president sees as his start to the season?
I do not see well, I see it in line with the concerns post-auction. The attack is deficient, the evanescent quality of midfield, defense guarantee, port better than expected.

plans to live in limbo or to stand up to the upper floors?
The limbo is the worst there is. Better fight for something, championship, pentacup, salvation is ... of course, salvation I do not think we compete, there are some gangs around, same goes for the championship, even if it is something that has eluded us apart ... but we must be realistic if some people are better off ...
His team is not too dependent on Rome?
Definitely yes, and for the second time. It 'something that is not thought, but that invariably ac
falls during the auction. Of course ... it's nice to see in the probable line-Vucinic-Menez Borriello.
gives us a few adjectives for Menez? Menez is Jeremyyyy-evanescent quality. Same thing as before: two years che non lo puntiamo, e due anni che poi è nella rosa Dinamo. E' un po' il pupillo, insieme a Ljajic, ma se Adem ci era stato segnalato dai nostri osservatori e quindi rappresentava un obiettivo, Jeremy arriva sempre quasi a sorpresa.
Come giudica la stagione di Pellegrino? Pellegrino è stato utilizzato poco dal nostro allenatore, ma non deve mollare. Si allena sempre bene, ma quando davanti a te hai 4\5 giocatori che danno sufficienti garanzie non puoi fare altro che aspettare il tuo momento e giocartela per un posto con gli altri 2\3 scarsi difensori.

La stupisce vedere Globetrotter in testa? Ad inizio campionato do not be surprised about anything. There is no market, then you can not change much compared to what was done at auction. Globetrotters are a team very good and varied, although I believe Nexus the most suitable for the title, followed by another 2 / 3 teams including the inbred Astrakhan. We are back there ... for now.
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