Going to dig in this conservative region like the Veneto, there emerge some paths of women, which reveal a 'common history is not made of other struggles, active participation and everyday resistance against the property and traditional societies. In analyzing their "lives against" you have to start with three important points: the first is to consider their battles not experience sporadic and random but the result of a consistent and conscious choice. The second is the gap between symbol and reality both in the social representation that nell'autorappresentazione of the first women elected, the third point, which is also common in the history of women is concerned with the problematic issue of non-recognition of their important contributions and actions in various fields.
The biggest names in women of this region are those of Tina Anselmi ( Partisan, union, politics (CD), first woman minister in Italy, his political contribution should be the law on equal opportunities, the work of the Committee of Inquiry into the P2 and the law of the reform on the National Health Service) and Lina Merlin, the figure on which I dwell, because in my opinion confines itself clearly and emblematic of all three points mentioned above. Emblematic, in its context, the question of the "deafening silence" fell over his the OMMITMENT essential in diverse socio-political sectors (the clandestine struggle during the Resistance of Lombardy, to involvement in the Socialist party, active participation in the work of the Constituent Assembly, in its commitment to the events of Polesine to policy interventions aimed at women and to women as senator and MP). The historical memory of all this kept her for a long time, and especially in public law and not scientific, only its law on the regulation of prostitution, which was approved in 1958, thus diminishing one of the few key figures in the Second World War and active in the processes of social advancement and cultural of the country. . Monacchini Rosetta Remember her
[ ... ] For what I remember he never accepted a compromise, neither the party nor the other. He worked a lot. The next morning at 8.30 was already in the Senate and went late at night. When should not be a party to the Commission or in the classroom or not speak to anyone, he began to read, to study. Prepared with great thoroughness every bill, every agenda, every question, or interpellation motion. Everything he did he did a very good job very seriously. It was never safe. He did not like the notoriety. This notoriety that gave the law I think the Merlin has more upset that her happy ..
His political battles were all somehow "double" as the first fight which was to take was - first of all as a woman-against Environment and misogynist men who surrounded her. Scrolling his life there are some aspects that stand out at all such as your first be the "first" women in different fields, his interest continued throughout his political life, turned to the rights of el women 'decisive contribution of some of his speeches, mostly forgotten and buried by the collective memory.
E'infatti 's only woman who achieved prominence in the party locally and nationally, enjoying considerable personal prestige and considerable political influence; t mong the 14 constituents of the Venetian PSIUP only Lina Merlin is part of the Committee of 75, included in the Third Committee, the Economic and Social Rights and Duties. Lina Merlin was the first woman ("note without being a wife and mother of someone) to speak in the Senate of the Italian Republic, June 10, 1948," before the assembly that never before 'then he heard a woman's voice' and the first woman to hold meetings and have responsibility for leadership in peasant villages in the Veneto. This character involved in some way exceptional, for a woman like her in that particular policy was continuing battles for the conquest and safeguarding the rights of women who were going to undermine the system of male privilege, isolation and a general mistrust, which in the historical reconstruction that if n 'is done after they had an important place.
the center of the Merlin's action was in fact the program to take effect as much as possible the equality of women in the workplace, in society and the professions, considering these points, a crucial first step of democratic progress . in the work to the Constituent Assembly, played an important role not only formal but substantial, the weight who was able to engage in the drafting of certain passages such as the third article of the Constitution as we know it today, which states explicitly the equality of men and women and that still represents a starting point to which to refer to any reform gender. As rapporteur on the issue of economic and social guarantees of the family, demanded equal rights, a system of guaranteed minimum pensions and assistance. In 1947 in the class debate on the rules relating to the Merlin family clearly expressed its disappointment regarding the insertion of the family, and associatole essential term in the Constitution. The work of Merlin about the status of women especially relate to three points: the problem of prostitution, defense of motherhood, the protection of women's work. His interventions are of '51 against dismissal of women who married or became pregnant (as she calls it "our issue"), about the illegitimate children (Order of 1950 that takes away from the identification mark nn unlawful for children born out of wedlock), regarding the problem of incarcerated mothers, widows of employees, and about the legal equality between men and women (achieved only in 1975). In the 60s its activities are mainly concentrated in three areas: equal pay (50 years earlier than the Treaty European Amsterdam), the retirement of the home, keeping their jobs during pregnancy.
His is the most famous post-war social and cultural battle, one for the regulation of prostitution and the so-called closure of brothels. At that time, 750 were registered brothels, prostitutes, 4000, the roving 600. The draft law on ' Abolition of prostitution and the fight against the exploitation of prostitution was introduced in 1948 and adopted ten years later (Act n.75 of 1958) after being opposed by organizations of brothels and shelved in the Senate and the House. About approval not to forget the crucial UN pressure: according to the Convention to enter del'49 Italy should abolish the houses closed, like all other member countries. In fact, Merlin the goal is not to abolish prostitution, but to bring in modern Italy among the European countries had already abolished the regulation of prostitution. In his speeches it is clear that she had not placed as an end, unattainable with a single law, to stop prostitution but to abolish the use state.
The reputation of the law does not exceed the public law, as revealed Fioravanzo fact, it was not the subject of detailed and specialized studies. His fight for the closure of brothels should be rather seen as a revolutionary in that it not only broke with the system of male privilege ("Let us once for all. And how can we accept the submission of a class to a ' other class, we do not allow the submission of women to men "and even" men are to increase prostitution. But women are to be marked ...») but-more importantly-was trying to restore dignity women who pursued the job. Behind the courageous action of the Merlin is in fact the noble principle of protection of personal liberty: for the first time in Italy prostitutes are considered independent people and not a commodity of the state, in turn reviews the female body. It is on this point that the Merlin insists repeatedly.
In closing, I leave the floor to the main character, in respect of a wish that may well still apply today: "Today I work as I can and my deepest desire is that all the old laws, the age-old prejudices and antiquated that prevent women from expressing their best himself from falling, at last, our codes and our malpractice. "
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