Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sailor Jerry's Bottle Inside

Raia (AQ) the country of cherry

The cherry trees have always had a large development in the territory of Raia. As the first fruit that ripens after the severe winters in the rural culture of Raiano are produced in large quantities, all families had their own plants and at the beginning of last century, the crop was sold in the town square, in a great and unique market. This custom gave rise to "Maggiolata", a festival of choirs from Abruzzo, became over the years, the Cherry Festival.

The festival is renewed for 55 years now, the second Sunday in June, with a day of gastronomy but also of culture, with parades of floats and festival costumes.

Cherry Queen as the day that calls for very many years an ever more 'numerous but also an opportunity to pass on traditional values \u200b\u200band customs of the Valle Peligna always full of delicious fruit.

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