In memory of Fernanda Pivano, died this evening of August 18, 2009.
Forte Marghera, 29giugno 2006.Un gazebo white, crammed with people of all ages, a stage with carpet and sofas rossi.Arrivo between the laggards and look like everyone in religious Silence then here it is coming, the blast of a car The deafening sound of applause .. out very small, has a white shawl and clothes neri.Prende place in a sofa "How many ... are you happy - he laughs - because I presented the work in Milan with Luciano Ligabue, and it was full, but I knew that there had come for him, but here are all for me. "
is true, it is many, many. "I have asked and I come, I'm not dead yet, you see .. I'm still alive." I try to absorb many words as possible, his voice is clear and strong.
"I am here to present a book photographs by William Willinghton on Spoon River .. .. because some might not already know this but there is Spoon River and we have photographed "-wink-" Who does not know Spoon River? the myth and the Bible for generations .. a journey in search of epitaphs in a small town American ... just like the our Dante. "
smiles." But you see, write-read-both dead and their history, but Edgar is not a prophet, judge and praises the dead are the same .. dead speak, choose, agiscono.I dead Spoon River do not know Dante's heaven and hell, everyone is there to Spoon River, good and bad, close to each other in a dimension-the only whole-earth. "
Continue" .. but we go forward. . I did not come here to tell you how and when you do not tell stories that you already know .. I'll tell you only the sense, the sense of it all. "
to start." The sense of being here all together with a summer evening listening to a 89 years old talking about his first meeting with youth or Hemingway .. Pavese's teachings .. "
" We speak about poetry ... yes, poesia.Perchè now in this society it seems that everything has to be marketed, denigrated, lost and confusa.Ma there are exceptions, and luckily for me .. and you who listen to me poetry is still alive because poetry has the power to enter into one thing and not to leave it .. try to forget my dear friend, the musician or Mary Jones and Tom and their tender kiss desperate .. and some images neither the time nor the money nor the annihilating violence ever. "
" I was a little girl when I saw for the first time the Spoon River Anthology, had brought me one morning that Pavese I asked the difference between American literature inglese.La and opened it and right in the middle so I found a poem that ended "Kissing her on the lips with the soul the soul of a sudden I ran "...- Ride softly-" These verses then I breath-taking. Perhaps it reminded me of an epigram of Plato, or maybe I liked that a poet once again making worries about what happens when a man kisses a girl, who knows .. "
For us who were young then Spoon River meant many things: honesty, faith in truth, the rebellion to conformity, the brutal honesty, despair, the denunciation of the false morality, the irony ... the anti-military necessity and impossibility to communicate. "
" I tell you now, of an episode and then stop, do not I get bored ...
I was a guest on a day in Colorado.Allen Ginsberg received a telephone call, the questions irritated him, because he shouted: "I am a man who had a dream and saw it fail."
"Allen and his friends wanted a world free, sincere, without wars and massacres .. today is not così.Oggi, but not then."
A voice from down the hall: "And his dream lady Pivano That's still alive?"
answers, looking straight before him "No, I'm not too mad at me anymore."
"But that does not mean you do not have to keep dreaming."
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