(Simon Guarani Catua)
few days ago was the National Meeting of Regional Organizations of Indigenous Peoples in Buenos Aires. More than 30 Indian nations. Both Simon Catua Guarani like Luciano kolla Paniqui be part of a computer graphics (in the daily Tiempo Argentino) in which we are working, along with journalist Ramiro Barreiro. Photographic production belongs to Daniel Baca and Maximilian Luna, who worked taking into account the subsequent use in computer graphics. A real work team.
(The kolla Luciano Paniqui)
And this team has to do with that we seek in the workshops that we in newspapers in Latin America. Because while journalists, photographers, graphic and displays will spend several hours together, their activities do not always recognize a new concept of work: solidarity editorial.
We left the responsibility of the newspapers in the hands of journalists. But today in the wake of bad graphics, poor photography, illustration and design empty without content, newspapers are going through a crisis.
The solution is solidarity editorial is nothing to establish a network where the journalist think more visually and designers, photographers and Web designer, think journalistically.
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