Friday, August 20, 2010

Groomax Spa Dog Shampoos

Cocullo: The Snakes OF SAN DOMENICO

Cocullo Abruzzo is a small village 900 meters above sea level of about 400 inhabitants, situated on the border between Valle Peligna and Marsi, and is famous for the Feast of St. Dominic and the Snakes.

serpari 1

S. .. Dominic Cocullo did not go just for the festival procession of the saint and the feature with the serpents, but more specifically went there, accompanied by his, who had been bitten by venomous snake or rabid dog, according to testimonies of those who had been in these conditions, crossed the border Cocullo, the patient was shaken by strong epileptic seizures, a clear sign that the work of the saint's blood had rejected the poison ... (from "A typical day" of Arturo Iorio ). Every first Thursday in May we celebrate the Feast of St. Dominic Sora Abate (born in Foligno Sora and died in about a thousand years ago, the patron saint of toothache), on this day, Cocullo is invaded by thousands of people's religiosity is manifested in particular by offering snakes (snakes, lattari, snakes, etc.).. the patron San Domenico Abate, crowned by the "Snakes" for the procession through the streets of the country. The ritual has ancient traditions, even pre-Roman, and was maintained through the centuries thanks to the devotion to San Domenico Abate Ciociaria is still in the lead.

A magical charm lies in this event which opened a few days before the "little party" in honor of St. Mary, with young people on the slopes of Mount Lupari, Monte di Mezzo, Palancaro, Forca d'Oro development, have been chasing the snakes. This marks the heads, around noon, at the end of the Mass will be laid on the head of the statue of San Domenico with this "ornament" will be carried in procession to the sound of the band for all country to reach the top, to receive the homage of fireworks. Then return to church for the ceremony of greater emotional intensity of the day, which can involve even the most reluctant to emotions.
As the faithful line up to collect gravel from behind the altar, which is spread around the houses to protect against snakes and many pull the cord with her teeth to make sure the bell thanks for your teeth, before wing statue gather pilgrims Atina for departure to the sound of bagpipe and shawm "Goodbye San Domenico / we are starting / and give us the license, / the holy blessing ...», repeated several times with his face while walking back to the Holy in a slow chant. As the song goes along the path that leads out of the country, the party ends, even if there will be concerts, rides, stalls stormed into the evening. After a group breakfast grass pilgrims will share a year that is giving itself the appointment.

Until a few years ago, the snakes were "sacrificed" in the yard of the Church of San Domenico, but a different religious and civil spirit who now wants to be released in the same mountains where they were captured

During the festival also takes place in the procession costume of the place, where women carry baskets on their heads, richly decorated with lace and lace, containing five sacred bread, the " chamberlains.

costumi cocullo


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