Come da tradizione, prima di Christmas and New Year's, here are comments on the first round of the championship.
Primultimi - Balzano immediately apparent the first and last of the league. But if the staff Globetrotter
the summit is not a novelty, the latest place for Blackburn is a first time, and may be a sign of decay and old age. More likely, since we are only 1 / 3 of the championship, both positions are a sign of good fortune or misfortune . In fact, just to give examples, both 6 wins Globetrotter (world premiere, followed by 5 of Paulaner, Astrakhan and Mazza) is the sixth defeat of Blackburn (in cohabitation with New Holland, but not record) all occurred with only 1 goal difference: you comments!
Points and ... oday - And if we look at the charts total score, is a bit 'to see which species and Paulaner Globetrotter, the first two in the standings, occupy the fourth-last and third last place, but only because Zidanes did worse in all of them and why Mazzano missing a game ... The first line in this case is Nexus, followed by River 10 points, 10 points followed by Dinamo. Wanting to see, in addition to
neroverdi, even the purple and red and white have collected less (points) of what they have sown (scores). As a result of these and other calculations, Blackburn scored 0.81 points per game, while Globetrotter obviously poles apart, scored 1.90 points! Note on for Mazza in this table is in fourth place (1.54 points per game) but having received a score of zero in the first outing of the season.
absolute novelty - In conclusion of these initial observations, our mathematics
ica of confidence (as a student, to be pretty nice!) Reveals that in this first part of the season were enough to verdiblu of Lomu On average, 35.04 points to go up one box in the standings, while biancoblu Wenger has struggled more than double, with 83.94 points (corresponding to a benefit day by 4 goals!) punticino in each classification. All that fully respects the general trend, since the penultimate are arancioneri Conceição with 39.15 seconds and cobalt are Allupathos, with 62.62, or nearly 20 points in less than Blackburn. Absurd!
Records (not monkeys) - Nexus also leads two other classifications, one of the goals scored and goals conceded. And even more curious is the fact that the number is equal to: 16 ! Best and worst attack defense but also a symptom of bubbly game series of distractions, which in fact are paid positions in the standings. Globetrotter And where is it? Of course it is the best defense, with only six goals against (on 5 occasions and went undefeated in the other has never suffered more than one goal per game!) And is third last in goals scored, with only 10 achievements. Paulaner worse than he did with 9 (and is second in the standings ...) and Zidanes with 5 (in fact it is next to last in the standings ...).
Mister X - There are teams that like or teams that win or lose, or prefer to draw rather than lose. In the first case was cited Zidanes , he never drew, the defeat coming in 7 times (all-time record ... and all four victories were achieved with only one goal difference) in the second we are talking about Dinamo, capable of impacting the outcome in 5 occasions (including two for 0-0, two 1-1, one for 2-2), compared with three wins and three defeats. For the record, we find Zidanes after the aforementioned New Holland and Blackburn, while there are Paulaner and after Dinamo River.
Who's missing? - As usual, some training has never been mentioned in this article: are in limbo any ranking possible, waiting too give hints significant, either positive or negative!
Primultimi - Balzano immediately apparent the first and last of the league. But if the staff Globetrotter
Points and ... oday - And if we look at the charts total score, is a bit 'to see which species and Paulaner Globetrotter, the first two in the standings, occupy the fourth-last and third last place, but only because Zidanes did worse in all of them and why Mazzano missing a game ... The first line in this case is Nexus, followed by River 10 points, 10 points followed by Dinamo. Wanting to see, in addition to
absolute novelty - In conclusion of these initial observations, our mathematics
Mister X - There are teams that like or teams that win or lose, or prefer to draw rather than lose. In the first case was cited Zidanes , he never drew, the defeat coming in 7 times (all-time record ... and all four victories were achieved with only one goal difference) in the second we are talking about Dinamo, capable of impacting the outcome in 5 occasions (including two for 0-0, two 1-1, one for 2-2), compared with three wins and three defeats. For the record, we find Zidanes after the aforementioned New Holland and Blackburn, while there are Paulaner and after Dinamo River.

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