Nella giornata in cui Astrakan e Globetrotter prendono riposo dalla vittoria, continua la rincorsa di Blackburn, che ormai non si ferma più e punta deciso la vetta della classifica. Dietro, continua la difficile stagione di Dinamo e Allupathos, che continuano a perdere occasioni per riportarsi sotto agli altri: a volte sembra che giochino già rassegnate. E poi in mezzo c’è bagarre: 6 squadre in 8 punti non sono niente male!
La vendetta dell’ex
Prima o poi doveva succedere, Rodrigo and chose the best day for him to retaliate with Nexus sold during the summer market. And so his superprestazione allows River to beat, finally, his bete noire and reach, unexpectedly, the sixth position, which means playoff-Pentacup. All thanks to four consecutive victories and the second defense in the league, with Globetrotter. Nexus, after a more than positive, stumbles onto the second consecutive defeat, but with a staff and with so few points behind, the minimum targets are still affordable.
NEX - RIV 1-2 (Di Michele - Palacio, Palacio)
Cyclone impressive
Independiente attracts goleada (second consecutive time that it takes 4 goals), Blackburn has the best attack and the best team in the form of the moment: do you think that result could come out of this game? The Reds even go ahead, but then the fury of blind biancoblu breaks loose, sending the best men in scoring and Paloschi found. She decides to go the seventh consecutive win and -5 from the summit. Independiente is a defeat for painless because it is still in play-off zone, but must look more and more away from other red (with green and white).
CAI - BLA 1-4 (Mexes - Hernanes, Totti, Paloschi, Paloschi)
pain in the field
And these would be the first two class?!? Where did the show? Where are the players that change the match with a play?!? They are probably all stayed in the locker room or on holiday. It went to half the result of this match: very few occasions on both sides and lots of boredom. But basically what she wanted Astrakhan, to keep at a distance of rivals. Too bad the other, Blackburn, is coming like a rocket ... and Globetrotter must be careful at the back, and continue to grind results as in the second round.
GLO - ASK 0-0
Fear makes 90
This result is more Zidanes valuable, that does not lose a direct confrontation and maintain a distance of 8 points from the last place. Allupathos should have and could have done more for groped for broke and win ... but the wrong year of Bari and Juventus player has an impact on the former two-headed. Which I do not win from four matches, even if there is to say that today was the first time in 13 matches that ended goalless! The Gialloblu stop a series of dangerous and with two consecutive defeats Dynamo remain in safety zone, to +4 from the brink.
ALL - 0-0 Zyp
Victoria valuable
difficult but important victory for rossoverdi, reduction in the field with one man down but not point out this difference: there in front of Robinho and Pato are berserk! Mazzano is returning to being the first games of incomplete: it is always there to win or score, but then nothing happens, especially if Cassano Lavezzi and there may or may not come on. Now the Giallorossi are fourth last, but with a good margin on the second and with a few points behind Pentacup from the area, which also aims to Holland, as it is to -3 from the playoffs.
HOL - MAZ 1-0 (Robinho)
breath of wind c. ..
game dominated by the purple house, but did not have neither the skill nor the courage to sign and chiudere la gara contro un Paulaner davvero in giornata storta, che però ha avuto la forza, e anche la fortuna, di approfittare dell’unica occasione per segnare e di portare a casa una vittoria insperata! Dinamo è sempre più penultimo, a -4 dalla salvezza (ma con la vittoria che manca da 8 turni), mentre Paulaner è in serie positiva da 4 turni (2 pareggi e 2 vittorie) e si candida a quarta forza del campionato.
DIN - PAU 0-1 (Paponi)
Speciale Alternativo
Diamo spazio anche a Scarwars, una volta che vince! Prestazione positiva del centrocampo, con Kucka e Ramirez su tutti (non per niente sono alle buste in questi giorni…), ma anche la Defence has absolutely forfeited. For once!
Carletto Mazzone tells us: "Blackburn will be represented in this group, so remind Hernanes , both for the goal scored, as both are driving, more than others, their team in this amazing comeback. For OUT choose Amauri : with his move to Parma had deceived all the fans purple, but later proved to be the usual ciofeka.
La vendetta dell’ex
Prima o poi doveva succedere, Rodrigo and chose the best day for him to retaliate with Nexus sold during the summer market. And so his superprestazione allows River to beat, finally, his bete noire and reach, unexpectedly, the sixth position, which means playoff-Pentacup. All thanks to four consecutive victories and the second defense in the league, with Globetrotter. Nexus, after a more than positive, stumbles onto the second consecutive defeat, but with a staff and with so few points behind, the minimum targets are still affordable.
NEX - RIV 1-2 (Di Michele - Palacio, Palacio)
Cyclone impressive
CAI - BLA 1-4 (Mexes - Hernanes, Totti, Paloschi, Paloschi)
pain in the field
And these would be the first two class?!? Where did the show? Where are the players that change the match with a play?!? They are probably all stayed in the locker room or on holiday. It went to half the result of this match: very few occasions on both sides and lots of boredom. But basically what she wanted Astrakhan, to keep at a distance of rivals. Too bad the other, Blackburn, is coming like a rocket ... and Globetrotter must be careful at the back, and continue to grind results as in the second round.
GLO - ASK 0-0
This result is more Zidanes valuable, that does not lose a direct confrontation and maintain a distance of 8 points from the last place. Allupathos should have and could have done more for groped for broke and win ... but the wrong year of Bari and Juventus player has an impact on the former two-headed. Which I do not win from four matches, even if there is to say that today was the first time in 13 matches that ended goalless! The Gialloblu stop a series of dangerous and with two consecutive defeats Dynamo remain in safety zone, to +4 from the brink.
ALL - 0-0 Zyp
Victoria valuable
difficult but important victory for rossoverdi, reduction in the field with one man down but not point out this difference: there in front of Robinho and Pato are berserk! Mazzano is returning to being the first games of incomplete: it is always there to win or score, but then nothing happens, especially if Cassano Lavezzi and there may or may not come on. Now the Giallorossi are fourth last, but with a good margin on the second and with a few points behind Pentacup from the area, which also aims to Holland, as it is to -3 from the playoffs.
HOL - MAZ 1-0 (Robinho)
breath of wind c. ..
DIN - PAU 0-1 (Paponi)
Speciale Alternativo
Diamo spazio anche a Scarwars, una volta che vince! Prestazione positiva del centrocampo, con Kucka e Ramirez su tutti (non per niente sono alle buste in questi giorni…), ma anche la Defence has absolutely forfeited. For once!
Carletto Mazzone tells us: "Blackburn will be represented in this group, so remind Hernanes , both for the goal scored, as both are driving, more than others, their team in this amazing comeback. For OUT choose Amauri : with his move to Parma had deceived all the fans purple, but later proved to be the usual ciofeka.
second day of the semifinals Sunday Pentacup with Independiente-Nexus. The Series concludes Monday, February 28.
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