Thursday, December 10, 2009

Funky Enamel Jewellery

trial for rape femicide

Famous dell.Avvoc harangue. Tina Lagostena Netherlands in "Process for rape", a documentary shot in del'79 court in Latin America, directed by Loretta Dordi, with the English title A Trial for Rape was presented at the Berlin Film Festival, winner of the Prix Italy and received a nomination for documentaries International Emmy Award. He still keeps a copy at the MOMA in New York. The victim was a young movie of the process 18 years of Latin, Fiorella, who denounced the group for rape of four men, including Rocco Vallone, an acquaintance. Fiorella, illegal workers, said to have been invited to a house in Valley to discuss a proposal for a permanent job. Lagostena Netherlands defender was part of civile.L 'attitude mental emerged in court was that a woman of good morals "could not be raped, that if there had been violence, it clearly had to have been caused by an improper attitude on the part of women, that if there was a demonstration of physical violence or rebellion occurred, the victim must have consented.

"President, Judges,

I think first I should explain something: why we women are present in this process. I mean first of all, Fiorella, then her friends in attendance, and I, who are here primarily as a woman and then as a lawyer. That means our presence? Here, we demand justice. We are not asking a conviction severe, heavy, exemplary, not interested in the sentence. We want you in this room there is vindicated, and it is a different thing. What do we mean when we ask for justice, as women? We ask that even in courtrooms, and through what happens in court, you change what is the socio-cultural conception of our country are beginning to acknowledge that the woman is not an object. We women have decided, and Fiorella in this case on behalf of all of us - we are only in part, because his is an independent decision - to seek justice. Here, this is our request.
And yes, I will not be very long, but unfortunately I have yet to take place, and forgive me colleagues, that if by this college it was in this case, Fiorella, but they treated women, as women and not as objects, yet the defense of rapists only sees women as objects, with the utmost contempt, and I assure you, this is yet another process that I do, and as usual the usual defense that I feel. They will tell the defendant, held that the defense is already in broad terms we understand. I hope to be able to have the strength to hear - do not always have it, I confess - I had the strength to hear, and not have to be ashamed, as a woman and as a lawyer for the gown that together carry. Because the defense is sacred and inviolable, it is true. But neither of us lawyers - and here I speak as a lawyer - would dream of setting a defense to robbery as you set the trial for rape. None of the lawyers would say in the case of four robbers with violence enter into a jewelry store and take away the joys, the assets are sure to be defended, well, no lawyer would dream of starting defense, which starts through the first suggestions given to the accused , to say the robbers "Okay, but say the jeweler has an unclear past, say that the jeweler has fenced at the end, he committed the offenses of receiving, say that the jeweler a bit 'is a usurer, who speculates that earns , which evades taxes! "
Here, no one dream of doing such a defense, muddying the injured party only. And nobody would even in the case of proletarian expropriations - but these are lawyers who certainly do not defend anyone who does proletarian expropriation. And then I wonder, because if instead of four gold objects, the object of the offense is a woman of flesh and blood, because you can do a job to the girl? And this is a standard practice, the process to women, the real suspect is the woman. And excuse my frankness, if you do so, it is male solidarity, because only if the woman is transformed into a charge, the only way you get that do not make complaints of rape. I do not want to talk about Fiorella, I think it's come here to humiliate a woman say "is not a whore." A woman has the right to be whatever he wants, and without defenders. And I'm no defender of women Fiorella, I'm the prosecutor in a certain way of doing jobs for violence, and it is a different thing.
Everything you try to mess. This girl, desperate for work - and what do you do? undeclared work, while if he went to the streets, would not need to go for 70,000 lire a month to work from Jordan, because so much was his gain. Think of a rape by four, which lasted one afternoon with a kidnapping in a villa, is evaluated 2,000,000. The silence of Fiorella worth 1,000,000, instead. This, please take this into account, for the purpose of examining the adequacy of the supply of such damages. Well, it has 1,000,000, and Fiona, I repeat yet it is a girl who would need money - but he only wants to work neatly, even if it is illegal work, if it is used as a work, but want to earn money only by his work - he pretends to accept, he gained a few hours, I am not re-read everything he says, "We'll talk about tomorrow." Why tomorrow? Are 7:30 am, at 8, there are other phone calls, she answers "I do not want to see it now" at 11 is already at the police station. But the sergeant was all too clear when he said "When I went to stop the Gorge, where the expected, and said - Yes, the facts of Fiorella, are here for the facts of Fiorella. ", we heard just now. But if the facts of Fiorella was that they had had a relationship for a fee, not to payment, but with a consenting woman, but as one would expect the police? "And then the second part: they are questioned by the prosecution in Regina Coeli, and the defender has not yet intervened to give suggestions, and then what do they do? deny. While the sergeant confirmed to have had carnal relations, because both have also said, in front of the PM deny, deny the obvious. But who ever said that you need the gun, which takes a beating? In the Middle Ages, yes, he said, when he spoke, and remember, the jurisprudence of the last decade, the face lattice puellae. We are no longer anchored to prove this "welcome to the girl violence" that is cloaked in modesty. In 1977-78 the customs are different. If a woman wants to go with a guy, there is, more simply, and not talking about grid puellae face or that of the resistance, also a beautiful sentence, destined to fall like the walls of Jericho.

Fiorella On behalf of and on behalf of all women, there are many, but the hour is late and we want justice. And in fact I ask you this: justice. We are not asking for convictions, not interest us. But to do justice to Fiorella, and through your decision you will make justice to women, all women, also and above all to those who are closer, even to poor women for their misfortune are close to the accused. This is the justice that we ask. With regard to compensation, I told you: a penny for Fiorella, this girl so venal, who went with men for money, right?, And on which you are throwing mud, throwing mud in both hands. Well, this girl wants a pound so venal, and wants the amount deemed referred to the Centre of Justice to combat violence against women, because they are less and less violence, because women who have the courage to use the courts to be more and more. "


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