Punctual as the law of retaliation, this day was the exact opposite of the past and was completely in favor of Astrakhan. Although the Kazakhs have lost, the same fate hit the rivals (Globetrotter and Blackburn), leaving unchanged the championship lead. They moved instead to the formation of the core list, even though in reality everything has remained as before, just because we have moved en bloc.
The rule of 9
the ninth game you stop winning streak Blackburn, are about 9 points separating the two teams in this match, dominated by neroverdi superprestazioni thanks to its attackers. For once megacentrocampo Wenger set to fail, and so all the training biancoblu affected. Luckily for both of there before they stopped for a moment, so the run can continue (Nexus is the second consecutive win) or continue (Blackburn will certainly return as soon as possible with the victory speech, remember that it is a great chick ...) .
NEX - BLA 2-0 (Eto'o, Di Vaio)
Farewell Fantalotito
If it ever existed, now the famous Fantalotito group has dropped its being. Second consecutive defeat for the Kazakhs, in addition to the work of so-called friends team, and third match without a win. He is happy to go back to alternating current. River instead confirms the good form of the Third Round, reaching the fourth win in five games: continuing this amazing journey of salvation and other results will certainly be achieved. Astrakhan, meanwhile, must hope that Cavani Matri to reinitiate to score.
RIV - ASK 1-0 (Palacio)
Continue hope
important victory for the yellow and blue, because it allows them to remain at +1
on the dynamics, and hence the relegation zone, e di avvicinare inoltre altre due compagini, col fine di invischiarle nella lotta per non arrivare penultimi. Una di queste è proprio New Holland, reduce dalla seconda sconfitta consecutiva (la quinta in otto match) proprio in uno scontro semidiretto. Zidanes, invece, ritorna alla vittoria dopo quattro partite, in cui aveva raccolto la miseria di un punto (il pareggio contro Allupathos). Ora le sfide si faranno sempre più tese ed importanti, vedremo come se la caveranno queste formazioni (e le altre, ovviamente).
HOL - ZYP 0-2 (Maccarone, Pazzini)
Pareggio sì o no?
ben 10 turni (il match del Secondo Round contro Paulaner) gli uomini di Calatrava no tie: for their luck (or skill) are the most victories (6) defeats (4), even though they had started the third round with three setbacks. Now it seems the recovery began. What you can not say Mazza, who has not won for seven shifts, having trimmed at least three: the magnificent trio of attackers is slowly dying out, in turn give some sign of life, but never all together. Now the fans wait for the return of Lavezzi. While fans of the Reds are hoping very much that the magic moment of Christmas never ends!
IND - MAZ 2-0 (Di Natale, Cossu)
final sinking?
"For us it will be 11 finals, we can not do otherwise "- so it was said before the game today ... Fantaboniperti pity that he alone in the club think so, given that the players and the coach enter the field with the mentality of those who are already defeated and relegated . For its part Paulaner no discounts, does indeed show, thanks to a renewed and Sculli Mutu, who is slowly going in the schedules of the team, among other things helping to get the third win in five games. The cobalt continue fasting from scoring (fourth consecutive match without scoring) and victory (the sixth game without the three points), we hope, for them, they start a Lent to the contrary!
ALL - PAU 0-3 (Sculli, Mutu, Sculli)
little revenge
The purple came from two defeats in clashes with verdiblu, and they chose perhaps the best
to bounce back: through these three points, in fact, remain in the wake of Zidanes for salvation and reaching Mazzano and New Holland. Merit Vucinic, because the other strikers continue to pity. Globetrotter remains attached to the backside of Astrakhan, but loses a chance to leapfrogged: If Ibrahim does not mark or no assists, no tripe for cats! Among other things Dinamo curls the second consecutive victory after eight games without.
GLO - DIN 0-1 (Vucinic)
Special SeiNazioni
It ended the preliminary stage of the tournament, with a very strange day, because all the matches ended in a draw (the exact opposite of the championship), confirming that which was ultimately previous classification. So enter the final Virle and Country; congratulations to them!
IN & OUT of the class would be too easy to say Eto'o, and then we say Sculli today has dragged his team to victory, becoming the darling of the public neroarancio.
Nell'OUT we can not put Eduardo goalkeeper Allupathos of: he puts all the poor there, but it is not help their team.
The rule of 9
the ninth game you stop winning streak Blackburn, are about 9 points separating the two teams in this match, dominated by neroverdi superprestazioni thanks to its attackers. For once megacentrocampo Wenger set to fail, and so all the training biancoblu affected. Luckily for both of there before they stopped for a moment, so the run can continue (Nexus is the second consecutive win) or continue (Blackburn will certainly return as soon as possible with the victory speech, remember that it is a great chick ...) .
NEX - BLA 2-0 (Eto'o, Di Vaio)
If it ever existed, now the famous Fantalotito group has dropped its being. Second consecutive defeat for the Kazakhs, in addition to the work of so-called friends team, and third match without a win. He is happy to go back to alternating current. River instead confirms the good form of the Third Round, reaching the fourth win in five games: continuing this amazing journey of salvation and other results will certainly be achieved. Astrakhan, meanwhile, must hope that Cavani Matri to reinitiate to score.
RIV - ASK 1-0 (Palacio)
Continue hope
important victory for the yellow and blue, because it allows them to remain at +1
HOL - ZYP 0-2 (Maccarone, Pazzini)
Pareggio sì o no?
IND - MAZ 2-0 (Di Natale, Cossu)
final sinking?
"For us it will be 11 finals, we can not do otherwise "- so it was said before the game today ... Fantaboniperti pity that he alone in the club think so, given that the players and the coach enter the field with the mentality of those who are already defeated and relegated . For its part Paulaner no discounts, does indeed show, thanks to a renewed and Sculli Mutu, who is slowly going in the schedules of the team, among other things helping to get the third win in five games. The cobalt continue fasting from scoring (fourth consecutive match without scoring) and victory (the sixth game without the three points), we hope, for them, they start a Lent to the contrary!
ALL - PAU 0-3 (Sculli, Mutu, Sculli)
little revenge
The purple came from two defeats in clashes with verdiblu, and they chose perhaps the best
GLO - DIN 0-1 (Vucinic)
Special SeiNazioni
It ended the preliminary stage of the tournament, with a very strange day, because all the matches ended in a draw (the exact opposite of the championship), confirming that which was ultimately previous classification. So enter the final Virle and Country; congratulations to them!
IN & OUT of the class would be too easy to say Eto'o, and then we say Sculli today has dragged his team to victory, becoming the darling of the public neroarancio.
Nell'OUT we can not put Eduardo goalkeeper Allupathos of: he puts all the poor there, but it is not help their team.
Sunday Pentacup last semi-final between Blackburn and Nexus. Formations before 17:45 on Friday 11 March!
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