Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How Can I Improve On My Left Hand Dribbling

L 'AQUILA: THE Celestine Forgiveness

The Celestine

Forgiveness is a-historical-religious event which is held in the city of L'Aquila during the last week of the Week agosto.Durante Forgiveness Celestine L'Aquila is alive with performances, concerts, art shows 'arts and crafts, historical re-enactments and many other cultural and entertainment facilities.

The event takes place now Papa Celestino more than seven centuries, and that since August 1294, when he was crowned Pope in the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio the hermit monk Pietro da Morrone Angeleri as the Celestine V. Forgiveness

name refers to the name of the Bull Celestine V issued the papal dall'Aquila September 29, 1294: The Bubble of Forgiveness. The Bull of Celestine V grants a plenary indulgence to anyone who confessed and communicated, enter the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio the vespers of Aug. 28 to those 29.

On July 5, 1294, after two years of conflict (following the death of Pope Nicholas IV), the Conclave, held in Perugia, designated the Monaco Pietro Angeleri - founder of an order that for centuries has been, precisely , the name of Celestine - as Pontefice.Un procession accompanied the Pope from Sulmona, L'Aquila, the Basilica of Collemaggio, which he had built some years earlier, and where they were delivered the pontifical vestments agosto1294 on 29, before a huge crowd, and especially to King Charles II of Anjou and his son Charles Martel.

Celestine V was involved in a very short papacy: he resigned-one of the three cases in the history of the Roman Pontiffs - in December of that year and died in exile in Fumone (province of Frosinone) two years later. Some followers of his order, then robbed his mortal remains and carried them in the basilica of Santa Maria di Aquila Collemaggio resting place. collwmaggio

In those few months of his pontificate, Pope Celestine bequeathed to the city of Aquila, but also to the whole world, a legacy of extraordinary importance. At the end of September 1294, in fact, right from the basilica of Collemaggio, issued a bull with which granted a plenary indulgence and universal to all mankind, without distinction. An exceptional event, as happened in a period in which forgiveness was often linked to speculation and money

tomba di Celestino

The Bull of St. Peter Celestine, which introduced the concepts of peace, solidarity and reconciliation, placed only two conditions for forgiveness. The entrance to the Basilica of Collemaggio over time between the evenings of 28 and 29 August of each year (from Vespers on the eve of the Feast of St. John to the vespers immediately following the holidays ") and being "truly repented and confessed." Porta santa Popular tradition has it that to get an indulgence we must go through a specific port that Holy Door, and open only on the occasion of Forgiveness, but only asks the bubble entering the church. On the other hand, the door did not exist at the time of Pope Celestine V.

adopting the Bull of Forgiveness, Celestine V therefore established a precedent for the Jubilee. The custom of a regular Holy Year in fact, that Pope Boniface VIII was introduced in 1300 once a secular, has its first formulation in L'Aquila.


The Aquila always sbandieratori jealously guarded the Bull of Forgiveness, reinforced now kept in the chapel of the Tower of the Palazzo Comunale. The old statutes which civic wanted, just because they were citizens to protect the precious document, the civil authority was to hold the Feast of Forgiveness, respect, however, the dictates of Pope Celestine. It is still the mayor of the Eagle to read the bull of the Pope, just before the Holy Door of the Basilica of Collemaggio by a cardinal appointed by the Holy See.

In 1983, then-Mayor Tullio de Rubeis decided to relaunch the Forgiveness. Religious events was added to a parade (the parade of the Bull) to bring the bubble from the City Hall (where it is stored) to the basilica, immediately before the opening of the Holy Door. Participate in the parade the banners of the municipalities related to the figure of Celestine V, and several groups of historical re-enactment, such as the group Sbandieratori city of L'Aquila. Since then, the door has been opened by a cardinale.La previous week is characterized by festivals, concerts, exhibitions, conferences and exhibitions, just for the double character of the secular and religious festa.Nel 2008 such as the guest of honor was Ela Gandhi, the daughter of Mahatma Gandhi. Over the years, these events have always been more refined, thanks to the emergence of associations of inspiration Celestine.

On April 6, 2009, L'Aquila has been one of the most devastating earthquake that has claimed around 300 victims, as well as thousands of people homeless. The major damage hit the heart of the city and its monuments, churches, palaces. The Basilica of Collemaggio had a collapse, but the saint's relics were saved.


recupero Celestino

The relic was saved 'already' in the disastrous earthquake of 1703. That time came down 'all over the ceiling. This time 'precipitated once. But the body is not 'ruined. And even the Holy Door '.