Thursday, November 25, 2010

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Today, November 25th, we celebrate the International Day Against Violence Against Women, proclaimed by the UN.
In Italy participating in several events organized in various cities can be for a moment believe that something is changing and that something can change. Against an absolute silence, broken by some courageous witness, the women begin to take, first, awareness of the problem. And this is an important step.
Still, better to observe the phenomenon, the consequences can not be that pessimistic. P before tarting everything from a reflection: in the various meetings, debates, exhibitions, book presentations and video documentaries that deal with this issue, the audience is predominantly female. The men counted on the fingers of the hand or not at all.
men if they pull out. As if the problem does not concern them.
Yet they are the architects. Yet something is really necessary to change their participation. Instead they hide behind the wall of indifference.
For this reason, they do not want to see and hear them as the problem, I think, impossible at present to be optimistic, because the battle against gender violence a battle is mainly cultural.
interesting reflection in this regard by Lidia Ravera, heading the Unit on 11 August 2010, entitled "We do not rape"

A 24-year old deaf-mute, a 17 year old French, 6enne a child. And those are just in the past, then there will be those of tomorrow. Raped, raped, abused. A constant in the news. The theorem of the defense: they were willing, we were (all less than 6 years). A naïve question: why not us? Why women do not rape men? Never read a Mariatizietta which seizes the body of the boy with whom he flirted at the disco and uses it freely without regard to the pleasure / displeasure / rejection of him? It is a matter of physical strength? I do not think it would be sufficient sceglierseli skinny or shoot with a club from her bag. It is because the 'male says no' does not exist in nature? I do not think, have a headache, too, from time to time. It's because no one suggests you do violence to a man to be considered a "real woman"?

feminicide, or the gender-based violence against women as women, are a concern and growing in the 'last decade has increased significantly. From the report of 2008 of Eures-Ansa on "voluntary homicide in Italy" is one in four in the family and the victim is a woman. The killers in the home are more frequent in the north and Lombardy is the first in the standings. Sometimes the violence is preceded by episodes of stalking. In 2010, according to figures released by the inquiry of the House of Bologna women, women as women are killed 115. A growing phenomenon , comparing this with previous years: 101 in 2006, 107 in 2007, 112 in 2008, 119 in 2009. The victims are mostly Italian (70.8%) and Italian murderers (76%). Interestingly, in the press that reports the news of gender violence, cases are transformed according to the status of the aggressor. When in fact the man who kills a foreigner talking about honor killing, and when the man who kills is talking about Italian crime of passion, meaningless facts and decontextualizing kind of violence.
violence against women must therefore be regarded as a complex, multifaceted and mass. In Italy there has never been a global action against gender violence in Spain-as is, until a few decades ago, "honor killings" were protected by Italian law. Emblematic Articles 587 and 544 of the Rocco code, the first who reduced the punishment with the excuse for those who defended their honor, the second legalizing the shotgun wedding. Only in 1981, surrenders to the cancellation of these standards. Should be remembered that until 1996 (with the law n ° 66 "Rules against sexual violence" rape was punished as a crime against the person and not against morality and decency) remained in force on the section of the Code Rocco, for such as rape breached public morality and not the person.


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