Today, November 25th, we celebrate the International Day Against Violence Against Women, proclaimed by the UN.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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Today, November 25th, we celebrate the International Day Against Violence Against Women, proclaimed by the UN.
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plans to live in limbo or to stand up to the upper floors?
gives us a few adjectives for Menez? Menez is Jeremyyyy-evanescent quality. Same thing as before: two years che non lo puntiamo, e due anni che poi è nella rosa Dinamo. E' un po' il pupillo, insieme a Ljajic, ma se Adem ci era stato segnalato dai nostri osservatori e quindi rappresentava un obiettivo, Jeremy arriva sempre quasi a sorpresa.

La stupisce vedere Globetrotter in testa? Ad inizio campionato do not be surprised about anything. There is no market, then you can not change much compared to what was done at auction. Globetrotters are a team very good and varied, although I believe Nexus the most suitable for the title, followed by another 2 / 3 teams including the inbred Astrakhan. We are back there ... for now.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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Going to dig in this conservative region like the Veneto, there emerge some paths of women, which reveal a 'common history is not made of other struggles, active participation and everyday resistance against the property and traditional societies. In analyzing their "lives against" you have to start with three important points: the first is to consider their battles not experience sporadic and random but the result of a consistent and conscious choice. The second is the gap between symbol and reality both in the social representation that nell'autorappresentazione of the first women elected, the third point, which is also common in the history of women is concerned with the problematic issue of non-recognition of their important contributions and actions in various fields.
The biggest names in women of this region are those of Tina Anselmi ( Partisan, union, politics (CD), first woman minister in Italy, his political contribution should be the law on equal opportunities, the work of the Committee of Inquiry into the P2 and the law of the reform on the National Health Service) and Lina Merlin, the figure on which I dwell, because in my opinion confines itself clearly and emblematic of all three points mentioned above. Emblematic, in its context, the question of the "deafening silence" fell over his the OMMITMENT essential in diverse socio-political sectors (the clandestine struggle during the Resistance of Lombardy, to involvement in the Socialist party, active participation in the work of the Constituent Assembly, in its commitment to the events of Polesine to policy interventions aimed at women and to women as senator and MP). The historical memory of all this kept her for a long time, and especially in public law and not scientific, only its law on the regulation of prostitution, which was approved in 1958, thus diminishing one of the few key figures in the Second World War and active in the processes of social advancement and cultural of the country. . Monacchini Rosetta Remember her
[ ... ] For what I remember he never accepted a compromise, neither the party nor the other. He worked a lot. The next morning at 8.30 was already in the Senate and went late at night. When should not be a party to the Commission or in the classroom or not speak to anyone, he began to read, to study. Prepared with great thoroughness every bill, every agenda, every question, or interpellation motion. Everything he did he did a very good job very seriously. It was never safe. He did not like the notoriety. This notoriety that gave the law I think the Merlin has more upset that her happy ..
His political battles were all somehow "double" as the first fight which was to take was - first of all as a woman-against Environment and misogynist men who surrounded her. Scrolling his life there are some aspects that stand out at all such as your first be the "first" women in different fields, his interest continued throughout his political life, turned to the rights of el women 'decisive contribution of some of his speeches, mostly forgotten and buried by the collective memory.
E'infatti 's only woman who achieved prominence in the party locally and nationally, enjoying considerable personal prestige and considerable political influence; t mong the 14 constituents of the Venetian PSIUP only Lina Merlin is part of the Committee of 75, included in the Third Committee, the Economic and Social Rights and Duties. Lina Merlin was the first woman ("note without being a wife and mother of someone) to speak in the Senate of the Italian Republic, June 10, 1948," before the assembly that never before 'then he heard a woman's voice' and the first woman to hold meetings and have responsibility for leadership in peasant villages in the Veneto. This character involved in some way exceptional, for a woman like her in that particular policy was continuing battles for the conquest and safeguarding the rights of women who were going to undermine the system of male privilege, isolation and a general mistrust, which in the historical reconstruction that if n 'is done after they had an important place.
the center of the Merlin's action was in fact the program to take effect as much as possible the equality of women in the workplace, in society and the professions, considering these points, a crucial first step of democratic progress . in the work to the Constituent Assembly, played an important role not only formal but substantial, the weight who was able to engage in the drafting of certain passages such as the third article of the Constitution as we know it today, which states explicitly the equality of men and women and that still represents a starting point to which to refer to any reform gender. As rapporteur on the issue of economic and social guarantees of the family, demanded equal rights, a system of guaranteed minimum pensions and assistance. In 1947 in the class debate on the rules relating to the Merlin family clearly expressed its disappointment regarding the insertion of the family, and associatole essential term in the Constitution. The work of Merlin about the status of women especially relate to three points: the problem of prostitution, defense of motherhood, the protection of women's work. His interventions are of '51 against dismissal of women who married or became pregnant (as she calls it "our issue"), about the illegitimate children (Order of 1950 that takes away from the identification mark nn unlawful for children born out of wedlock), regarding the problem of incarcerated mothers, widows of employees, and about the legal equality between men and women (achieved only in 1975). In the 60s its activities are mainly concentrated in three areas: equal pay (50 years earlier than the Treaty European Amsterdam), the retirement of the home, keeping their jobs during pregnancy.
His is the most famous post-war social and cultural battle, one for the regulation of prostitution and the so-called closure of brothels. At that time, 750 were registered brothels, prostitutes, 4000, the roving 600. The draft law on ' Abolition of prostitution and the fight against the exploitation of prostitution was introduced in 1948 and adopted ten years later (Act n.75 of 1958) after being opposed by organizations of brothels and shelved in the Senate and the House. About approval not to forget the crucial UN pressure: according to the Convention to enter del'49 Italy should abolish the houses closed, like all other member countries. In fact, Merlin the goal is not to abolish prostitution, but to bring in modern Italy among the European countries had already abolished the regulation of prostitution. In his speeches it is clear that she had not placed as an end, unattainable with a single law, to stop prostitution but to abolish the use state.
The reputation of the law does not exceed the public law, as revealed Fioravanzo fact, it was not the subject of detailed and specialized studies. His fight for the closure of brothels should be rather seen as a revolutionary in that it not only broke with the system of male privilege ("Let us once for all. And how can we accept the submission of a class to a ' other class, we do not allow the submission of women to men "and even" men are to increase prostitution. But women are to be marked ...») but-more importantly-was trying to restore dignity women who pursued the job. Behind the courageous action of the Merlin is in fact the noble principle of protection of personal liberty: for the first time in Italy prostitutes are considered independent people and not a commodity of the state, in turn reviews the female body. It is on this point that the Merlin insists repeatedly.
In closing, I leave the floor to the main character, in respect of a wish that may well still apply today: "Today I work as I can and my deepest desire is that all the old laws, the age-old prejudices and antiquated that prevent women from expressing their best himself from falling, at last, our codes and our malpractice. "
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After the war, the female figures represented in literature and films that deal with the experience of the Resistance are mostly built on prejudices and stereotypes, common in the collective, that reflect the cultural and social backwardness of the time. In my opinion most of the literature dealing with that period, so crucial in defining the new identity for the future democracy, both in terms of male and female, or fails to detach itself from a traditional view of women or to restore an image of dignity and recognize the value of his actions.
Those who come from the pages of official and non-neo-realist literature, are most of the time, extras who play their roles of mother, a prostitute, traitor, always in the background without being able to move from the main protagonists on the scene.
Their positions are not considered in the real value but are undervalued compared to the heroic figure of man at arms, the "true partisan." Their choices are motivated by following the usual code of the sacrifice of feeling, of love and solidarity for women.
From the pages never appear independent women, determined to know why they are there, because they are fighting for what and against whom. "Few are those who can live the resistance from the protagonists, in a constructive manner" 1. Women are drawn as irresponsible, naive and carriers of disorder, all feelings that are found in the testimonies of many women who describe the atmosphere inside the male-partisan. From these testimonies from men use the words unreliable and unable to refer to women. When
play a leading role, as Mara's Girl Bebo (C. Cassola) and Agnes Dell'Agnese goes to die (R. Vigano, one of the few women who s'autorappresentarono), they have a price to pay for their choices: Agnes and her femininity Mara 's identity. Agnes is described as an old woman almost asexual, which carries out its duties as a good mother, and all other figures are figures that revolve around all'Agnese dangerous or inaffidabili.2
Mara is built entirely in function of her lover's lives he and his wife due to ideal (for love rather than for its conviction), he, Bebo, which makes it grow, which opens the eyes, it is through him that the girl mature and slightly naive and superficial found itself. But as I reflect this new Mara? "A I" from the title without a name: it is someone's girlfriend, a member of Bebo, a woman dedicated to the sacrifice of herself, which has its own life and living in the time of waiting. Women's "destiny" and not "choice."
The female figures found in the small masters Meneghello, despite the book was written later in the period analyzed here and an author's outsider status that would allow a more detached from conformity retrograde society Venetian not stand apart from the very stereotypical figures who find themselves in the national literature of that time. In the book
from the first page the woman appears inferior with respect to the protagonist and is first described as a sexual object and as a guerrilla fighter with the gun to the neck. Emblematic the verb used in the first opening sentence indicating the action of her and the first term that describes it: "The Simon was behind me, always gave the impression of being behind, like a puppy."
The girl is described according to its physical attributes, not a word about his personal capacity, "her hair was a bit 'ruffled but without lipstick was fresh and beautiful." Simonetta, beside him, hidden in a tent, is described as carefree, but this actually missing, misplaced and without a specific purpose "spiritually absent", not "curious" but "listless", "always sleepy" precarious "at his side," stove ".
Later in the book, the author betrays a lukewarm acknowledgment about his activism, especially when they work together in Padua, "he abandoned his studies and family as such as us, and we did essentially the same job" 4. In
read the full story, become his girlfriend. The great work
set up spontaneously by the women after the September 8, '43, Meneghello describes it thus: "women seemed to want to cover ourselves with skirts, some felt more or less ", reducing that share to a great charitable maternal code," with a moral choice that more intuitively thought out. "
Another figure that appears in the novel is the partisan Marta (Maria Setti in reality), in describing Meneghello recognizes its high value, its multiple capabilities in various sectors by pointing out that his work was central to the company:
"was truly a remarkable woman. It was everywhere, knew everyone [...] was a nurse, teacher, farmer, interpreter, and had always worked for people, families, individuals and groups. " But in trying to define the reasons for his choice after September 8, the author borrows the usual codes of maternal and female solidarity, "now adopted as his daughter and sister, resistance Vicenza en bloc '7. Marta acting continuously stressed "the humility of his almost ancillary functions, which were really essential: elle organized everything from false documents to disguise, performed all the work of the house where he was the whole company - the" double duty "of a strong-mediated contacts and information, procured loans, business travel and arms. The
Marta reappears later in the story when captured will be tortured with electric shocks and cigarette burns and taken to prison, tortured.
Gina is a relay instead, he lives in the mountains, and runs between the various localities from Vicenza carrying weapons and information in the middle of the German raids. Meneghello remembers it only as a sexual object: Gina is a prey, "a beautiful piece of woman in blouse and trousers. Made me think a bit 'at a weight thrower, a bit' at a vitella8. "When the two sleep in the night near the protagonist thinks," every time my eye fell down on the table-lands of the hips and thighs volumes, blood I was made an air .[...] if I arrive to see peace, I want to get a seat, so even bigger, and take it quassù9.
The other female figures that appear are like contour, suitable for the moments of rest, "morose, classmates and friends" party dress sitting on the grass chatting and bring moments of peace and relief to the male fighters.
Another prime example is the description of the moment of liberation at the end of the book. The figure of Simon with his gun on his back that wants to go, entering the city, the chariot of the allies is defined as "irresponsible", reflecting a common opinion of men and then in the memories of many witnesses: the majority of non-partisan fact had a public recognition of their actions from the very day of liberation.
of the female figures that appear in the novel Martin will be recognized only in real life, Maria Setti Broglio.
about her, not available at the moment but only direct source of reconstructions that refer to other testimony, we know that during the Resistance took part in armed conflicts on the Grappa and the rolling plateau as Toni Giuriolo. In December of '44 was imprisoned and tortured, he could, pretending to be mad, to return freely. Took the silver medal for valor.
interesting as the writing of women is on the brink, in the representation of self, between "what differs" and "what has been described by the dominant culture (S. Stanford Friedman). Anna Bravo to describe the spontaneous mobilization after 8 September '43, women backflushes to register the "mother" for P. Morris, analyzing writing Days of true G. Zangrandi, she explains their actions by denying their femininity and describe, in guerrilla actions, like "to be asexual."
Some women are quiet for a long time.
But that silence is that you must dig, because sometimes these women "are not silent by choice or lack of appropriate word," but because "they lack the audience." The need for narrative models, according to organize the narrative of the experience of listening is crucial to the social availability.
Ida D'Este, partisan Venetian, find a way to reprocess what happened back in Cross , diary-testimony, published in 1953, through the code of Christian sacrifice, her neighbor for education. In Cross back Ida says - and it is said - the three periods of his life-watershed: the experience of rolling in the partisan struggle, imprisonment and detention at the palace Giusti in Bolzano.
The style is bare, sharp, concise, far from rhetoric.
The fact is all filtered through a distorting lens, that of sacrifice, the only code that allows it to describe themselves as active protagonists of history.
Ida seems to know each other only in the sacrifice for the good of others, typical sentiment of renunciation of Christianity. To this image of "woman-sacrifice" seem to draw and identify the lack, at present, other codes of feminine self-representation as possible. It almost seems that the missing words to describe all those experiences, which until then had been closed to women. Without references (before the period of which she was leading the women could not even figure out publicly with a lot of courage to move on the same footing as men) Ida s' imagine if you do not live and not using a pre-existing code, simple suitable in some way to explain to herself and others that the roles had not changed, that what he had lived did not reside nothing exceptional, in that all these sufferings had not been a single woman who dealt with the war, torture and concentration camp with its own strength and resources, but had taken the cross on his back always assisted by God at that time , in the '40s and '50s, for a woman who had experienced the skin experiences that were once reserved only for men was somewhat inconceivable to think otherwise. The men used them in the process of reconstruction of memory, the traditional codes, such as those carried naturally in mother's sacrifice for the humble. It is not unlike Ida, speaking a common alphabet for most to understand, and above all not to lose to be understood.
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Goals and entertainment
The purple points they needed to recover and to show the world (and themselves) to be a good team, the Giallorossi had to win to keep the train championship. The result is a match to face open and attractive. Advantage host with good work from Menez, balance and finesse local within a few minutes and a final draw for Fiorentina with a large share of Borriello. As mentioned, Mazzano stays around the peak at -4, while Dynamo is still in the rear of the rankings (even though he's only three points behind the current opponents ...) but expresses more alive than ever! MAZ
DIN 2-2 (Lavezzi, Crespo - Borriello, Menez)
Vintage lucky
There's nothing to say, when your luck runs you can not stop! Even
BLA 1-1 (Hamsik - Ibra)
Again the Kazakhs
According to derby dyed orange, and this time the victory is more clear onset of 2-1. But there are few excuses for former two-headed, given that there were many men, especially in defense, and that the misfortune made from 12 degrees to the Kazakhs, in particular the action that led to Eduardo all'autogol: could have scored a second before Marchisio! Domenech's men arrive in four games without defeat and climb to second place, the men rushed into the relegation zone of Inspector Rex. ASK ALL
2-0 (Matri, Eduardo own goal)
Goals and surprises
The first surprise is the host advantage after less than a minute of play by Bogdan,
NEX IND 1-1 (Eto'o - Bogdani)
Return winning
Is to Krasic, who was missing from the field by several days. And with the return of Serbian, not only in but also to the goals they are again the spectacular play that had marked previous victories rossoverdi. River and not lose demerit for inattention in the final reserve goalkeeper Castellazzi. Now the red and white not to win 5 games (worst series), they see the train leave league and meanwhile approaching that of salvation! New Holland, however, is doing exactly the opposite.
RIV 1-2 HOL (Floccari - Krasic, May)
Pazzini's double in the first half and game over? Absolutely not, because Mr. Conceicao in the second half pulled the paper out of the hat and Miccoli determination of their team. And so the draw is the fairest result for what we have seen in the field. I can complain Gialloblu for failing to keep the advantage, the arancioneri can say at least satisfied with the positive reaction! With this result Zidanes gets first trim season, while Paulaner stretches to 7 of the strip without losing performance.
Zyp 2-2 PAU (Pazzini, Pazzini - Ilicic, Miccoli)
Special Alternative
ScarWars concludes his staff with a further round of losing 12 games, the seventh, having scraped together only 7 punticino ... but Olympus has launched major players that counts! It will continue to do so.
For location IN no doubt Pazzini! After so many disappointments finalmente trascina la sua squadra, anche se non alla vittoria, ma almeno segna!
Per la posizione OUT abbiamo un parimerito tra Eto’o ed Eduardo : il primo perché con la testata si becca la squalifica e lascia la sua squadra Nexus per un paio di giornate senza l’attaccante principe. Il portiere portoghese perché finora nessuno aveva preso 0.5, tra gol subiti e autogol fatti.
Domenica prima giornata dei quarti di Pentacup, con le sfide Blackburn-Nexus e Independiente-Zidanes.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Flavour Gold Metal Core
The question of the unfinished emancipation of women is part of, without losing its characteristics, the node is still open on the history of Italian national identity within a more general framework of an "incomplete democracy." Women in the Second World War were in fact the center of complicated issues such as the legacy of fascism, the backwardness of a society that blocked any level of innovation and the reconstruction of a memory suitable for national reconciliation. Elda Guerra talks about this "asymmetrical citizenship," referring to the traditional roles that were imposed during the post-conflict reconstruction to women who had participated in numerous Resistance and "crossed the threshold of the polis."
Despite the recognition of women's fundamental rights in the Constitution (equality before the law and the formal labor market, the right to vote and stand) will be kept to the criminal law and civil law family of emptying of the fascist era essentially these same constitutional principles.
Rocco's penal code of 1930, despite some changes after the fall of fascism, is still in force and its development and its fundamental institutions. In 1988 she was appointed by the minister of justice yet another commission to reform the penal code but the draft of the 1992 reform did not Parliament had no outlet.
Up to 1996 (Law No. 66 "Provisions against sexual violence") remained in force on the section of the Rocco Code, which states that rape breached public morality and not the person. Article 544 of the Penal Code was approved the shotgun wedding.
regard to the issue of family law, unlike the statute that Albert did not contain provisions on the family, the Republican Constitution provides for several provisions regarding the family and dedicates it to specific rules (Articles 29, 30, 31). These rules outline a picture of the family founded on the principles of freedom and autonomy in respect of the personality of individual members. The Republic recognizes the rights the family as a natural society founded on marriage, based on the moral and legal equality of spouses. But the reform of family law of the Civil Code of 1942 will take place only in 1975 (Act May 19, 1975, No. 151, "Reform of family law"): until then, women could be treated like children in a dependent and inferior to her husband. Family law, codified in 1942, he conceived of a family based on the subordination of the wife to her husband, both in personal relationships than in the capital and in a couple's relationship and, as regards the children, of discrimination against those born out of wedlock. The reform abolished the main discrimination '75 relations between husband and wife successors, and personal property (such as both parents were laid to parental authority, the community of property was abolished and the institution of dowry).
access for women to positions of the Judiciary was not explicitly accepted by the Constituent Assembly, which rejected the amendment to add the article on judicial appointments: "Women have access to all kinds and grades of the judiciary", emptying content of Article 51 of the Constitution: "All citizens of either sex are eligible for public offices and elected positions on equal terms."
Aldo Moro in 1956 launched the law that closed his courtroom doors to women, who will have access only to juries with a maximum of three out of six (which normally remain in force until 1978) and juvenile courts. Only in 1963 the Law Implementing Article 66. 51 of the Constitution, admitting women to all public office regardless of career and limitations of a degree.
By two judgments of 19 December 1968 the Constitutional Court will remove the article on the different treatment of male and female adultery and the analogue of the Criminal Code. This process of winning women's fundamental rights to implement the equal conditions set forth in the Constitution, which began after World War II by winning the vote and extends to the whole Italian history until today, outlines the contradiction of a newly democratic republic in which women, until the '70s, they could vote and be voted on at the same time were held in a inferior status within the family.
That "wind" of the North, that "everything is possible" dream of when you fight the Resistance, was blocked by power relations of a cold war that was taking shape: the game is played within the limits set by the country's international position and the relative strength of parties.
The causes of this discrepancy is found not only in the strength of the pressures on the Catholic society and politics but also in the line of compromise between the two dominant parties of the time (DC and PCI) on the issue of civil rights.
Women in World War II suffered a "double injustice": their exclusion from public view not only was it only in the actual dynamics, political-institutional, but also in terms of collective imagination.
In the postwar period the question of the reconstruction of memory, and how and who ferried ferried took what was of decisive importance. For the period in question, the actor who was mainly male, what a reproduction of traditional female roles, and as assumed the character of a devaluation of women's experiences of a public relegated to subordinate roles, private and invisible, "a cancellation of women as separate entities to bring them back to the image rather reassuring, smooth and flat on the gender of the mother. Emblematic of the contradictions that crossed the society of the time the female protagonist appears in The Honourable Angelina of Luigi Zampa (1947), based on a true story, set in the Roman town of Pietralata. Angelina (Anna Magnani) is the star of the screen and his character seems to represent the end of the year for women's subordination and silence throughout the course of their film 'baccagliar' for achievements such as daily bread, a bus stop , decent housing. The theme of rebellion and the clash between two different mindsets, one male and one female, reigns supreme in the film, in which the husband is often marginalized and ridiculed. But the final conciliatory (a return to "normal" life, surrender to the policy of Angelina and the subjugation of woman to her husband) confirms the conservative vision of the role women should play in society.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What R The Effets Of Oxycotto
Primultimi - Balzano immediately apparent the first and last of the league. But if the staff Globetrotter
Points and ... oday - And if we look at the charts total score, is a bit 'to see which species and Paulaner Globetrotter, the first two in the standings, occupy the fourth-last and third last place, but only because Zidanes did worse in all of them and why Mazzano missing a game ... The first line in this case is Nexus, followed by River 10 points, 10 points followed by Dinamo. Wanting to see, in addition to
absolute novelty - In conclusion of these initial observations, our mathematics
Mister X - There are teams that like or teams that win or lose, or prefer to draw rather than lose. In the first case was cited Zidanes , he never drew, the defeat coming in 7 times (all-time record ... and all four victories were achieved with only one goal difference) in the second we are talking about Dinamo, capable of impacting the outcome in 5 occasions (including two for 0-0, two 1-1, one for 2-2), compared with three wins and three defeats. For the record, we find Zidanes after the aforementioned New Holland and Blackburn, while there are Paulaner and after Dinamo River.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Bus No. Which Reaches Stella Maris College
MAZ BLA 3-2 (Totti, Zarate, Iaquinta - Candreva, Gilardino)
that there has been the return of the giant ? Test of strength and power, and perhaps even anger, for Wenger's men, against one of the most successful teams in the form of the moment ... But the need for points was stronger than everything. In fact, even the most mysterious object Zarate has given a move, dragging his companions to a good victory but it seems useless, because even direct competitors have moved the table. stop deck instead sees his enviable road map, but the ranking is still short.
Zyp DIN 2-1 (Floro Flores, Biagianti - Marques)

HOL 1-2 IND (Frog - Christmas, Christmas)
Derby finished the largest of the Philippines, with a sumptuous Totò Di Natale, now author of a performance worthy of the name. And waiting for the best Milito and some market intervention, for now at Calatrava enough. Also because the face is certainly not an opponent off (despite just one win in the last 5 days), which creates good deeds even if less dangerous. CAI hooked it the of the first train, while Holland has to start watching their backs .
Best way to get the record there could be lonely: Ibra ruler of the attacking and dominating Handanovic in your area. Then if we put the wrong choice of Mr. Baggio (who is rumored whipped through the night for leaving home Shepherd), compared with those of Mr. Lomu hit, the score seems even close to the verdiblu. That at once take away the deep and a bad customer. River must forget as soon as this ugly episode and look forward.
0-0 NEX TO
Although there has been no marked nets, the game was beautiful and exciting and the result never granted. Responsible for Nexus, which proves immediately took the lead and to manage the game, but also thanks to a super-Eduardo and a dam-Aquilani Marchisio truly unsurpassed, even ready to start again on the break. In short, both needed to move the chart, each for their own goals, and so it was, even though a victory would have been better. But for those who ?!?
ASK 0-0 Draw PAU
dull and written. Both coaches said their players seem to have a rest after midweek, even though schierino the best possible. But obviously both a punticino was convenient, and so here is the cookie! The only people who are trying to do something
Special Pentacup
These knockout Pentacup ended with the removal, a little 'surprise, the first in the standings in the league: Globetrotter, in fact, has earned a measly point in all the matches, the Instead of the championship and just the opposite of Blackburn, last in the standings but in the very first Pentacup. power of the cups.
Special League Cup midweek
Cause commitment is not released any comment on the League Cup group: here it is. For the first time it has had to resort to any play-off because everything is defined in the time and right ways. So greet the competition holders Zidanes (zero goals in three games), former winners of the River (despite a score greater than the second, CAI) and almost twins and Dinamo Astrakhan. Congratulations to all the other teams that have passed the turn!
Back to our most beloved book. The prize for the best of the day certainly takes Ibra : with his goals has dragged his team to the summit. The worst time was Mutu : his return to the field coincided with two games without a goal for his team ... and now it has also been injured!
Sunday the first day of the Second Round will all our chronicles and our attention.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
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The derby between Fantatare Fantabramovic and is presented as a contest between two different philosophies in the interpretation of fantasy: the first gives carte blanche to play their samples while the second prefers maneuvers and choral team spirit. In keeping with this premise for most of the game succeeds in the River to bottle samples Paulaner performance thanks to the usual case of its defenders. The balance is broken even when Samuel's knee, he decided to break and thus eliminated the headquarters of Maginot line, the pocket battleship Qaugliarella strikes and sinks the astonished Mella River. For men Fantabramovic this is the first game without goals made and second in a row with no real goals scored: ok but sometimes the team would be better to risk a little 'more! While Fantatare success comes from the ability to make concrete all its bets league start, Mutu first.

beautiful game between two teams considered by experts to work the most comprehensive and balanced of the lot. Part of the Nexus-6 well, thanks to an invention of Eto'o but the awkward hallway valverdina defense and a lack of attention to the arbitration grant Dinamo two penalties in a very short time and so is a snap to make ahead Borriello Vucinic training purple. On the 10th of the second half Caracciolo, thanks to a wonderful game, leading to three of the men of Fantacorvino goal, the goal is not much of Di Vaio who does nothing but increase the disappointment of not seeing Fantapreziosi deployed an invaluable Kutuzov. The difference between the two teams lies in the careful selection attackers by Mr. Perry: Borriello, Vucinic Caracciolo go peacefully and happily in goal.
BLA-Zyp 0-1 (Inler)

In front are the two teams lined up at the antipodes for favors received from Lady Luck. On the one hand there is the Blackburn Rovers inexplicably is last, while on the other hand there is the highly successful Zidanes y Pavones, a collector of wins 1-0. The game does not take off in any case: the two teams are meeting for most consistently blocked by fear of losing, only a miracle could make it a victory and so the usual luck takes the field and gives to the people of Bobo Vieri's third victory by a score of 1-0. David is now Fantatanzi latest, if it wants to turn a season established for other goals you must get rid al più presto di bidoni del calibro di Adriano. Per quanto riguarda Andrea Fantacairo, bene così: il fantacalcio è un gioco di fortuna!
Quando si parla di dea bendata nel fantacalcio non si può non citare ciò che sta succedendo ai Globetrotters: solo 4 gol subiti e le 5 vittorie ottenute sono tutte con un solo gol di scarto! Bravura? Fatto sta che gli uomini di Fantazamparini sono primi e sembra non abbiano intenzione di fermarsi! New Holland cade nella seconda giornata con buco e senza gol, vanificando quello di buono che ha fatto finora. Altro fattore a favore della fortuna dei verdiblu: Conti prima era fuori rosa, now it's back to play well and score ... ...
IND-ALL 0-2 (Del Piero, circle)
Victory of semi-despair for Del Piero & C, they will not win by three shifts, even earning more results. This time, the effectiveness of captain has relied more than the opponents and the number 10 has dragged the team to victory, to report the excellent performance of Aquilani, Marchisio and panchinaro Search, now playing in just entered. Independiente continues the swing of performance and continues its dependence from Milito.
ASK-MAZ 3-1 (Pinilla, Cavani, Gimenez - Seedorf)
Showdown for the Kazakhs, who put in one of the most successful teams in
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Milena Velba Nadine Jansen Forum
accounts back

Gialloblu Back to the team goals, thanks to perhaps found Pazzini, and as in the previous case, this goal has meant victory. Merit Inler and his companions, but also demerits of Pirlo and his companions, and against an opponent reduced to a man have not been able to achieve a single goal. In summary won the desire of rising Zidanes than the tranquility of Astrakhan. The team leaves Vieri so the last place and saved, for now, the coach, Domenech's team is two points off the top and does not care more much.
Zyp 1-0 ASK (Pazzini)
is probably what led to the pole (and out) Ibrahimovic's shot that could claim the victory of verdiblu. But it is also what prompted the shooting in network clumsy Cossu for a tie that is worth gold. Globetrotter remains undefeated for five days and keep the top spot in cohabitation with River, Independiente remains in limbo pending the ratings of the best times of his attackers, Milito in the first place.
GLO IND 1-1 (Ibra - Cossu)
In Pivex veritas
"If you do not win leaves coach: New Holland is the right team to figure out what to do. "Never were words spoken by a manager and inducing the most appropriate of these. It is so in fact that the purple got their second win of the season after three draws and one defeat. Merit of grit fielded and that Vucinic swinging too, yet crucial whenever he wants. New Holland pay the limited available to attack: Pato play but it hurts, does not play Pandev and leaves her in a less. Both have 10 points too ' them in the limbo of the charts (we like this expression ...)
HOL DIN 1-0 (Vucinic)
The first and second in the standings that face is always an event to follow ... if we go down the field in those who have always (River) or almost always (bat) made at least one goal in each game, the show is guaranteed. In fact, the players took to the field were not spared, resulting in a match in the balance until the end, decided by goal Lavezzi and Asamoah, but also seasoned by the challenge of the collective reviews and samples of the premises. But for a final verdict must await the rest of the season.
MAZ RIV 1-1 (Lavezzi - Asamoah)
Perfect equality

Supporters flocked today to the stadium could not ask for more from the two teams went in the field: goals, performance, and face many changes of pace for an open game. It could only end in a draw thanks to goals from Del Piero and found eternal Sanchez. Totti was sent off in the end, just when the boarding her were trying to double. Now Wenger is biancoblu of the last in the standings (?!?), bench at risk while the cobalt are slightly ahead, but always at risk.
BLA 1-1 ALL (Sanchez - Del Piero)
PAU 2-0 NEX (Quagliarella, Dias)
Special SeiNazioni
Virle triumphal march continues, the only nation with maximum points after two days. It's unfortunate Valtrompia continue running, unique, with Virle, to score in both races, but firm to a poor punticino ... in good company.
IN & OUT OUT: Totti. His candidacy is no objection and more than deserved! To eject a stupid leaves his team in just ten in the climax of the match, and will miss the next important challenge against Zidanes.
IN: Handanovic . One of the secrets of the primacy of Globetrotter is a solid defense, with only four goals conceded. But if you put your goalkeeper to parry even of penalty, there's something to cheer!
fourth day Sunday Pentacup of knockout, with Globetrotter and Zidanes supersfida among the last to leave the place.