003 Francesco TOTTI United Scarwars My Prodi

2004 Andriy SHEVCHENKO Galatasaray Blackburn Rovers
2005 Luca TONI Dinamo Pivex
2006 KAKA ' Lukentus FC Blues
2007 KAKA' Lukentus FC
2008 DEL PIERO Grassopphier
2009 Milito Blackburn Oak / Cai
2010 Milito Cai
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