Monday, February 28, 2011
Why Do You Wear A Jockstrap
Bishop and Bishop Bertoldo Babini. Two members of the Italian religious class, two monsignors, which last months have really given the best of Catholic tolerance toward gays and to women. Who has ever heard of them is lucky, but I suggest however take a ride on google and the results are these:
Babini, Bishop Emeritus of Grosseto, is known for having left the chronicles pearls of wisdom like "just with gooders on immigrants "(January 15, 2010)," Do you think that Fascism was the absolute evil? " resp. "absolute evil does not exist ..." (06 August 2010) but his admiration for the Duce has reiterated February 20, 2011 when compared to Vendola "Mussolini would have been ashamed of being gay, but goes Vendola proud "adding a nice" all the Christian love "event on Feb. 13 rose," a concentration of abortion and libertine who challenged their own principles " (February 17, 2011). He also spoke against violence against gays but ended the speech with a fine "as well as violence against women is wrong, but their provocative dress can lead into temptation ..." (August 7, 2010).
Bishop Bertoldo is a moderate compared the above-mentioned Babini, but he said this morning that "Women lead in tempting their rapists and make more victims of priests."
So in principle I would say that I am a Christian, I know the scriptures but do not believe in the Catholic Church. That the statements above are severe it seems to me obvious even to repeat, what still baffles me is that there are some people who support extremism and call for "holy Babini now" (facebook group). Of course there are also groups that brought down as the target for the shooting, others who are clamoring for the return of the beloved Duce, but indifference is really something that we can still afford? We can afford to ignore the snakes that we keep in the breast and then point out Muslim extremism? The Catholic Church should be the first to condemn certain positions that are contrary to the commandment of the New Testament, "Love your neighbor as yourself ", but it does not, let these claims fall into the cauldron and the media that spread to disprove it then maybe after 3 or 4 days in the third page with a paragraph that you hardly see ... This morning I read a post where Stephen said that the policy of "throwing the stone and hide your hand" was used to inoculate however the ideas in the minds of citizens to buy consensus, giving voice to the worst part of all of us. So I wonder again can we afford to ignore it? let it go, perhaps allowing some minds to grow silent, however, the idea that rape is not rape if the woman has sculettato, or if the gown can be depleted, that the gay rights as a person ill and therefore incapable, that a slap to his wife every time there is if she has caused.
Silence is consent and the witch hunt can start over: I repeat the question we can afford to be silent and ignore some of his statements?
Friday, February 25, 2011
How To Earn Poptropica Credits
last time I happened to get to the other side of the fence: I recognize that ever happened to me to see someone feel bad for me and really suffer. I had never felt respected and loved so much, but unfortunately what for many years was a desire now is something that seems bigger than my ability to handle it. "He loves you and you love another" typical common place and in my case even guessed at the time because my heart is completely free. I tried to explain with sincerity not seen him as a lover, but as a friend and I know that being in this position is the worst thing that could happen because even I was in love with a friend and stay close to the times is a drips: you satisfied with the crumbs and put yourself in the background while you have a moment more. But, as it is logical, he thought it was just my fear and tried to reassure me by expressing more clearly and directly what she felt and continues to believe that my silence is a sort of "growth of desire" . I firmly believe that the distance is the only way for him make your life and believe in someone who really loves him. I do not write these lines to get the approval of who reads me, I do not need already pay for my decision (it is not easy to have the consciousness and awareness of being the reason for the suffering of others, especially if you love you too), but I do it only for those who pass by here and possibly experienced a situation similar to mine, to say that in love there's no reason, and then explain things does not always finish things like the movies in peace and with a hug. Especially I would like to ask the person who is the object of love not to make the big mistake and often selfish to drag the relationship forever just to feel wanted, loved and object of attention: it is not true that the thing is done in a way because even innocent animals are realizing that they are recipients or not of love, then do not convince yourself that you are not even up to those fateful little words you are totally unaware of what happens, but at least have the decency to accept it and to choose your behavior. You hurt being aware of it, because that's what you do next, so if you love them permettegli to live their lives and take a step back without any sense of guilt because it's true that you do not choose whom to love, but you choose whether or not evil.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Watch School Ties Online

La vendetta dell’ex
Prima o poi doveva succedere, Rodrigo and chose the best day for him to retaliate with Nexus sold during the summer market. And so his superprestazione allows River to beat, finally, his bete noire and reach, unexpectedly, the sixth position, which means playoff-Pentacup. All thanks to four consecutive victories and the second defense in the league, with Globetrotter. Nexus, after a more than positive, stumbles onto the second consecutive defeat, but with a staff and with so few points behind, the minimum targets are still affordable.
NEX - RIV 1-2 (Di Michele - Palacio, Palacio)
Cyclone impressive
CAI - BLA 1-4 (Mexes - Hernanes, Totti, Paloschi, Paloschi)
pain in the field
And these would be the first two class?!? Where did the show? Where are the players that change the match with a play?!? They are probably all stayed in the locker room or on holiday. It went to half the result of this match: very few occasions on both sides and lots of boredom. But basically what she wanted Astrakhan, to keep at a distance of rivals. Too bad the other, Blackburn, is coming like a rocket ... and Globetrotter must be careful at the back, and continue to grind results as in the second round.
GLO - ASK 0-0
This result is more Zidanes valuable, that does not lose a direct confrontation and maintain a distance of 8 points from the last place. Allupathos should have and could have done more for groped for broke and win ... but the wrong year of Bari and Juventus player has an impact on the former two-headed. Which I do not win from four matches, even if there is to say that today was the first time in 13 matches that ended goalless! The Gialloblu stop a series of dangerous and with two consecutive defeats Dynamo remain in safety zone, to +4 from the brink.
ALL - 0-0 Zyp
Victoria valuable
difficult but important victory for rossoverdi, reduction in the field with one man down but not point out this difference: there in front of Robinho and Pato are berserk! Mazzano is returning to being the first games of incomplete: it is always there to win or score, but then nothing happens, especially if Cassano Lavezzi and there may or may not come on. Now the Giallorossi are fourth last, but with a good margin on the second and with a few points behind Pentacup from the area, which also aims to Holland, as it is to -3 from the playoffs.
HOL - MAZ 1-0 (Robinho)
breath of wind c. ..
DIN - PAU 0-1 (Paponi)
Speciale Alternativo
Diamo spazio anche a Scarwars, una volta che vince! Prestazione positiva del centrocampo, con Kucka e Ramirez su tutti (non per niente sono alle buste in questi giorni…), ma anche la Defence has absolutely forfeited. For once!
Carletto Mazzone tells us: "Blackburn will be represented in this group, so remind Hernanes , both for the goal scored, as both are driving, more than others, their team in this amazing comeback. For OUT choose Amauri : with his move to Parma had deceived all the fans purple, but later proved to be the usual ciofeka.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Pocketbikes Background
This weekend I went to visit a friend and the thing that I liked so much is that it was not just a physical move, but a nice trip, even mentally. I finally met a great woman and all three, together with four wonderful furry friends we talked about, they are a great talker, but I like very much to deal with others and listen to the opinions of others. Find someone who does not just say "I agree" or "do not think so" but argues their own choices and does so with the utmost respect yours. Marta is really good and was very kind with me: he committed a lot to make me feel at ease and Stephanie is a truly exceptional person, who manages to share his ideas with the greatest "secularism" as he said her. I am writing this post mostly because I'd like to push the reader to travel and meet others, to speak, to confront in order to open their minds and hearts to new and different points of view.
Friday, February 18, 2011
What Stores Would I Find Peace Comforters
As Italy today? And especially where young people today who believe in the possibility of a resurgence? Well despite what many may think I see them, I know that many Italians and Italian believe that you can change and the evidence was visible to everyone in the event of 13 February. It 'been labeled, denigrated and removed from comments that had nothing to do with the real intention of those who organized and those who took part. I do not want to pause and discuss the opinions of others, which are nevertheless a sign that this country is democratic and not at all controlled by biased, but I would like to talk about how I see the Italians in this moment: divided and angry. Regardless of the political colors I think everyone knows now that the beautiful country and the world observed and comments are not positive. What I still ask myself is: Why can not we be united in fighting a single entity? Who is right should support the ethics of politics, love the nation above all else and to support the order. Why support a party that has cut the salaries of policemen, who disgraced internationally Italy and political ethics that knows no un'emerita bat? Coming from the Christian Democrats should see how the family values \u200b\u200band respect for life and citizens: why do not strongly oppose those who jeer at the family and respect for others, caring only to "fix" their own personal issues? ? The left in this country is becoming evanescent and is certainly not the fault of the government, but simply a lack of a truly effective and people who really believe in what they say.
But they are the puppet masters, they pull the strings of public opinion in their palaces and castle. The real problem is we citizens who allow their quarrels chair to divide us and pit us against each other, to stir a fratricidal struggle that could lead to a frightening and bloody civil war. Because the greatest danger for Italy not to drop or not the government, but end up in the streets and stoned to pummel those who think differently from us. Where is the unity of the Italian people? Where is the love of country? Where is the impetus that gave birth to the Renaissance? There is, unfortunately, too many who say "I do not care the political problems" are still too many who want to (foolishly) star out of the political and social struggles that ignoring the struggles affect them and how, those squares that will change the their future, that these spontaneous movements, and those organizations thought in the past have given what they now call "dirty Italy. Them that "ashamed" to be Italians should do something to change things, would put his face and fight to defend the future of those who come after us should have the courage to believe that change is possible!
Their indifference allows puppeteers to continue to gain weight and could also provide space to throw stones at Cain Abel, then the bet will be indifferent in the front row at the funeral shedding hypocritical tears and sobbing, "I did not want it to end like this" ..
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Monica Roccaforte New
this blog is born today and it is very difficult for me to find a subject that becomes a kind of presentation. There are so many things I want to talk, and many others who do not even want to mention, but which unfortunately are part of the world that the nanny lives, and then sooner or later I will deal with this blog. First let me explain why I have chosen to use the name Agnes to sign, it is not my real name but I chose one that recalls someone important and then possibly not so well known to the masses. I thought of great names, the stars of fantasy novels (which I love) but I immediately thought that wanting to deal with real-life topics also have a Gaelic name, and something that had a hint of Disney did not seem very appropriate and above all credible. Honestly I had thought well "Cicala Thinking" as opposed to famous Jiminy Cricket, but these days use a name so easily misinterpret it only served to draw lines or worse, so this idea was shelved. I then decided to try and famous women who have made history, possibly in this country and in the end I was reminded to look for women who have helped the resistance in Italy. They landed at the end of the novel Viganò "Agnes goes to die" and I decided that Agnes was going well, why not recognize me in that character, but simply because I think a lot of resistance figures are a bit 'been overshadowed. Tell you why I think this is a time when we must resist is unnecessary at the time, maybe I will talk about later, including an ecologist and a private thought, because that's what I intend to do here: talk about the world and how I live it and see ..
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wart Type Growth On Nose
In the middle of the standings, then, we have 5-6 teams fighting between the Pentacup, the playoffs and anonymity, while at the bottom of the league seems to have reduced the lot for three relegation. But, as always, everything is still in the making!
Victory pride
After eight games without a win, New Holland decides it's time to wake up and pull a performance out of the hat with a capital z, defeating its own house in a Nexus in great shape, which was unbeaten on 5 results. Heroes of the day Robinho and Palombo, but also the defense, that Cannavaro Chiellini and held at bay neroverdi offensive. The only thing that has to complain about the local team has made a mistake to include the training, but probably the result would not change one iota. Now the tussle for Pentacup is getting more interesting.
NEX - HOL 1-2 (Nocerino - Robinho, Palombo)
Gol ghost
MAZ - PAU 2-2 (Cassano, Gilardino - Paponi, Kozac)
Who stops?
Numbers impressive sixth consecutive win, the best attacco con 34 reti, mig
BLA - DIN 1-0 (Thereau)
Lavoro oscuro
Zyp - GLO 1-2 (Inler - Conti, Poli)
Culandra red and white
This is the only game left in the balance until the end and decided by a stroke of genius Shepherd. Before there was only boredom and many actions crushed in midfield. In fact both goalkeepers were almost unused for most of the match. But then the will to win took the legs of the owners and gave them a hand to score and take home a crucial victory, the third in a row! Now men are Fantabramovic to +10 on the relegation zone, while those of Fantaboniperti still have to fight for salvation. But sooner or later the wheel will turn for them!
RIV - ALL 1-0 (Shepherd)
Cyclone orange
Here we are talking about a team in great shape and in full flight league. The Kazakhs, in fact, in the last 11 days
ASK - IND 4-1 (Canini, Cavani (2), Matri - Christmas)
Special Pentacup
as Blackburn does not betray tradition and began the phase of the semi-finals with a win. Although this time was more than painful, as Independiente gave a hard
Galeazzi This time it's to put a face to the best and the worst of the day.
"On the podium of the best players to put the Astrakhan and Blackburn, but if I had to pick one I say Cavani : how strong is this man?!? Instead he who has me very disappointed and dynamic, so I choose Borriello as a symbol of the team.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
How To Clean A Flintlock Muzzle Loader
rivalries Worthy

He fought until the final whistle, and indeed even after the teams wanted to win this match! For both, in fact, would were three important points: the purple back to the penultimate place in the standings and why the missing victory by 5 rounds; mazzanesi to not scare away teams head too. Among the other players went to the sign is far from the scores for several reasons, but the reasons for both teams led to these results.
DIN - MAZ 2-2 (Vucinic, Amauri - Cesar, Cambiasso)
Fifth straight win for Wenger's men, so that they reach the third place overall in the standings, with -3 just by verdiblu of Lomu, on the contrary come to the third consecutive defeat! But the reason is: remain "on track" (read the front page on my blog) for too long hurts the performance! Indeed, the superrimonta J. Zanetti and members are being made in the anonymity almost absolute. From the sporting point of view, however, is the midfield biancoblu that drags the rest of the team, as evidenced by two of today's networks.
GLO - BLA 0-3 (Sanchez, Hernanes, Floro Flores)
Attack attack attack attack
If Blackburn has a great midfield, we have to say that Astrakhan has a very good attack, with two players in top form as precisely Matri Cavani. And so the Kazakhs remain at the top, even extending a 4 i punti di vantaggio! In questo testa-coda, però, Allupathos non esce ridimensionathos, dato che la prestazione è stata più che decente e che ha dato del filo da torcere ai primi della classe. Vedremo ora il mercato quali novità porterà.
ALL - ASK 1-2 (Toni - Matri, Cavani)
Il duello a distanza tra Di Natale ed Eto’o è stato vinto dal camerunense, e così Nexus ha ottenuto una vittoria preziosissima (la terza nelle ultime cinque giornate) in chiave classifica. Infatti i neroverdi restano a tre punti da Blackburn, la squadra più in forma, e si avvicinano proprio ai rossi di Calatrava. Per questi ultimi la defeat comes after three consecutive victories, slowing down a bit 'the way, but leaving intact any future possibility.
IND - NEX 1-2 (Di Natale - Eto'o, Eto'o)
Vince man
According to you who wins between a tractor and a Pastor? In the game of football, and specifically in this match, won the midfield River, and with him the whole team. Of course, the opponent has taken the field with a couple of defections, but the red and white these days would have been able to finish the match assets with zero goals. Instead, the sample is loaded on the shoulders Argentine team, has left the tractor to hoe and ran to victory, even the second row! New Holland is fourth last and was overtaken in the standings, but there is nothing serious and there is time to recover.
HOL - RIV 0-1 (Shepherd)
Fantasia in power
Another vibrant and well-played game by both teams, both led their men from the purest fantasy: Ilicic on one side and the other Snejider . But the difference they made the real bomber: Miccoli is scored, no Pazzini, despite the excellent moment of form. And just watching the match seemed to attend
PAU - Zyp 2-1 (Miccoli, Ilicic - Snejider)
Special Cup
They played the quarterfinals of the League Cup, both the return and the two play-off post-return. The result is that the Fab Four, as cool as they say, are Nexus and Allupathos, at the top of the board, and Mazza and Blackburn at the bottom. Congratulations to both of the four teams!
Sunday there will be Blackburn-Independiente as the first challenge to the semifinals of Pentacup
Graco Carseat Model Number 7440cnr3
Pescara, February 8, 2011 - The "Day of Abruzzo in the World" became an institution. This was decided unanimously this morning, the Regional Council. "In memory - as evidenced by Article 1 of the law establishing - regional migration, in order to strengthen the identity of the Abruzzese in the world and strengthen relations with their homeland, every year, August 5, will celebrated this event. Ceremonies will be organized and moments of study, in collaboration with the provinces, municipalities and schools, as well to remember the phenomenon of Abruzzo in several respects. In addition, each year, according to the Conference of Group Leaders, the Chairman of the Regional Council will confer the honor of "Ambassador of Abruzzo in the world" which will be allocated to immigrants from Abruzzi origin who have distinguished themselves not only overseas, but also in other Italian regions. "With this legislation approved today, you write a beautiful page and institutions to recognize a tribute, not only formal, Abruzzo to the many immigrants and their descendants today." And 'what says the regional council for PDL Richard Chiavaroli, promoter and creator of the law among the first of its kind in Italy. "I thank the entire Regional Council of Abruzzo - still says Chiavaroli - for the approval of a text which is of particular value because it is not a plus occasional fact, but a lasting commitment."