indomitable Continue the path to the top Fantalotito team, come even close to +4 on the second in the standings, something not seen since the Rezzato Milan Sacchi. The result of all this good organization and team of the moment of some top players, all Cavani Matri! The other teams are fighting each other, taking off points at each other and exchanging positions. The most credible rival bookmakers damage as the formation of Blackburn, followed by Nexus and Globetrotter. We'll see who will be right.
rivalries Worthy
He fought until the final whistle, and indeed even after the teams wanted to win this match! For both, in fact, would were three important points: the purple back to the penultimate place in the standings and why the missing victory by 5 rounds; mazzanesi to not scare away teams head too. Among the other players went to the sign is far from the scores for several reasons, but the reasons for both teams led to these results.
DIN - MAZ 2-2 (Vucinic, Amauri - Cesar, Cambiasso)
Cyclone biancoblu
Fifth straight win for Wenger's men, so that they reach the third place overall in the standings, with -3 just by verdiblu of Lomu, on the contrary come to the third consecutive defeat! But the reason is: remain "on track" (read the front page on my blog) for too long hurts the performance! Indeed, the superrimonta J. Zanetti and members are being made in the anonymity almost absolute. From the sporting point of view, however, is the midfield biancoblu that drags the rest of the team, as evidenced by two of today's networks.
GLO - BLA 0-3 (Sanchez, Hernanes, Floro Flores)
Attack attack attack attack
If Blackburn has a great midfield, we have to say that Astrakhan has a very good attack, with two players in top form as precisely Matri Cavani. And so the Kazakhs remain at the top, even extending a 4 i punti di vantaggio! In questo testa-coda, però, Allupathos non esce ridimensionathos, dato che la prestazione è stata più che decente e che ha dato del filo da torcere ai primi della classe. Vedremo ora il mercato quali novità porterà.
ALL - ASK 1-2 (Toni - Matri, Cavani)
Sfida tra bomber
Il duello a distanza tra Di Natale ed Eto’o è stato vinto dal camerunense, e così Nexus ha ottenuto una vittoria preziosissima (la terza nelle ultime cinque giornate) in chiave classifica. Infatti i neroverdi restano a tre punti da Blackburn, la squadra più in forma, e si avvicinano proprio ai rossi di Calatrava. Per questi ultimi la defeat comes after three consecutive victories, slowing down a bit 'the way, but leaving intact any future possibility.
IND - NEX 1-2 (Di Natale - Eto'o, Eto'o)
Vince man
According to you who wins between a tractor and a Pastor? In the game of football, and specifically in this match, won the midfield River, and with him the whole team. Of course, the opponent has taken the field with a couple of defections, but the red and white these days would have been able to finish the match assets with zero goals. Instead, the sample is loaded on the shoulders Argentine team, has left the tractor to hoe and ran to victory, even the second row! New Holland is fourth last and was overtaken in the standings, but there is nothing serious and there is time to recover.
HOL - RIV 0-1 (Shepherd)
Fantasia in power
Another vibrant and well-played game by both teams, both led their men from the purest fantasy: Ilicic on one side and the other Snejider . But the difference they made the real bomber: Miccoli is scored, no Pazzini, despite the excellent moment of form. And just watching the match seemed to attend
two teams at the top, and not Two teams from limbo. Zyp stops after two consecutive victories, Paulaner again after six games in which he had just tied or lost. But both are ready for new comebacks!
PAU - Zyp 2-1 (Miccoli, Ilicic - Snejider)
Special Cup
They played the quarterfinals of the League Cup, both the return and the two play-off post-return. The result is that the Fab Four, as cool as they say, are Nexus and Allupathos, at the top of the board, and Mazza and Blackburn at the bottom. Congratulations to both of the four teams!
Sunday there will be Blackburn-Independiente as the first challenge to the semifinals of Pentacup
rivalries Worthy

He fought until the final whistle, and indeed even after the teams wanted to win this match! For both, in fact, would were three important points: the purple back to the penultimate place in the standings and why the missing victory by 5 rounds; mazzanesi to not scare away teams head too. Among the other players went to the sign is far from the scores for several reasons, but the reasons for both teams led to these results.
DIN - MAZ 2-2 (Vucinic, Amauri - Cesar, Cambiasso)
Fifth straight win for Wenger's men, so that they reach the third place overall in the standings, with -3 just by verdiblu of Lomu, on the contrary come to the third consecutive defeat! But the reason is: remain "on track" (read the front page on my blog) for too long hurts the performance! Indeed, the superrimonta J. Zanetti and members are being made in the anonymity almost absolute. From the sporting point of view, however, is the midfield biancoblu that drags the rest of the team, as evidenced by two of today's networks.
GLO - BLA 0-3 (Sanchez, Hernanes, Floro Flores)
Attack attack attack attack
If Blackburn has a great midfield, we have to say that Astrakhan has a very good attack, with two players in top form as precisely Matri Cavani. And so the Kazakhs remain at the top, even extending a 4 i punti di vantaggio! In questo testa-coda, però, Allupathos non esce ridimensionathos, dato che la prestazione è stata più che decente e che ha dato del filo da torcere ai primi della classe. Vedremo ora il mercato quali novità porterà.
ALL - ASK 1-2 (Toni - Matri, Cavani)
Il duello a distanza tra Di Natale ed Eto’o è stato vinto dal camerunense, e così Nexus ha ottenuto una vittoria preziosissima (la terza nelle ultime cinque giornate) in chiave classifica. Infatti i neroverdi restano a tre punti da Blackburn, la squadra più in forma, e si avvicinano proprio ai rossi di Calatrava. Per questi ultimi la defeat comes after three consecutive victories, slowing down a bit 'the way, but leaving intact any future possibility.
IND - NEX 1-2 (Di Natale - Eto'o, Eto'o)
Vince man
According to you who wins between a tractor and a Pastor? In the game of football, and specifically in this match, won the midfield River, and with him the whole team. Of course, the opponent has taken the field with a couple of defections, but the red and white these days would have been able to finish the match assets with zero goals. Instead, the sample is loaded on the shoulders Argentine team, has left the tractor to hoe and ran to victory, even the second row! New Holland is fourth last and was overtaken in the standings, but there is nothing serious and there is time to recover.
HOL - RIV 0-1 (Shepherd)
Fantasia in power
Another vibrant and well-played game by both teams, both led their men from the purest fantasy: Ilicic on one side and the other Snejider . But the difference they made the real bomber: Miccoli is scored, no Pazzini, despite the excellent moment of form. And just watching the match seemed to attend
PAU - Zyp 2-1 (Miccoli, Ilicic - Snejider)
Special Cup
They played the quarterfinals of the League Cup, both the return and the two play-off post-return. The result is that the Fab Four, as cool as they say, are Nexus and Allupathos, at the top of the board, and Mazza and Blackburn at the bottom. Congratulations to both of the four teams!
Sunday there will be Blackburn-Independiente as the first challenge to the semifinals of Pentacup
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