trial for rape femicide
Famous dell.Avvoc harangue. Tina Lagostena Netherlands in "Process for rape", a documentary shot in del'79 court in Latin America, directed by Loretta Dordi, with the English title A Trial for Rape was presented at the Berlin Film Festival, winner of the Prix Italy and received a nomination for documentaries International Emmy Award. He still keeps a copy at the MOMA in New York. The victim was a young movie of the process 18 years of Latin, Fiorella, who denounced the group for rape of four men, including Rocco Vallone, an acquaintance. Fiorella, illegal workers, said to have been invited to a house in Valley to discuss a proposal for a permanent job. Lagostena Netherlands defender was part of civile.L 'attitude mental emerged in court was that a woman of good morals "could not be raped, that if there had been violence, it clearly had to have been caused by an improper attitude on the part of women, that if there was a demonstration of physical violence or rebellion occurred, the victim must have consented.
"President, Judges,
I think first I should explain something: why we women are present in this process. I mean first of all, Fiorella, then her friends in attendance, and I, who are here primarily as a woman and then as a lawyer. That means our presence? Here, we demand justice. We are not asking a conviction severe, heavy, exemplary, not interested in the sentence. We want you in this room there is vindicated, and it is a different thing. What do we mean when we ask for justice, as women? We ask that even in courtrooms, and through what happens in court, you change what is the socio-cultural conception of our country are beginning to acknowledge that the woman is not an object. We women have decided, and Fiorella in this case on behalf of all of us - we are only in part, because his is an independent decision - to seek justice. Here, this is our request.
And yes, I will not be very long, but unfortunately I have yet to take place, and forgive me colleagues, that if by this college it was in this case, Fiorella, but they treated women, as women and not as objects, yet the defense of rapists only sees women as objects, with the utmost contempt, and I assure you, this is yet another process that I do, and as usual the usual defense that I feel. They will tell the defendant, held that the defense is already in broad terms we understand. I hope to be able to have the strength to hear - do not always have it, I confess - I had the strength to hear, and not have to be ashamed, as a woman and as a lawyer for the gown that together carry. Because the defense is sacred and inviolable, it is true. But neither of us lawyers - and here I speak as a lawyer - would dream of setting a defense to robbery as you set the trial for rape. None of the lawyers would say in the case of four robbers with violence enter into a jewelry store and take away the joys, the assets are sure to be defended, well, no lawyer would dream of starting defense, which starts through the first suggestions given to the accused , to say the robbers "Okay, but say the jeweler has an unclear past, say that the jeweler has fenced at the end, he committed the offenses of receiving, say that the jeweler a bit 'is a usurer, who speculates that earns , which evades taxes! "
Here, no one dream of doing such a defense, muddying the injured party only. And nobody would even in the case of proletarian expropriations - but these are lawyers who certainly do not defend anyone who does proletarian expropriation. And then I wonder, because if instead of four gold objects, the object of the offense is a woman of flesh and blood, because you can do a job to the girl? And this is a standard practice, the process to women, the real suspect is the woman. And excuse my frankness, if you do so, it is male solidarity, because only if the woman is transformed into a charge, the only way you get that do not make complaints of rape. I do not want to talk about Fiorella, I think it's come here to humiliate a woman say "is not a whore." A woman has the right to be whatever he wants, and without defenders. And I'm no defender of women Fiorella, I'm the prosecutor in a certain way of doing jobs for violence, and it is a different thing.
Everything you try to mess. This girl, desperate for work - and what do you do? undeclared work, while if he went to the streets, would not need to go for 70,000 lire a month to work from Jordan, because so much was his gain. Think of a rape by four, which lasted one afternoon with a kidnapping in a villa, is evaluated 2,000,000. The silence of Fiorella worth 1,000,000, instead. This, please take this into account, for the purpose of examining the adequacy of the supply of such damages. Well, it has 1,000,000, and Fiona, I repeat yet it is a girl who would need money - but he only wants to work neatly, even if it is illegal work, if it is used as a work, but want to earn money only by his work - he pretends to accept, he gained a few hours, I am not re-read everything he says, "We'll talk about tomorrow." Why tomorrow? Are 7:30 am, at 8, there are other phone calls, she answers "I do not want to see it now" at 11 is already at the police station. But the sergeant was all too clear when he said "When I went to stop the Gorge, where the expected, and said - Yes, the facts of Fiorella, are here for the facts of Fiorella. ", we heard just now. But if the facts of Fiorella was that they had had a relationship for a fee, not to payment, but with a consenting woman, but as one would expect the police? "And then the second part: they are questioned by the prosecution in Regina Coeli, and the defender has not yet intervened to give suggestions, and then what do they do? deny. While the sergeant confirmed to have had carnal relations, because both have also said, in front of the PM deny, deny the obvious. But who ever said that you need the gun, which takes a beating? In the Middle Ages, yes, he said, when he spoke, and remember, the jurisprudence of the last decade, the face lattice puellae. We are no longer anchored to prove this "welcome to the girl violence" that is cloaked in modesty. In 1977-78 the customs are different. If a woman wants to go with a guy, there is, more simply, and not talking about grid puellae face or that of the resistance, also a beautiful sentence, destined to fall like the walls of Jericho.
Fiorella On behalf of and on behalf of all women, there are many, but the hour is late and we want justice. And in fact I ask you this: justice. We are not asking for convictions, not interest us. But to do justice to Fiorella, and through your decision you will make justice to women, all women, also and above all to those who are closer, even to poor women for their misfortune are close to the accused. This is the justice that we ask. With regard to compensation, I told you: a penny for Fiorella, this girl so venal, who went with men for money, right?, And on which you are throwing mud, throwing mud in both hands. Well, this girl wants a pound so venal, and wants the amount deemed referred to the Centre of Justice to combat violence against women, because they are less and less violence, because women who have the courage to use the courts to be more and more. "
Thursday, December 10, 2009
How To Use Cheats Silver Soul

recently passed the International Day against violence against women (25novembre, proclaimed by the UN), the interventions in this regard were numerous by the President Napolitano to major newspapers in ritualized nazionali.Ma these events are likely to circumscribe a problem, such as that of male violence against women, serious unresolved-and growing-in one day and then not enough to proclaim più.Non talk about "violence against women is a national emergency" (Napolitano). Not especially if you just run for a moment the last Istat data 2007 that three out of 10 women (ages 16-50anni) have suffered violence more than women 14milioni italiane.Più 90% do not report the abuses, most suffered from the partner or former boyfriend (69.7% of rapes). The violence has increased since last year by 22%.
women aged 16 to 50 years to die from violence than from disease and accidents.
Here then is not just emergency nazionale.MA Feminicide.
From these data indicate different riflessioni.La more immediate: the life of a woman-and-answer with this women-to all those who believe that gender equality has been achieved for some time now, that feminism is a fashion passed, that our rights we've already won, that in the private and public men and women have the same freedom of action-is marked (and therefore influenced in its private and public) by a feeling-FEAR-that a man can never try.
A particular fear, a sense of danger of insecurity and instability that follows you not only along a road in the dark alone in a half-empty train car in the garage and car park in a desert, but even into casa.La power situation becomes dangerous to the normal size structure in which a woman's own existence and it is precisely this dimension of normality that prevents most women become aware of, awareness, and denounce the abuses (90% of women do not report .) Behind a failure to report there is also the sense of-if I beat autocolpevolezza means that I did something wrong, did not like, and consegentemente fault mia.Ci finds himself thought of as wrong, perhaps we also try to fix it, and you do not notice that the fault lies only in men, which when we talk about violence against women, the defendants are men before being husbands / boyfriends / kids, which is a problem of gender relations and 'identity and not just private, that is not enough to solve it somehow sympathize with women in a day x-men are agents of violence-must understand that to be part of problema.Ma this awareness is still very far away and the women end up thinking the victims and perpetrators.
doubly humiliated and offended.
Another consideration of the that data about victims (between 25-40 years) of violence: they are uneducated and marginalized women (because the issue does not make it less severe) but graduates, managers and entrepreneurs.
This data helps us to identify a type of category of violence today: a reaction to male cultural and economic emancipation of women.
Domestic violence up to 30/40 years ago it was considered something normal in the gender ratio, a relationship founded on patriarchal power, believed in natural, man over woman regarded solely as a sex object / household.
From the 60s and 70s something starts to move in Italy, in the wake of '68 and of youth movements created the first collectives feminist, fight the battles for divorce and abortion, the brothels were closed with the law merlin, nel'75 is proclaimed the equality of the spouses. 3 In view of the judicial process upset public opinion and break the silence of women in the 60's the story of Franca Viola, a young Sicilian in 1965 at age 18, was abducted and raped over several days by Filippo Melodia, its always rejected suitor, with the support of his father, Frank does not accept the marriage and denounces her attacker for kidnapping. Despite the intimidation of his family, and especially the defense attempts to discredit his morality and assigning the participation in a "fuitina" with the accused, the latter is sentenced.
In the '70s the story known as the massacre of Circeo (for the atrocities of 36 hours of torture endured) Donatella Colasanti and Rosa Lopez, who in 1975 were invited to attend a party and then kidnapped and tortured by John Guido, Angelo Izzo and Andrea Gyra - Three young men of Rome, "good," Close to neo-fascists. And the process of
nel'78 Fiorella (first trial for rape aired by RAI documentary as "trial for rape" by the Loredana Dordi highlighting a social mechanism reported in several international feminist conference, namely, that took place when a trial for rape, the victim becomes charged, the documentary was followed by nine million viewers) a young man of 18, who sued for rape a group of four men. As a defender of civil proceedings, the advocate Tina Lagostena Netherlands famous for his speeches dry and raw.
The process was made difficult by the fact that the victim knew one of the defendants and no signs of beatings or maltrattamenti.Durante the process once again tried to blame the woman victim of violence, I think these words suffice dell'avvovato defender one of four defendants to understand the atmosphere at the time: "'What do you want?" Equality of rights. You started to ape man. you wear clothes, because you wanted to put my pants? You started by saying " We equal rights, because I at 9 pm I have to stay home while my husband my boyfriend my cousin, my brother, my grandfather, my great-grandfather go around? Have you put you in this situation. [...] Everyone reaps the fruits he has sown. If this girl had been at home, they had held at the fireplace, was not the case at all. "
" The facts? Look at them in practice. This is about a girl, no offense, because gentlemen, I have a bad opinion of all prostitutes [...] this is about a girl who has to pay lovers. [...] Gentlemen, fellatio with a rape can be stopped with a clamp. The act is incompatible with the hypothesis of violence. "
'73lo Another well-known fact in the rape by a group of neo-fascist-defined" state "and political because" inspired "by some senior officers of the division of the Carabinieri of Pastrengo-Franca Rame, mate Dario For.
only by the Law No. 66 of February 15, 1996, "Rules against sexual violence", states the principle that rape is a crime against the person and not against public morals.
From the '70s to today of sexual violence if they speak more freely but there is also much less shocked, after the general thought is that there is nothing strange, it's always been that way, is precisely the fact that a normal mothers are apprehensive for the safety of her daughters, being vigilant is the first thing I teach you a story of violence and becomes a mere chronicle slipping away during the day or being manipulated by politicians of the right (social security patrols ).
In the story the woman-to achieve its independence (from the greek autos nomos, or to give of themselves with their own rules and not the mouths of men), to regain possession of herself, to gain their self-consciousness, like any freedom has libertà.I had to buy their own prices to pay for their autonomy ranging from a fear of actual violence or the possible loss of dignity (the woman-object-possession of which man believed to have any right and power), through a wide spectrum of harassment and violence on a body-shaped and reshaped as desired male-in work, family, politics and the popular imagination.
Michela Marzano during a keynote on his philosophy of the body among the many issues he has touched in some way that calls for a possible way out from this mechanism of male violence so deeply nested in our society.
For Marzano in our consumer society and the appearance is necessary first to distinguish between needs / drives from desideri.Lo rape occurs when not only their own needs, when you consider the female body as something reified, as an instrument, a commodity, and it is this step that you lose the subjectivity and the desire that makes the encounter with the other hand, not only the desire-scontro.Nel that passes through the body we have the 'opportunity' s meeting with the other who is there, that is, desire is seen as the very essence of man (conatus Spinoza), every person has a fracture, and failure is this absence, this lack that drives us towards' and another that allows the meeting.
Violence comes when you surrender to desire and from free play to their needs, not listening to the "no" the other that which is considered available to us.
a moral discourse that reproduces the famous Kant's argument that the individual does not dominate on 'ethics, because the ego is subject to universal principles, and is not dominated, as the ego is the hero of the realm of ends, where every person is the end of the actions of others.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Where To Return Rhino V Holo Plans
Fernanda Pivano says and it is said to kiss Mary-l'eterno
In memory of Fernanda Pivano, died this evening of August 18, 2009.
Forte Marghera, 29giugno 2006.Un gazebo white, crammed with people of all ages, a stage with carpet and sofas rossi.Arrivo between the laggards and look like everyone in religious Silence then here it is coming, the blast of a car The deafening sound of applause .. out very small, has a white shawl and clothes neri.Prende place in a sofa "How many ... are you happy - he laughs - because I presented the work in Milan with Luciano Ligabue, and it was full, but I knew that there had come for him, but here are all for me. "
is true, it is many, many. "I have asked and I come, I'm not dead yet, you see .. I'm still alive." I try to absorb many words as possible, his voice is clear and strong.
"I am here to present a book photographs by William Willinghton on Spoon River .. .. because some might not already know this but there is Spoon River and we have photographed "-wink-" Who does not know Spoon River? the myth and the Bible for generations .. a journey in search of epitaphs in a small town American ... just like the our Dante. "
smiles." But you see, write-read-both dead and their history, but Edgar is not a prophet, judge and praises the dead are the same .. dead speak, choose, agiscono.I dead Spoon River do not know Dante's heaven and hell, everyone is there to Spoon River, good and bad, close to each other in a dimension-the only whole-earth. "
Continue" .. but we go forward. . I did not come here to tell you how and when you do not tell stories that you already know .. I'll tell you only the sense, the sense of it all. "
to start." The sense of being here all together with a summer evening listening to a 89 years old talking about his first meeting with youth or Hemingway .. Pavese's teachings .. "
" We speak about poetry ... yes, poesia.Perchè now in this society it seems that everything has to be marketed, denigrated, lost and confusa.Ma there are exceptions, and luckily for me .. and you who listen to me poetry is still alive because poetry has the power to enter into one thing and not to leave it .. try to forget my dear friend, the musician or Mary Jones and Tom and their tender kiss desperate .. and some images neither the time nor the money nor the annihilating violence ever. "
" I was a little girl when I saw for the first time the Spoon River Anthology, had brought me one morning that Pavese I asked the difference between American literature inglese.La and opened it and right in the middle so I found a poem that ended "Kissing her on the lips with the soul the soul of a sudden I ran "...- Ride softly-" These verses then I breath-taking. Perhaps it reminded me of an epigram of Plato, or maybe I liked that a poet once again making worries about what happens when a man kisses a girl, who knows .. "
For us who were young then Spoon River meant many things: honesty, faith in truth, the rebellion to conformity, the brutal honesty, despair, the denunciation of the false morality, the irony ... the anti-military necessity and impossibility to communicate. "
" I tell you now, of an episode and then stop, do not I get bored ...
I was a guest on a day in Colorado.Allen Ginsberg received a telephone call, the questions irritated him, because he shouted: "I am a man who had a dream and saw it fail."
"Allen and his friends wanted a world free, sincere, without wars and massacres .. today is not così.Oggi, but not then."
A voice from down the hall: "And his dream lady Pivano That's still alive?"
answers, looking straight before him "No, I'm not too mad at me anymore."
"But that does not mean you do not have to keep dreaming."

In memory of Fernanda Pivano, died this evening of August 18, 2009.
Forte Marghera, 29giugno 2006.Un gazebo white, crammed with people of all ages, a stage with carpet and sofas rossi.Arrivo between the laggards and look like everyone in religious Silence then here it is coming, the blast of a car The deafening sound of applause .. out very small, has a white shawl and clothes neri.Prende place in a sofa "How many ... are you happy - he laughs - because I presented the work in Milan with Luciano Ligabue, and it was full, but I knew that there had come for him, but here are all for me. "
is true, it is many, many. "I have asked and I come, I'm not dead yet, you see .. I'm still alive." I try to absorb many words as possible, his voice is clear and strong.
"I am here to present a book photographs by William Willinghton on Spoon River .. .. because some might not already know this but there is Spoon River and we have photographed "-wink-" Who does not know Spoon River? the myth and the Bible for generations .. a journey in search of epitaphs in a small town American ... just like the our Dante. "
smiles." But you see, write-read-both dead and their history, but Edgar is not a prophet, judge and praises the dead are the same .. dead speak, choose, agiscono.I dead Spoon River do not know Dante's heaven and hell, everyone is there to Spoon River, good and bad, close to each other in a dimension-the only whole-earth. "
Continue" .. but we go forward. . I did not come here to tell you how and when you do not tell stories that you already know .. I'll tell you only the sense, the sense of it all. "
to start." The sense of being here all together with a summer evening listening to a 89 years old talking about his first meeting with youth or Hemingway .. Pavese's teachings .. "
" We speak about poetry ... yes, poesia.Perchè now in this society it seems that everything has to be marketed, denigrated, lost and confusa.Ma there are exceptions, and luckily for me .. and you who listen to me poetry is still alive because poetry has the power to enter into one thing and not to leave it .. try to forget my dear friend, the musician or Mary Jones and Tom and their tender kiss desperate .. and some images neither the time nor the money nor the annihilating violence ever. "
" I was a little girl when I saw for the first time the Spoon River Anthology, had brought me one morning that Pavese I asked the difference between American literature inglese.La and opened it and right in the middle so I found a poem that ended "Kissing her on the lips with the soul the soul of a sudden I ran "...- Ride softly-" These verses then I breath-taking. Perhaps it reminded me of an epigram of Plato, or maybe I liked that a poet once again making worries about what happens when a man kisses a girl, who knows .. "
For us who were young then Spoon River meant many things: honesty, faith in truth, the rebellion to conformity, the brutal honesty, despair, the denunciation of the false morality, the irony ... the anti-military necessity and impossibility to communicate. "
" I tell you now, of an episode and then stop, do not I get bored ...
I was a guest on a day in Colorado.Allen Ginsberg received a telephone call, the questions irritated him, because he shouted: "I am a man who had a dream and saw it fail."
"Allen and his friends wanted a world free, sincere, without wars and massacres .. today is not così.Oggi, but not then."
A voice from down the hall: "And his dream lady Pivano That's still alive?"
answers, looking straight before him "No, I'm not too mad at me anymore."
"But that does not mean you do not have to keep dreaming."
Saturday, July 25, 2009
What Is A Real Pearl Worth
Fabio Bulfone dominates the 2009 bike in and around Gemona
absolute Fabio Bulfone Success (Fun Bike Cussich), which was imposed in the Third Edition of Gemona in and around mountain bike, with a time of 1 hour 03 minutes and 44 seconds, just by touching the record established by Alberto Filosa and improving his time by more than 5 minutes than recorded in the last edition.
The winner - has run the 21 km route - removing more than 1 minute and a half-bearer of the Point Bike, Severino Scala, he finished third to over two minutes of Diego De Cecco Buje Mtb.
Among women has dominated for the second consecutive year, Antonella into Christ the Ki-Co-Sys Cussich with a time of 1 hour 21 minutes, which preceded Greta Rainis (Nadali Biohaus).
Among the companies have checked the athletes of the Point Bike Casarsa scoring 37 points against the formation of the 27 home and 19 of the pedal Gemonese ASD Carnia Bike.
At the event, valid as proof of IV Trophy Carnia mountain bike 2009, was well attended by 115 athletes hailing from across the region, which thanks to the wonderful day, have ventured along the beautiful 7-mile loop run three times for a total climb of approximately 750 meters in total. A
outline of the adult race was held the II Edition Gemona and around Baby, which was attended by fifteen children under 13 who have ventured along nicely made easy route within the Park of the ASER.
environment for all of the 2010 edition and its Gemona mtb!
SENIOR A: 1. Fabio Bulfone (Fun Bike Cussich) 1h03'44 "2. Pascolini Fabian (Point Bike) 1h 08'21'', 3. Matt Rizzo (Team Salvador) 1h10'07'', 4. Castagnavic Alex (Caprivesi) 1h 11 '15'', 5. Bulfoni Andrea (Point Bike) 1h 12'38''
SENIOR B: 1. Pavan Dino (Team Bike Leon) 1h 06'28''2. Luca Paliaga (Fun Bike) 1h 06'42'', 3. Gianni Sclipo (cooking Trieste) 1h 07'38''4. Gabriele Santini (Cycling Buttrio) 1h 08'29'', 5. Mauricio Cesca (Cycling Bujese) 1h 08'58''
SENIOR C: 1. Severino Scale (Point Bike) 1h 05'15''2. Diego De Cecco (Buje Mtb) 1h 05'58'', 3. Paul Zamparutti (Pedal Gemonese) 1h 11'32''4. Claudio Remote (Ki-Co-Sys) 1h 13'12'', 5. Guido Croatto (Team Granzon) 1h 13'36''
VETERANS: 1. Gianni Del Zotto 1h 15'56'' 2. Mario Toniutti (Valkyrie) 1h 20'27'', 3. Gianni Burba (Carnia Bike) 1h 21'18''4. Tarcisio Piccaro 1h 24'09'', 5. Gianfranco Bertozzi (Nadali Biohaus) 1h 27'17''
JUNIOR: 1. Luca Ceredigion (GSL Bibione) 1h 32'27''2. Valerio Croatto (Team Granzon) 1h 44'41''
WOMEN: 1. Antonella into Christ (Ki-.Co-Sys) 1h 21 ', 2. Greta Rainis (Nadali Biohaus) 1h 47'41''.
WALKERS: 1. Stefano Nassimbeni, 2. Roger Job, 3. Raminez Scomparin, 4. Matteo Serafini, 5. Giuliano Zanini
COMPANY ': 1. Place Bike Casarsa 38 points, 2. Pedal Gemonese 27, 3. ASD Carnia Bike 19 points
absolute Fabio Bulfone Success (Fun Bike Cussich), which was imposed in the Third Edition of Gemona in and around mountain bike, with a time of 1 hour 03 minutes and 44 seconds, just by touching the record established by Alberto Filosa and improving his time by more than 5 minutes than recorded in the last edition.
The winner - has run the 21 km route - removing more than 1 minute and a half-bearer of the Point Bike, Severino Scala, he finished third to over two minutes of Diego De Cecco Buje Mtb.
Among women has dominated for the second consecutive year, Antonella into Christ the Ki-Co-Sys Cussich with a time of 1 hour 21 minutes, which preceded Greta Rainis (Nadali Biohaus).
Among the companies have checked the athletes of the Point Bike Casarsa scoring 37 points against the formation of the 27 home and 19 of the pedal Gemonese ASD Carnia Bike.
At the event, valid as proof of IV Trophy Carnia mountain bike 2009, was well attended by 115 athletes hailing from across the region, which thanks to the wonderful day, have ventured along the beautiful 7-mile loop run three times for a total climb of approximately 750 meters in total. A
outline of the adult race was held the II Edition Gemona and around Baby, which was attended by fifteen children under 13 who have ventured along nicely made easy route within the Park of the ASER.
environment for all of the 2010 edition and its Gemona mtb!
SENIOR A: 1. Fabio Bulfone (Fun Bike Cussich) 1h03'44 "2. Pascolini Fabian (Point Bike) 1h 08'21'', 3. Matt Rizzo (Team Salvador) 1h10'07'', 4. Castagnavic Alex (Caprivesi) 1h 11 '15'', 5. Bulfoni Andrea (Point Bike) 1h 12'38''
SENIOR B: 1. Pavan Dino (Team Bike Leon) 1h 06'28''2. Luca Paliaga (Fun Bike) 1h 06'42'', 3. Gianni Sclipo (cooking Trieste) 1h 07'38''4. Gabriele Santini (Cycling Buttrio) 1h 08'29'', 5. Mauricio Cesca (Cycling Bujese) 1h 08'58''
SENIOR C: 1. Severino Scale (Point Bike) 1h 05'15''2. Diego De Cecco (Buje Mtb) 1h 05'58'', 3. Paul Zamparutti (Pedal Gemonese) 1h 11'32''4. Claudio Remote (Ki-Co-Sys) 1h 13'12'', 5. Guido Croatto (Team Granzon) 1h 13'36''
VETERANS: 1. Gianni Del Zotto 1h 15'56'' 2. Mario Toniutti (Valkyrie) 1h 20'27'', 3. Gianni Burba (Carnia Bike) 1h 21'18''4. Tarcisio Piccaro 1h 24'09'', 5. Gianfranco Bertozzi (Nadali Biohaus) 1h 27'17''
JUNIOR: 1. Luca Ceredigion (GSL Bibione) 1h 32'27''2. Valerio Croatto (Team Granzon) 1h 44'41''
WOMEN: 1. Antonella into Christ (Ki-.Co-Sys) 1h 21 ', 2. Greta Rainis (Nadali Biohaus) 1h 47'41''.
WALKERS: 1. Stefano Nassimbeni, 2. Roger Job, 3. Raminez Scomparin, 4. Matteo Serafini, 5. Giuliano Zanini
COMPANY ': 1. Place Bike Casarsa 38 points, 2. Pedal Gemonese 27, 3. ASD Carnia Bike 19 points
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Bruised Feeling Back Of Head
"We have discovered some things that will shake Italy"
September 26, 1970 The Highway of the Sun between Ferentino Agnano at 23.25 and die in a collision with a lorry, Casile Angelo, Gianni Aricò, Franco Sordo, Luigi Lo Celso and Annalise Borth.Stavano going to Rome to protest against Nixon.
They are the "Five anarchists of the South" - as in his book that will call them rebuild their lives and the mystery of their death-Cazzola Fabio Reggiani, twenties-that of "cabin" so-called from the place where he met and discussed ( soon become the epicenter of the youth of the dispute Reggina). They are smart guys with an uncommon curiosity sensibilità.Da years and have become known in the province but not only for their steadfastness, despite arrests, beatings and threats, demonstrations and investigate the mysteries of strategy of tension began in '69 with Fountain Square and the relationship between neo-fascist groups of the National Vanguard and the 'Ndrangheta (especially in the fighting dela revolt of Reggio Calabria in the last few months). 13/14luglio of '70 is in the city of Reggio prey to the revolt caused by contention for the capital of the region by Catanzaro, for the road was barricaded, several fires, bombings and the first death occupazioni.Il Bruno Labate, railroad frenatore.Ai his funeral thousands of people poured into the streets, the procession passes through the police, you touch another massacre, revolt spreads out of control and will last longer than one year: 5morti and hundreds of wounded and the army arresti.Nel February '71 come to the streets to clear the last barricate.In those days Gianni, Angelo, and Franco-Annalise-pacifist demonstration because the uprising is over, photographing and documenting the exploitation of the revolt by the fascist Ordine Nuovo and Vanguard Nazionale.Ma not only . At the same time conducting an investigation of train derailment on the counter "Arrow of the South" at the Gioia Tauro (6morti and 139feriti). Meanwhile
threats increase, the rolls disappear, Franco is attacked by neo-fascists, but they are afraid that the boys of '70 26settembre decide the same as attending a demonstration in Rome issued against Nixon arrived in Italy. The night before at home
Lo Celso was a call comes by a police officer del'ufficio policy of Rome to warn the father: "It is better that he does not leave his son to the capital." After the square fountain anarchists, easy scapegoat as the case Pinelli, come bound d ' eye, shadowed and spied upon by the police.
at 23.25 on September 26 of that, the impact with the truck transporting canned: Angelo, Luigi, and Franco muiono instantly, Gianni and his wife Annalise dopo.I little early September John had warned the FAI of Rome 's be managed together with the other to collect compromising material on the revolt of Reggio and the derailment of the train "Freccia del Sud" and warned that some of the material 's had already been mailed to Rossi, a friend of anarchist Roma.Il were taking the rest of that person going to Rome on September 26 under the pretext of the event.
the mother shortly before Aricò Gianni had said, without going over,
"WE HAVE DISCOVERED THE THINGS THAT WILL SHAKE ITALY. preaziosi The documents that the boys took with them were never found.
The story of the massacre of Gioia Tauro, which occurred 39anni ago, intertwined with that of the five anarchists of the South is a story of strange incidents and mysteries long dimenticata.In initially branded as the tragedy was an accident, the police station drivers were investigated and denounced the railway stationmaster and three in '74 but, at the end of the investigations, the court declared istrutttore not to proceed further and the case was chiuso.La track, most likely, a bomb was as simple ipotesi.All 'era caused a sensation because this ruling actually permitted the execution of a possible attack but did not state the opening of a dossier against persons unknown for them to understand who was responsible.
The previous year a leaflet dated 17 May 1973 had been delivered to the Prosecutor of Salerno by the anarchist circle "rod", which denounced an attempt at concealment, operated by the same forces, the responsibilities of groups and MSI Fascists in the massacre. (Thesis also endorsed by newspapers such as the Unity and the Corriere della Sera).
same is also claimed that the accident which claimed the life of the so-called "anarchists of the cabin and the disappearance of their documents would be linked to the massacre, on which the five boys were studied. The investigation was reopened
nel'93 only. Repentant Two of the 'Ndrangheta began to lay their testimonies in front of the Deputy Prosecutor of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate Vincenzo Macri under investigation maxi Olimpia 1, aimed at bringing about the network relationship between politics and organized crime in Calabria. The two repentant
Ubaldo Giacomo Lauro and Carmine Dominici argued that what occurred in Gioia Tauro was not an accident but a bomb attack: the bomb, provided by the 'Ndrangheta was crafted by neo-fascists on the rails and was done before the train eplodere that, once passed, deragliò.Lauro later repeated his testimony in Milan, the examining magistrate Guido Salvini, who was investigating' subversive activities of Vanguard Nazionale.In Lauro exchange would receive several million pounds, from the "Action Committee for Reggio capital" (related to members of extreme-right).
With the reopening of the case following the testimony of the penitent, the Court of Assizes of Palmi in February 2001 issued a conviction for the perpetrators of the massacre but Silverine Vito, Vincenzo Caracciolo and Giuseppe Scarcella, defendants found guilty were all and three already deceduti.Lauro was acquitted by the Assize Court February 27, 2001, for "lack of intent," then ruling confirmed March 17, 2003 by the Court of Assizes of Appeal in Reggio Calabria.
Judge Salvini in his sentence towards some members of National Vanguard, he argued the need to reopen the investigation on "Shack anarchists" perished in the accident car, perhaps caused on purpose to eliminate inconvenient witnesses including John Aricò who had confided to his cousin to be in possession of documents concerning the attack.
Years later still the precious material must still be found ... and the circumstances of the deaths of five teenagers still be devovo chiarite.Alcuni elements and the incident-from the political police rushed to Rome in place of the too fast (for Cuzzola police and intelligence services followed them since long before they were heard by Judge Victor took to the massacre of Piazza Fontana in 'field of the first investigations on anarchist circles), the disappearance of their documents, the fact that the two truck drivers were employees of Prince Junio \u200b\u200bValerio Borghese (which in 1970 was among the promoters of an attempted coup), the warnings and threats-confirm the thesis of a multiple murder and not an accident: a massacre organized to cover another.

September 26, 1970 The Highway of the Sun between Ferentino Agnano at 23.25 and die in a collision with a lorry, Casile Angelo, Gianni Aricò, Franco Sordo, Luigi Lo Celso and Annalise Borth.Stavano going to Rome to protest against Nixon.
They are the "Five anarchists of the South" - as in his book that will call them rebuild their lives and the mystery of their death-Cazzola Fabio Reggiani, twenties-that of "cabin" so-called from the place where he met and discussed ( soon become the epicenter of the youth of the dispute Reggina). They are smart guys with an uncommon curiosity sensibilità.Da years and have become known in the province but not only for their steadfastness, despite arrests, beatings and threats, demonstrations and investigate the mysteries of strategy of tension began in '69 with Fountain Square and the relationship between neo-fascist groups of the National Vanguard and the 'Ndrangheta (especially in the fighting dela revolt of Reggio Calabria in the last few months). 13/14luglio of '70 is in the city of Reggio prey to the revolt caused by contention for the capital of the region by Catanzaro, for the road was barricaded, several fires, bombings and the first death occupazioni.Il Bruno Labate, railroad frenatore.Ai his funeral thousands of people poured into the streets, the procession passes through the police, you touch another massacre, revolt spreads out of control and will last longer than one year: 5morti and hundreds of wounded and the army arresti.Nel February '71 come to the streets to clear the last barricate.In those days Gianni, Angelo, and Franco-Annalise-pacifist demonstration because the uprising is over, photographing and documenting the exploitation of the revolt by the fascist Ordine Nuovo and Vanguard Nazionale.Ma not only . At the same time conducting an investigation of train derailment on the counter "Arrow of the South" at the Gioia Tauro (6morti and 139feriti). Meanwhile
threats increase, the rolls disappear, Franco is attacked by neo-fascists, but they are afraid that the boys of '70 26settembre decide the same as attending a demonstration in Rome issued against Nixon arrived in Italy. The night before at home
Lo Celso was a call comes by a police officer del'ufficio policy of Rome to warn the father: "It is better that he does not leave his son to the capital." After the square fountain anarchists, easy scapegoat as the case Pinelli, come bound d ' eye, shadowed and spied upon by the police.
at 23.25 on September 26 of that, the impact with the truck transporting canned: Angelo, Luigi, and Franco muiono instantly, Gianni and his wife Annalise dopo.I little early September John had warned the FAI of Rome 's be managed together with the other to collect compromising material on the revolt of Reggio and the derailment of the train "Freccia del Sud" and warned that some of the material 's had already been mailed to Rossi, a friend of anarchist Roma.Il were taking the rest of that person going to Rome on September 26 under the pretext of the event.
the mother shortly before Aricò Gianni had said, without going over,
"WE HAVE DISCOVERED THE THINGS THAT WILL SHAKE ITALY. preaziosi The documents that the boys took with them were never found.
The story of the massacre of Gioia Tauro, which occurred 39anni ago, intertwined with that of the five anarchists of the South is a story of strange incidents and mysteries long dimenticata.In initially branded as the tragedy was an accident, the police station drivers were investigated and denounced the railway stationmaster and three in '74 but, at the end of the investigations, the court declared istrutttore not to proceed further and the case was chiuso.La track, most likely, a bomb was as simple ipotesi.All 'era caused a sensation because this ruling actually permitted the execution of a possible attack but did not state the opening of a dossier against persons unknown for them to understand who was responsible.
The previous year a leaflet dated 17 May 1973 had been delivered to the Prosecutor of Salerno by the anarchist circle "rod", which denounced an attempt at concealment, operated by the same forces, the responsibilities of groups and MSI Fascists in the massacre. (Thesis also endorsed by newspapers such as the Unity and the Corriere della Sera).
same is also claimed that the accident which claimed the life of the so-called "anarchists of the cabin and the disappearance of their documents would be linked to the massacre, on which the five boys were studied. The investigation was reopened
nel'93 only. Repentant Two of the 'Ndrangheta began to lay their testimonies in front of the Deputy Prosecutor of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate Vincenzo Macri under investigation maxi Olimpia 1, aimed at bringing about the network relationship between politics and organized crime in Calabria. The two repentant
Ubaldo Giacomo Lauro and Carmine Dominici argued that what occurred in Gioia Tauro was not an accident but a bomb attack: the bomb, provided by the 'Ndrangheta was crafted by neo-fascists on the rails and was done before the train eplodere that, once passed, deragliò.Lauro later repeated his testimony in Milan, the examining magistrate Guido Salvini, who was investigating' subversive activities of Vanguard Nazionale.In Lauro exchange would receive several million pounds, from the "Action Committee for Reggio capital" (related to members of extreme-right).
With the reopening of the case following the testimony of the penitent, the Court of Assizes of Palmi in February 2001 issued a conviction for the perpetrators of the massacre but Silverine Vito, Vincenzo Caracciolo and Giuseppe Scarcella, defendants found guilty were all and three already deceduti.Lauro was acquitted by the Assize Court February 27, 2001, for "lack of intent," then ruling confirmed March 17, 2003 by the Court of Assizes of Appeal in Reggio Calabria.
Judge Salvini in his sentence towards some members of National Vanguard, he argued the need to reopen the investigation on "Shack anarchists" perished in the accident car, perhaps caused on purpose to eliminate inconvenient witnesses including John Aricò who had confided to his cousin to be in possession of documents concerning the attack.
Years later still the precious material must still be found ... and the circumstances of the deaths of five teenagers still be devovo chiarite.Alcuni elements and the incident-from the political police rushed to Rome in place of the too fast (for Cuzzola police and intelligence services followed them since long before they were heard by Judge Victor took to the massacre of Piazza Fontana in 'field of the first investigations on anarchist circles), the disappearance of their documents, the fact that the two truck drivers were employees of Prince Junio \u200b\u200bValerio Borghese (which in 1970 was among the promoters of an attempted coup), the warnings and threats-confirm the thesis of a multiple murder and not an accident: a massacre organized to cover another.
What Do The #'s Mean On Le Creuset
July 20, 2001-GENOVA h.17.27
"Genova, crushed the sea seems to be looking
breath off toward the skyline.
Genoa, Republican of heart, wind, salt,
core strong.
Genoa that is lost in the labyrinthine old city center alleys, old and new words
shoot shots as muskets.
Genoa, that July day, on a scorching hot
of Black Africa.
ball only to lead, the roar of people, tense atmosphere.
Black or blue uniform, accurate orders, sweat and anger;
faces and shields Hoplites, hatred inside like a scab.
But little more distance, a senior and an old dog
looked slow an airplane that was staining the sea;
a voice broke the ecstatic screaming of children.
cloths lying in the sun, like a joke, in the gardens.
leave the house at twenty years is almost an obligation, almost a duty,
pleasure of meeting in clusters, ideal identical, being and having,
the large crowd called, songs and colors, screaming and advances, the challenge
implacable sun, incredible dance step. Closed bars
Genoa, Genoa suffers as a prison.
Genoa marked sight awaits a breath of liberation. Inside the offices
men discussed the strategy
cold and hot men explode a rap, death and madness.
It breaks the time and moment, for a moment, he hangs,
hung in a dark and nothing, then the absurd video back on;
puppets move, looking for an excuse to those lives
dissipated and dispersed nell'aspro smell of cordite.
Genoa does not know anything yet, slowly dying, fire and noise, but as that
young life extinguished, Genoa dies. How many days
hatred strike again at his hands full.
Genoa responds to the port with the high scream of sirens.
Then it all begins like every day and who has the right, noble men
say, give implacable justification
as if there was a way, only one, to bring
a life cut short, a whole life to imagine.
Genoa has not forgotten because it is hard to forget,
is no traffic, sea and dancing emphasis and alleys to walk. La Lanterna
impassive looks for centuries the rocks and the waves. Back
as always, almost normal, square Alimonda. The
"Salvia splendens" glitters, triangular flower bed covers,
traffic usually travels fast and smooth scrolling.
From coffee and grappa bar, a kiosk selling green life.
Resta, bitter and indelibly, the trace of an open wound. "
Guccini-square-Alimonda From" Portraits "
" ... Carlo, can you hear the voices in the Streets
Singing you a lullaby We are all
We are all illegal immigrants now
And the mystery's gone, the battle lines drawn
Everything still goes just before
the storm And the hard wind that's coming will carry your name
My young friend, hello beautiful, keep the flame ... "From the song
Colm Bryce
From Charles Song for" peace, love and petrol bombs
"Genova, crushed the sea seems to be looking
breath off toward the skyline.
Genoa, Republican of heart, wind, salt,
core strong.
Genoa that is lost in the labyrinthine old city center alleys, old and new words
shoot shots as muskets.
Genoa, that July day, on a scorching hot
of Black Africa.
ball only to lead, the roar of people, tense atmosphere.
Black or blue uniform, accurate orders, sweat and anger;
faces and shields Hoplites, hatred inside like a scab.
But little more distance, a senior and an old dog
looked slow an airplane that was staining the sea;
a voice broke the ecstatic screaming of children.
cloths lying in the sun, like a joke, in the gardens.
leave the house at twenty years is almost an obligation, almost a duty,
pleasure of meeting in clusters, ideal identical, being and having,
the large crowd called, songs and colors, screaming and advances, the challenge
implacable sun, incredible dance step. Closed bars
Genoa, Genoa suffers as a prison.
Genoa marked sight awaits a breath of liberation. Inside the offices
men discussed the strategy
cold and hot men explode a rap, death and madness.
It breaks the time and moment, for a moment, he hangs,
hung in a dark and nothing, then the absurd video back on;
puppets move, looking for an excuse to those lives
dissipated and dispersed nell'aspro smell of cordite.
Genoa does not know anything yet, slowly dying, fire and noise, but as that
young life extinguished, Genoa dies. How many days
hatred strike again at his hands full.
Genoa responds to the port with the high scream of sirens.
Then it all begins like every day and who has the right, noble men
say, give implacable justification
as if there was a way, only one, to bring
a life cut short, a whole life to imagine.
Genoa has not forgotten because it is hard to forget,
is no traffic, sea and dancing emphasis and alleys to walk. La Lanterna
impassive looks for centuries the rocks and the waves. Back
as always, almost normal, square Alimonda. The
"Salvia splendens" glitters, triangular flower bed covers,
traffic usually travels fast and smooth scrolling.
From coffee and grappa bar, a kiosk selling green life.
Resta, bitter and indelibly, the trace of an open wound. "
Guccini-square-Alimonda From" Portraits "
" ... Carlo, can you hear the voices in the Streets
Singing you a lullaby We are all
We are all illegal immigrants now
And the mystery's gone, the battle lines drawn
Everything still goes just before
the storm And the hard wind that's coming will carry your name
My young friend, hello beautiful, keep the flame ... "From the song
Colm Bryce
From Charles Song for" peace, love and petrol bombs
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sata Drive On Older Laptop
12.07.2009: Gemona and around 2009, as a valid IV Trial Bike Trophy Carnia
MEETING: Area Celebrations LASER - Stalis (Gemona del Friuli)
How to get there: once you reach the Old Town of Gemona del Friuli (Piazza Garibaldi) is continuing in the direction of village of Stalis (see signs for Mount Cuarnan - LASER Recreation Center). Area celebrations of the laser is placed at the end of the village of Stalis (just over 1 mile from the central Piazza Garibaldi). The festivities
area located at the Sports Centre and Recreational LASERS, where is located the eponymous football field, football and used by Stalis GEMONA Castle, the foot of the Sella and the Mount Saint Agnes Cumieli.
REGISTRATION: from 8.30 am to 9.45 am
are open to all athletes FCI, UDACE, UISP and agencies of the Consulta, and all non-members with a regular medical certificate of good health.
DEPARTURE: 10.00 am
PASTA PARTY: from 12.30
AWARDS: 13.30 hours
- Distance: For all junior categories, women, veterans and senior ABC for three complete revolutions total of 21 km and a vertical drop of about 723 mt.
- Fund prevalent: 90% dirt, asphalt
10% - Level of difficulty: medium
- Description: race course runs along a new path was impossible to go the traditional route of Sant'Agnese Sella - Monte Cumieli due to a landslide.
The route, to go three times for a total of about 21 km, on the whole is fast, suitable for athletes passisti, because by alternating stretches of uphill to downhill into individual tracks.
The departure is near the sports and recreational center of the laser along a dirt road, adjacent to the access of the football field.
easily reached the bank of the Stream Watch, you will take for a short distance (100 m) of the paved road until you reach Mount Cuarnan on the left "by Oge Roads (km 0.2): now athletes will be involved along the first stretch of dirt road climb characterized by an average slope greater than 10% for about 400 meters.
After 0.6 km you will cross a small road on the right in 200 meters in floor plan will link up with Via Savalons (Km 0.8).
Turn left uphill, less than 100 meters Lucardi Vincent Street intersection on the right ("la vie by miluciars"), which first on asphalt and then slightly downhill on dirt roads leading to the last houses of village Scugelars (1.3 km ): This is the last real stretch in which the athletes can catch his breath before the next stretch of the climb. Reaching
last houses of village Scugelars you will turn left onto the path CAI 713 (km 1.3): 300 meters uphill very hard to allow athletes to reach the bv. Via Baldo and turn left onto the paved road of Cuarnan (km 1.6).
always uphill, but definitely more affordable (4-5%) will cover a short stretch of paved road Cuarnan, about 700 meters, until reaching the 10 ° bend shaft at the GPM in "GIRSE of Ciarnana" highest elevation point of the track (m. 450).
easily reached the entrance to a path not far from the bed of the T. Watched (km 2.3), the athletes will be working as fast as a long- interesting section of single track downhill.
The descent then becomes very fast when you cross the main road with gravel on the right of the Old Man (2.9 km): The real dive at the end of the village of St. Agnes Roste.
Hence the inability to take the cart to St. Agnes because of known landslide has forced the organization to tender to find an alternative route.
After a few meters of the road San'Agnese, athletes taking a downhill path on the left side just after the sign ban on driving. Also in
single track, a continuous and enjoyable "eat and drink" will allow competitors to cross The Tors first place and then reach the area of \u200b\u200bthe shooting, placed immediately after crossing a ford on the T. Watched (Km 4.9). An easy
discesetta, which extends along a wide dirt road, then allow to reach the area north of the Poplars Camping (km 5.7), where you cross Leaving Fornas. By last
village edge, characterized by slopes averaging around 8% again reach the area of \u200b\u200bsports and recreational center of LASER (km 7.0), where is the arrival place.
BABY RACE: Departure at 11.30 (after the race of adults)
- Distance: Km 2
- Degree of difficulty Path:
easy - Fund prevalent. lawn
E 'obligation to wear a helmet
Edition 2005: Andrea Mascher - Giovanna Del Gobbo - ASD Stalis
Team Edition 2006: Marco Del Missier - Giuliana Zoppè - ASD Stalis
Team Edition 2007: MBC-Trieste
David Bevington edition, 2008: Alberto Filosi - Antonella into Christ - KI-CO-SYS

MEETING: Area Celebrations LASER - Stalis (Gemona del Friuli)
How to get there: once you reach the Old Town of Gemona del Friuli (Piazza Garibaldi) is continuing in the direction of village of Stalis (see signs for Mount Cuarnan - LASER Recreation Center). Area celebrations of the laser is placed at the end of the village of Stalis (just over 1 mile from the central Piazza Garibaldi). The festivities
area located at the Sports Centre and Recreational LASERS, where is located the eponymous football field, football and used by Stalis GEMONA Castle, the foot of the Sella and the Mount Saint Agnes Cumieli.
REGISTRATION: from 8.30 am to 9.45 am
are open to all athletes FCI, UDACE, UISP and agencies of the Consulta, and all non-members with a regular medical certificate of good health.
DEPARTURE: 10.00 am
PASTA PARTY: from 12.30
AWARDS: 13.30 hours
- Distance: For all junior categories, women, veterans and senior ABC for three complete revolutions total of 21 km and a vertical drop of about 723 mt.
- Fund prevalent: 90% dirt, asphalt
10% - Level of difficulty: medium
- Description: race course runs along a new path was impossible to go the traditional route of Sant'Agnese Sella - Monte Cumieli due to a landslide.
The route, to go three times for a total of about 21 km, on the whole is fast, suitable for athletes passisti, because by alternating stretches of uphill to downhill into individual tracks.
The departure is near the sports and recreational center of the laser along a dirt road, adjacent to the access of the football field.
easily reached the bank of the Stream Watch, you will take for a short distance (100 m) of the paved road until you reach Mount Cuarnan on the left "by Oge Roads (km 0.2): now athletes will be involved along the first stretch of dirt road climb characterized by an average slope greater than 10% for about 400 meters.
After 0.6 km you will cross a small road on the right in 200 meters in floor plan will link up with Via Savalons (Km 0.8).
Turn left uphill, less than 100 meters Lucardi Vincent Street intersection on the right ("la vie by miluciars"), which first on asphalt and then slightly downhill on dirt roads leading to the last houses of village Scugelars (1.3 km ): This is the last real stretch in which the athletes can catch his breath before the next stretch of the climb. Reaching
last houses of village Scugelars you will turn left onto the path CAI 713 (km 1.3): 300 meters uphill very hard to allow athletes to reach the bv. Via Baldo and turn left onto the paved road of Cuarnan (km 1.6).
always uphill, but definitely more affordable (4-5%) will cover a short stretch of paved road Cuarnan, about 700 meters, until reaching the 10 ° bend shaft at the GPM in "GIRSE of Ciarnana" highest elevation point of the track (m. 450).
easily reached the entrance to a path not far from the bed of the T. Watched (km 2.3), the athletes will be working as fast as a long- interesting section of single track downhill.
The descent then becomes very fast when you cross the main road with gravel on the right of the Old Man (2.9 km): The real dive at the end of the village of St. Agnes Roste.
Hence the inability to take the cart to St. Agnes because of known landslide has forced the organization to tender to find an alternative route.
After a few meters of the road San'Agnese, athletes taking a downhill path on the left side just after the sign ban on driving. Also in
single track, a continuous and enjoyable "eat and drink" will allow competitors to cross The Tors first place and then reach the area of \u200b\u200bthe shooting, placed immediately after crossing a ford on the T. Watched (Km 4.9). An easy
discesetta, which extends along a wide dirt road, then allow to reach the area north of the Poplars Camping (km 5.7), where you cross Leaving Fornas. By last
village edge, characterized by slopes averaging around 8% again reach the area of \u200b\u200bsports and recreational center of LASER (km 7.0), where is the arrival place.
BABY RACE: Departure at 11.30 (after the race of adults)
- Distance: Km 2
- Degree of difficulty Path:
easy - Fund prevalent. lawn
E 'obligation to wear a helmet
Edition 2005: Andrea Mascher - Giovanna Del Gobbo - ASD Stalis
Team Edition 2006: Marco Del Missier - Giuliana Zoppè - ASD Stalis
Team Edition 2007: MBC-Trieste
David Bevington edition, 2008: Alberto Filosi - Antonella into Christ - KI-CO-SYS
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Barney Birthday Party Invitations
women and human rights
"Guarantee of all rights to all persons and all over the world," one of the UN objectives for the twenty-first century.; contraddizone a century marked by an increase of democratization on the one hand and a systematic denial of human rights on the other.
Recently, new studies on the core theme women and human rights have demonstrated the abstractness of categories within the concept of equality and dell'unversalità of universal human right: using in-process study of the history of human rights, the gender difference as a category of analysis-the very concept of human rights is extended and reformulated, redefined, gender issues are the problems of all mankind.
liberal regimes in the principle that the first to be acquired were the civil rights and later the political and social issues can be considered valid for men but not for women who won the first importance in the social sphere in which that policy. (Civil rights are still denied in many countries).
The book "aims to scoperto.donne and human rights" by Stefania Bartoloni about these issues examines the policies UN conventions and the balance of the sexes focusing on some paesi.Secondo Vezzosi can determine the number of stages in the historical route of the statement of the rights of women: the first steps start in '46 with the Sub commission on the status of women, but only in the last thirty years, s' will implement a real policy in this direzione.Nel '75-proclaimed the International Year of the woman in Mexico City held a conference-organized by UN-where it is publicly acknowledged the oppression of women in the '76 to '85 mondo.Dal part of the decade for women: in 1980 the international conference held in Copenhagen, nel'85 in Nairobi, was established a Convention on nel'79 'elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women-CEDAW.Sono the first important steps.
From '90 to 2000, two conferences, one in '93 in Vienna (United Nations World Conference of Human Rights) and del'95 in Beijing (Fourth World Conference on Women) marked a decisive step in the path of human rights ridifinizione .
But in investigating these issues can not come to light the difficult internzionali development agencies to promote policies of human rights of women.
Statements such as these: "I women's rights are human rights (the Beijing Conference, 1995). The human rights of women and girls are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of human rights universal. (Vienna Conference 1993) "now seem almost obvious, but it took almost 50 years because they were spoken clearly.
Even today, many still use the term human rights as if women were only a subcategory of main human category, declined to maschile.Altre complex issues related to these issues and discussed in recent conference concerning the very definition of human rights of women in different parts of the world, the contradiction between equality rights and religious laws, the interweaving of universality rights and recognition of diversity (a diversity that should not be universalizing but riconcetualizzata following parameters of place and time.)
Another very important aspect is the active role and action-organized informal, individual-carried by women to defend their rights. (from their mothers and grandmothers of the Plaza de Majo to Chinese dissidents, the Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan ).
About this point I would like to recall the story of Mukhtar Mai, told bravely in his book "dishonored by the laws of men" who made it known to the world and become a woman-as a symbol of courage and hope.
Mukhtar is Pakistani, Punjab, in 2002 the jirga, the court determines that the village Mukhtar, who belonged to a lowly caste of farmers, must repair to the existence of the offense alleged to have turned brother 12enne the word to a powerful clan Mastoi.Viene girl raped repeatedly in a stable of 12 members of the family, outrage and abandoned in the street a coma animale.Successivamente was discovered that the prosecutor's brother-in-Shakoor had been formulated to cover violence suffered by the boy himself by Mastoi men.
"I made my decision: suicide. It was what women did in my state. I drank the acid and I would have died, to settle definitely the focus of the shame that enveloped me and my family. I begged my mother to help me die. (...) Until a surge of unexpected anger saved me from this paralysis (...). I myself felt already different. I did not know how I would fight for justice, but I had a clear idea that the new path that I decided to go was the only possible one. My honor and that of my family depended on it. Maybe I should be dead but I died humiliated. I had suffered for several days, considering suicide, crying .. Now I had changed my attitude, if not I would have never believed capable. In this path alongside the official law, penalized by my womanhood and my illiteracy, as well as my family had only weapon at my disposal: the rebellion. A rebellion was strong as strong as my submission so far .
M.decide to denounce the violent and fight for justice, supported by Amnesty International and the international press.
Three men were jailed for sodomy, which is sustained by Shakoor, but five of the six men accused by Mukhtar, initially sentenced to death, were released in 2005.Mukhtar, fearing for his life and that of his family, appealed to the Supreme Court. Finally, after his courageous legal battle in July 2005, the Supreme Court of Pakistan issued the final verdict of guilt against the six violentatori.Con funds received as compensation from the Government of Pakistan for the violence Mukhtar has built two schools for ' girls' education and a center for refugees, Mukhtar Mai Women's Welfare Organization.Mukhtar herself has learned to read and write only after the construction of justice scuole.La obtained by Mukhtar Mai is an important message of hope not only for Pakistani women, but for the whole world, a signal that shows how each We may all be the creator of change and development of civic consciousness.
" I love my country and I'm proud. But I hope that my story will help people to understand that some things must change. And if my suffering could contribute to these changes, then there will have been useless .
Its history unfortunately can not but be regarded as an exception in a general framework for analysis of violence donne.Esemplare on in recent months in an attempt to legalize Afghanistan's marital rapes and forbids women to leave without the permission of her husband, a law called 'Taliban' by human rights activists and has provoked strong protests from the ' UN and community internazionale.Pur announcing the change in the law, President Karzai said in a press conference in Kabul that "The concerns of our allies and the international community are understandable, but may be due to inaccurate or incorrect translation interpretation of the law. "As if there could be a correct interpretation.
In recent conflicts, in Bosnia, Kosovo, Rwanda-national rights have been superimposed to those of humans, rape has become a 'weapon of war covered by the plans of ethnic cleansing. (The Balkan wars of the '90s have reversed the earlier case, which now recognizes rape not as an "insult to the honor" of women, but as a "war crime" and therefore criminally prosecuted by an international tribunal).
.. Despite the women's rights movement has acquired a global character of today we still need to talk to the women of formal equality, not substantial.
Also Italy is no exception, from the comments of the Prime Minister on rapes ("We should have as much money as are the beautiful Italian girls, I think we would not do never ... ") 'ITER court of law 66/96 which included the crimes of rape among the" Offences Against the Person "until 1996 (!) are just some esempi.Per not to mention the law on adultery that blamed only the women (abolished in 1968) and Equality Act of spouses sanctioned only in 1975 (!).

"Guarantee of all rights to all persons and all over the world," one of the UN objectives for the twenty-first century.; contraddizone a century marked by an increase of democratization on the one hand and a systematic denial of human rights on the other.
Recently, new studies on the core theme women and human rights have demonstrated the abstractness of categories within the concept of equality and dell'unversalità of universal human right: using in-process study of the history of human rights, the gender difference as a category of analysis-the very concept of human rights is extended and reformulated, redefined, gender issues are the problems of all mankind.
liberal regimes in the principle that the first to be acquired were the civil rights and later the political and social issues can be considered valid for men but not for women who won the first importance in the social sphere in which that policy. (Civil rights are still denied in many countries).
The book "aims to scoperto.donne and human rights" by Stefania Bartoloni about these issues examines the policies UN conventions and the balance of the sexes focusing on some paesi.Secondo Vezzosi can determine the number of stages in the historical route of the statement of the rights of women: the first steps start in '46 with the Sub commission on the status of women, but only in the last thirty years, s' will implement a real policy in this direzione.Nel '75-proclaimed the International Year of the woman in Mexico City held a conference-organized by UN-where it is publicly acknowledged the oppression of women in the '76 to '85 mondo.Dal part of the decade for women: in 1980 the international conference held in Copenhagen, nel'85 in Nairobi, was established a Convention on nel'79 'elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women-CEDAW.Sono the first important steps.
From '90 to 2000, two conferences, one in '93 in Vienna (United Nations World Conference of Human Rights) and del'95 in Beijing (Fourth World Conference on Women) marked a decisive step in the path of human rights ridifinizione .
But in investigating these issues can not come to light the difficult internzionali development agencies to promote policies of human rights of women.
Statements such as these: "I women's rights are human rights (the Beijing Conference, 1995). The human rights of women and girls are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of human rights universal. (Vienna Conference 1993) "now seem almost obvious, but it took almost 50 years because they were spoken clearly.
Even today, many still use the term human rights as if women were only a subcategory of main human category, declined to maschile.Altre complex issues related to these issues and discussed in recent conference concerning the very definition of human rights of women in different parts of the world, the contradiction between equality rights and religious laws, the interweaving of universality rights and recognition of diversity (a diversity that should not be universalizing but riconcetualizzata following parameters of place and time.)
Another very important aspect is the active role and action-organized informal, individual-carried by women to defend their rights. (from their mothers and grandmothers of the Plaza de Majo to Chinese dissidents, the Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan ).
About this point I would like to recall the story of Mukhtar Mai, told bravely in his book "dishonored by the laws of men" who made it known to the world and become a woman-as a symbol of courage and hope.
Mukhtar is Pakistani, Punjab, in 2002 the jirga, the court determines that the village Mukhtar, who belonged to a lowly caste of farmers, must repair to the existence of the offense alleged to have turned brother 12enne the word to a powerful clan Mastoi.Viene girl raped repeatedly in a stable of 12 members of the family, outrage and abandoned in the street a coma animale.Successivamente was discovered that the prosecutor's brother-in-Shakoor had been formulated to cover violence suffered by the boy himself by Mastoi men.
"I made my decision: suicide. It was what women did in my state. I drank the acid and I would have died, to settle definitely the focus of the shame that enveloped me and my family. I begged my mother to help me die. (...) Until a surge of unexpected anger saved me from this paralysis (...). I myself felt already different. I did not know how I would fight for justice, but I had a clear idea that the new path that I decided to go was the only possible one. My honor and that of my family depended on it. Maybe I should be dead but I died humiliated. I had suffered for several days, considering suicide, crying .. Now I had changed my attitude, if not I would have never believed capable. In this path alongside the official law, penalized by my womanhood and my illiteracy, as well as my family had only weapon at my disposal: the rebellion. A rebellion was strong as strong as my submission so far .
M.decide to denounce the violent and fight for justice, supported by Amnesty International and the international press.
Three men were jailed for sodomy, which is sustained by Shakoor, but five of the six men accused by Mukhtar, initially sentenced to death, were released in 2005.Mukhtar, fearing for his life and that of his family, appealed to the Supreme Court. Finally, after his courageous legal battle in July 2005, the Supreme Court of Pakistan issued the final verdict of guilt against the six violentatori.Con funds received as compensation from the Government of Pakistan for the violence Mukhtar has built two schools for ' girls' education and a center for refugees, Mukhtar Mai Women's Welfare Organization.Mukhtar herself has learned to read and write only after the construction of justice scuole.La obtained by Mukhtar Mai is an important message of hope not only for Pakistani women, but for the whole world, a signal that shows how each We may all be the creator of change and development of civic consciousness.
" I love my country and I'm proud. But I hope that my story will help people to understand that some things must change. And if my suffering could contribute to these changes, then there will have been useless .
Its history unfortunately can not but be regarded as an exception in a general framework for analysis of violence donne.Esemplare on in recent months in an attempt to legalize Afghanistan's marital rapes and forbids women to leave without the permission of her husband, a law called 'Taliban' by human rights activists and has provoked strong protests from the ' UN and community internazionale.Pur announcing the change in the law, President Karzai said in a press conference in Kabul that "The concerns of our allies and the international community are understandable, but may be due to inaccurate or incorrect translation interpretation of the law. "As if there could be a correct interpretation.
In recent conflicts, in Bosnia, Kosovo, Rwanda-national rights have been superimposed to those of humans, rape has become a 'weapon of war covered by the plans of ethnic cleansing. (The Balkan wars of the '90s have reversed the earlier case, which now recognizes rape not as an "insult to the honor" of women, but as a "war crime" and therefore criminally prosecuted by an international tribunal).
.. Despite the women's rights movement has acquired a global character of today we still need to talk to the women of formal equality, not substantial.
Also Italy is no exception, from the comments of the Prime Minister on rapes ("We should have as much money as are the beautiful Italian girls, I think we would not do never ... ") 'ITER court of law 66/96 which included the crimes of rape among the" Offences Against the Person "until 1996 (!) are just some esempi.Per not to mention the law on adultery that blamed only the women (abolished in 1968) and Equality Act of spouses sanctioned only in 1975 (!).
Monday, May 11, 2009
How To Control Volume With Direct Tv Rc64
Ratzinger and Nietzsche
"Too much self-determination in the modern world." The claimed today Benedict XVI, during his homily at the Chrism Mass and indicate clearly the manager: Friedrich Nietzsche. The German philosopher, who died 109 years ago, according to the German pope "scoffed the humility and obedience as a virtue servile, by which men would be repressed. He has put in their place with pride and absolute freedom of man. " "The destructive pride and presumption - added the pontiff - break down every community and result in violence." Benedict XVI also attacked the conformism: "I'm not all too often prevailing opinions the criterion by which we measure ourselves? Perhaps we are not, after all, the superficiality of all that, usually, the notion of the man today? "
Once again, the Church gives evidence of his blindness retrograde, its closed-mindedness and ignorance. A Benedict XVI was not enough revocation of the excommunication of bishops fundamentalists, the excommunication by the Vatican of a Brazilian mother whose little girl raped nine years and had life-threatening abortions, and nemmemo serious allegations of March 17 about a condom during his trip to Africa " the AIDS epidemic 'is not exceeded with the distribution of condoms, even increases the problems'. (In 2007, according to the UN in the world were 33milioni of people with HIV, of which lived in 22milioni 'Sub-Saharan Africa, over two million people died of AIDS in Africa in 2007 3/4abitavano.)
I can not transcribe the sublime part of "Thus Spake Zarathustra" in which it is attached to the humility and obedience, characteristics Camel, doubled religious obscurantism and the weight of tradition.
"I will nominate three metamorphoses of the spirit as the spirit becomes a camel, the camel a lion, and finally the lion child.
Many heavy things are there for the spirit, the spirit lives strong and patient in which the reverence: his strength he yearns for heavy things, more difficult to bring.
What is heavy? the spirit of patient demand and bend your knees like a camel, and he wants to be well loaded.
What is the most burdensome by wearing heroes? asks the spirit so patient, so that I may take it upon myself and to rejoice in my strength.
Is not this: to humble themselves to hurt their pride? Let your madness shine to mock one's wisdom?
Or is, separate from its case when it celebrates its victory? Climb high mountains groped for the tempter?
Or: feed on acorns and grass of knowledge and because of the truth to suffer hunger of soul?
Or: being sick and sending home those who want to console you, and instead make friends with deaf people, who never hear what you want?
Or: go down in the dirty, as long as the water of truth, without rejecting cold frogs and hot toads?
Or: love those who despise us and offering his hand to the spectrum when it wants to be scary?
All of these, the most difficult to bear, the spirit patient takes upon itself: like the camel in the desert that runs in a hurry under its load, so he runs in the desert.
But where the desert is more solitary, the second metamorphosis occurs: here the spirit becomes a lion, its prey as he wants freedom and be master in his own desert.
here looking for his last master: the enemy of him and his last god does he become, with the big dragon, he wants to fight for victory.
Who is the great dragon that the spirit no longer wants to call Lord and God? "Thou shalt" is called the great dragon. But the spirit of the lion says "I want".
"Thou shalt" stands in the way, from a reptile scales glittering like gold, and on any scale is shining in letters of gold "you owe me."
Values \u200b\u200bmillennial shine on these scales and thus speaks the mightiest of all dragons: "All the values \u200b\u200bof things - shine on me."
"All values \u200b\u200bhave already been created, and I - all created value. In truth, there has to be no more "I want". " Thus speaks the dragon.
Brothers, because the lion is needed for the spirit? Why not just the beast of burden, which renounces all and is full of reverence?
create new values \u200b\u200b- of what the lion is not yet capable, but the freedom to create a new creation - is capable of this power of the lion.
Create your freedom and no one even to the sacred duty: to this, brethren, you need the lion.
Taking the right to new values \u200b\u200b- that is the most terrible act of taking for a patient spirit and worshiping. Indeed, it is a prey for him and the task of a beast of prey.
one time he loved to be the most the sacred "Thou shalt": now he is forced to find illusion and arbitrariness even in the most sacred things, to predict freedom away from his love: for this robbery should be the lion.
But tell me, my brothers, what the child can do, that even the lion was able to do? Because the lion prey must also become a child?
Innocence is the child, and forgetfulness, a new beginning, a game, a wheel rotating on its own, a first movement, a sacred say yes.
Yes, for the creation of the game, brothers, a sacred should say yes now wants the spirit of his will, the loss for the world to conquer his own world. Three metamorphoses
I have appointed the spirit: how the spirit became a camel, lion, camel, lion, and finally the child. -
Thus Spake Zarathustra. So he stayed in the city which is called "Spotted Cow".
"Too much self-determination in the modern world." The claimed today Benedict XVI, during his homily at the Chrism Mass and indicate clearly the manager: Friedrich Nietzsche. The German philosopher, who died 109 years ago, according to the German pope "scoffed the humility and obedience as a virtue servile, by which men would be repressed. He has put in their place with pride and absolute freedom of man. " "The destructive pride and presumption - added the pontiff - break down every community and result in violence." Benedict XVI also attacked the conformism: "I'm not all too often prevailing opinions the criterion by which we measure ourselves? Perhaps we are not, after all, the superficiality of all that, usually, the notion of the man today? "
Once again, the Church gives evidence of his blindness retrograde, its closed-mindedness and ignorance. A Benedict XVI was not enough revocation of the excommunication of bishops fundamentalists, the excommunication by the Vatican of a Brazilian mother whose little girl raped nine years and had life-threatening abortions, and nemmemo serious allegations of March 17 about a condom during his trip to Africa " the AIDS epidemic 'is not exceeded with the distribution of condoms, even increases the problems'. (In 2007, according to the UN in the world were 33milioni of people with HIV, of which lived in 22milioni 'Sub-Saharan Africa, over two million people died of AIDS in Africa in 2007 3/4abitavano.)
I can not transcribe the sublime part of "Thus Spake Zarathustra" in which it is attached to the humility and obedience, characteristics Camel, doubled religious obscurantism and the weight of tradition.
"I will nominate three metamorphoses of the spirit as the spirit becomes a camel, the camel a lion, and finally the lion child.
Many heavy things are there for the spirit, the spirit lives strong and patient in which the reverence: his strength he yearns for heavy things, more difficult to bring.
What is heavy? the spirit of patient demand and bend your knees like a camel, and he wants to be well loaded.
What is the most burdensome by wearing heroes? asks the spirit so patient, so that I may take it upon myself and to rejoice in my strength.
Is not this: to humble themselves to hurt their pride? Let your madness shine to mock one's wisdom?
Or is, separate from its case when it celebrates its victory? Climb high mountains groped for the tempter?
Or: feed on acorns and grass of knowledge and because of the truth to suffer hunger of soul?
Or: being sick and sending home those who want to console you, and instead make friends with deaf people, who never hear what you want?
Or: go down in the dirty, as long as the water of truth, without rejecting cold frogs and hot toads?
Or: love those who despise us and offering his hand to the spectrum when it wants to be scary?
All of these, the most difficult to bear, the spirit patient takes upon itself: like the camel in the desert that runs in a hurry under its load, so he runs in the desert.
But where the desert is more solitary, the second metamorphosis occurs: here the spirit becomes a lion, its prey as he wants freedom and be master in his own desert.
here looking for his last master: the enemy of him and his last god does he become, with the big dragon, he wants to fight for victory.
Who is the great dragon that the spirit no longer wants to call Lord and God? "Thou shalt" is called the great dragon. But the spirit of the lion says "I want".
"Thou shalt" stands in the way, from a reptile scales glittering like gold, and on any scale is shining in letters of gold "you owe me."
Values \u200b\u200bmillennial shine on these scales and thus speaks the mightiest of all dragons: "All the values \u200b\u200bof things - shine on me."
"All values \u200b\u200bhave already been created, and I - all created value. In truth, there has to be no more "I want". " Thus speaks the dragon.
Brothers, because the lion is needed for the spirit? Why not just the beast of burden, which renounces all and is full of reverence?
create new values \u200b\u200b- of what the lion is not yet capable, but the freedom to create a new creation - is capable of this power of the lion.
Create your freedom and no one even to the sacred duty: to this, brethren, you need the lion.
Taking the right to new values \u200b\u200b- that is the most terrible act of taking for a patient spirit and worshiping. Indeed, it is a prey for him and the task of a beast of prey.
one time he loved to be the most the sacred "Thou shalt": now he is forced to find illusion and arbitrariness even in the most sacred things, to predict freedom away from his love: for this robbery should be the lion.
But tell me, my brothers, what the child can do, that even the lion was able to do? Because the lion prey must also become a child?
Innocence is the child, and forgetfulness, a new beginning, a game, a wheel rotating on its own, a first movement, a sacred say yes.
Yes, for the creation of the game, brothers, a sacred should say yes now wants the spirit of his will, the loss for the world to conquer his own world. Three metamorphoses
I have appointed the spirit: how the spirit became a camel, lion, camel, lion, and finally the child. -
Thus Spake Zarathustra. So he stayed in the city which is called "Spotted Cow".
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Difference Between Herpes And Ingrown Hair
In memory of Peppino Impastato
Peppino Impastato, who grew up in a mafia, has dedicated his entire life-with all his courage, his energy, resources-to fight against the Mafia: the cultural circles of the collective experience with AUT radio, radio and counter-satire, the political choice. (In 1978 he took part with a list has the symbol of Proletarian Democracy in municipal elections in Cinisi). It's been 31 years
dall'anniversario death but its history can not and must not be forgotten, Peppino and will continue to live in our daily struggles against a criminal power. Danilo Dolci sriveva in human Poem-a collection of his poems-"Those who panic when they hear revolution has perhaps nn capito.Non ignite a revolution in the town hall or register cards to go to jail stupid pretext of reinforcing the enemy [. .] revolution is taking patience wise cn meet the essential relationship between land and sky men: the missing human atoms become new bodies and fight against every rotten mafia. " From the writings
Peppino: "I came to politics back in November of '65, on purely emotional: that is, starting from my need to respond to a familial condition which has become unsustainable. My father, head of the small clan and a member of a larger clan with ideological connotations typical of a late-farm and pre-industrial civilization, had concentrated all his efforts, since my birth, in an attempt to impose on me his choices and his code of conduct. It 'only been able to cut each channel of affective communication and finally compromise any possibility of linear expansion of my subjectivity. PSIUP landed with the anger and despair of those who, at the same time, wants to break everything and seek protection. We created a strong core of youth, we founded a newspaper and a movement of opinion, we ended up in court and in all the papers. PSIUP I left two years later, when authorities of the Youth Federation was dissolved. Those were the days of the Cultural Revolution and "Che." The '68 took me almost unawares. Disorderly students participated in the struggles and the first occupations. Then accession nce again on a more emotional and political, for the arguments of one of several Marxist-Leninist groups, the League. The struggles of Punta Raisi and the extraordinary mass movement that has managed to build around. E 'was also a period of disputes over the party and its design and construction of the party: a moment of extraordinary and fascinating process of theoretical study. At the end of year membership to one of two sections, the majority of ICP ml .- the need for a minimum of organizational structure behind (in need of protection) has been very strong. Past, with unbroken continuity from phases of dark despair to elation and moments of real creative power: the construction of a vast movement of opinion among the young, the proliferation of party headquarters in the area, the first experiences of struggle of the district, were there to prove it. But I increasingly distanced from reality, it became increasingly difficult to establish a linear relationship with the outside world, I always contains more in myself. I characterized increasingly a great fear of anything and everything and at the same time almost uncontrollable desire to open myself and build. From month to month, from week to week, it became increasingly difficult to recognize. For days I did not speak with anyone, then I returned to rejoice, to repeat: I lived in a state of uncontrollable schizophrenia. And he butchers the first warnings and the first suspension from the party. I was also moved to a. Another place to conduct business, but I could not resist for more than a week: I was also proposed to move to Palermo, the Shipyard, a bit of closeness to the class would have helped. They were right, but rifiutai.Mi then dragged for a few months, in the grip of alcohol, until the spring of '72 (Feltrinelli and murder of campaigning for parliamentary elections). Ader, with the enthusiasm that has always characterized the group's proposal of the "Manifesto": I felt the need of institutional guarantees me butchers only disappointment of the election defeat. They were months of disappointment and disengagement: I was, in fact, out of politics. Fall '72. He began his activities at the club Palermo in October, we adhere and give my contribution. I approach "Lotta Continua" and the process of critical review of previous positions spontaneistiche, particularly in relation to advice, a problem that particularly fascinated me was the thesis of the "Manifesto" I know Mauro Rostagno: it is a central episode in my life in recent years. I subscribe to "Lotta Continua" in the summer of '73, I attend almost all meetings of school boards organization, or shake more and more relationships with Rostagno: is for me a mate that gives me security and safety begin to open myself to his libertarian positions, I approach the problem renudista. It starts with the political initiative in Cinisi, opens a home and gives rise to that wonderful, though very partial experience of organization of the building. The winter is cold, my despair is warm. Parto military is the period which are very short, the thermometer of my emotional state: alive 110 days a constant state of anxiety and a prey to the most incredible persecution mania. "
Some poems by Peppino
" Long is the night
and timeless.
The sky full of rain
does not allow the eyes to see the stars.
will not be the icy wind
to restore the light,
nor the crowing of cocks,
nor the cry of a baby.
too long and the night,
infinite. "
" My eyes are lying on the seabed
in the heart of the algae and corals. "
" Sit quietly and stood
pincer between heaven and earth, and his eyes
fixed into the abyss. "
" It came to us a clear-eyed teenager
and fleshy lips,
our youth
consumed in the country and in brothels.
not say a word nor made any gesture:
this silence and this immobility
opened a mortal wound
worn in our youth. Nobody
our pain did not testify. "
Giuseppe Impastato, Peppino-dala is murdered mafia del'78 May 9, 31anni ago, torn apart by a charge of TNT placed on the tracks of the Palermo-Trapani. The first non-investigations are focused on the hypothesis of a terrorist attack consumed from the same dough; Successive switching hypothesis of suicide "ecclatante." In May 1992 the Court of Palermo decide to drop the "case Impastato", reiterating the matrix of the mafia crime, but excluding the possibility of identifying the culprits. In May of 1994 the Centro Impastato tries to reopen the inquiry: together with a petition, you are prompted to question the new associate justice Salvatore Palazzolo, affiliated with the mafia Cinisi.Siamo in 1996 and his mother, his brother and the Center Impastato filed a complaint in which they seek to investigate incidents not clarified, in particular concerning the conduct of the police officers immediately after the June 1996 Salvatore delitto.Nel Palazzolo shows Badalamenti in the murder along with his vice principal Vito Palazzolo: The investigation was formally reopened. In November 1997 he was issued an arrest warrant for Badalamenti. On 10 March 1999 held a preliminary hearing of the case against Vito Palazzolo, and the position of Badalamenti is stralciata.Nel 1998 in the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission has established a Committee on the case Impastato and December 6, 2000 was approved a report on responsibilities of representatives of institutions in the screening investigations.
On 5 March 2001 the Assize Court has recognized Vito Palazzolo guilty and sentenced him to 30 years in prison. The April 11, 2002 Gaetano Badalamenti is sentenced to life imprisonment. Badalamenti and Palazzolo are subsequently died.
Felicia Bartolotta, Peppino's mother, who until last bravely fought for the truth about the death of his son, died Dec. 7, 2004.

Peppino Impastato, who grew up in a mafia, has dedicated his entire life-with all his courage, his energy, resources-to fight against the Mafia: the cultural circles of the collective experience with AUT radio, radio and counter-satire, the political choice. (In 1978 he took part with a list has the symbol of Proletarian Democracy in municipal elections in Cinisi). It's been 31 years
dall'anniversario death but its history can not and must not be forgotten, Peppino and will continue to live in our daily struggles against a criminal power. Danilo Dolci sriveva in human Poem-a collection of his poems-"Those who panic when they hear revolution has perhaps nn capito.Non ignite a revolution in the town hall or register cards to go to jail stupid pretext of reinforcing the enemy [. .] revolution is taking patience wise cn meet the essential relationship between land and sky men: the missing human atoms become new bodies and fight against every rotten mafia. " From the writings
Peppino: "I came to politics back in November of '65, on purely emotional: that is, starting from my need to respond to a familial condition which has become unsustainable. My father, head of the small clan and a member of a larger clan with ideological connotations typical of a late-farm and pre-industrial civilization, had concentrated all his efforts, since my birth, in an attempt to impose on me his choices and his code of conduct. It 'only been able to cut each channel of affective communication and finally compromise any possibility of linear expansion of my subjectivity. PSIUP landed with the anger and despair of those who, at the same time, wants to break everything and seek protection. We created a strong core of youth, we founded a newspaper and a movement of opinion, we ended up in court and in all the papers. PSIUP I left two years later, when authorities of the Youth Federation was dissolved. Those were the days of the Cultural Revolution and "Che." The '68 took me almost unawares. Disorderly students participated in the struggles and the first occupations. Then accession nce again on a more emotional and political, for the arguments of one of several Marxist-Leninist groups, the League. The struggles of Punta Raisi and the extraordinary mass movement that has managed to build around. E 'was also a period of disputes over the party and its design and construction of the party: a moment of extraordinary and fascinating process of theoretical study. At the end of year membership to one of two sections, the majority of ICP ml .- the need for a minimum of organizational structure behind (in need of protection) has been very strong. Past, with unbroken continuity from phases of dark despair to elation and moments of real creative power: the construction of a vast movement of opinion among the young, the proliferation of party headquarters in the area, the first experiences of struggle of the district, were there to prove it. But I increasingly distanced from reality, it became increasingly difficult to establish a linear relationship with the outside world, I always contains more in myself. I characterized increasingly a great fear of anything and everything and at the same time almost uncontrollable desire to open myself and build. From month to month, from week to week, it became increasingly difficult to recognize. For days I did not speak with anyone, then I returned to rejoice, to repeat: I lived in a state of uncontrollable schizophrenia. And he butchers the first warnings and the first suspension from the party. I was also moved to a. Another place to conduct business, but I could not resist for more than a week: I was also proposed to move to Palermo, the Shipyard, a bit of closeness to the class would have helped. They were right, but rifiutai.Mi then dragged for a few months, in the grip of alcohol, until the spring of '72 (Feltrinelli and murder of campaigning for parliamentary elections). Ader, with the enthusiasm that has always characterized the group's proposal of the "Manifesto": I felt the need of institutional guarantees me butchers only disappointment of the election defeat. They were months of disappointment and disengagement: I was, in fact, out of politics. Fall '72. He began his activities at the club Palermo in October, we adhere and give my contribution. I approach "Lotta Continua" and the process of critical review of previous positions spontaneistiche, particularly in relation to advice, a problem that particularly fascinated me was the thesis of the "Manifesto" I know Mauro Rostagno: it is a central episode in my life in recent years. I subscribe to "Lotta Continua" in the summer of '73, I attend almost all meetings of school boards organization, or shake more and more relationships with Rostagno: is for me a mate that gives me security and safety begin to open myself to his libertarian positions, I approach the problem renudista. It starts with the political initiative in Cinisi, opens a home and gives rise to that wonderful, though very partial experience of organization of the building. The winter is cold, my despair is warm. Parto military is the period which are very short, the thermometer of my emotional state: alive 110 days a constant state of anxiety and a prey to the most incredible persecution mania. "
Some poems by Peppino
" Long is the night
and timeless.
The sky full of rain
does not allow the eyes to see the stars.
will not be the icy wind
to restore the light,
nor the crowing of cocks,
nor the cry of a baby.
too long and the night,
infinite. "
" My eyes are lying on the seabed
in the heart of the algae and corals. "
" Sit quietly and stood
pincer between heaven and earth, and his eyes
fixed into the abyss. "
" It came to us a clear-eyed teenager
and fleshy lips,
our youth
consumed in the country and in brothels.
not say a word nor made any gesture:
this silence and this immobility
opened a mortal wound
worn in our youth. Nobody
our pain did not testify. "
Giuseppe Impastato, Peppino-dala is murdered mafia del'78 May 9, 31anni ago, torn apart by a charge of TNT placed on the tracks of the Palermo-Trapani. The first non-investigations are focused on the hypothesis of a terrorist attack consumed from the same dough; Successive switching hypothesis of suicide "ecclatante." In May 1992 the Court of Palermo decide to drop the "case Impastato", reiterating the matrix of the mafia crime, but excluding the possibility of identifying the culprits. In May of 1994 the Centro Impastato tries to reopen the inquiry: together with a petition, you are prompted to question the new associate justice Salvatore Palazzolo, affiliated with the mafia Cinisi.Siamo in 1996 and his mother, his brother and the Center Impastato filed a complaint in which they seek to investigate incidents not clarified, in particular concerning the conduct of the police officers immediately after the June 1996 Salvatore delitto.Nel Palazzolo shows Badalamenti in the murder along with his vice principal Vito Palazzolo: The investigation was formally reopened. In November 1997 he was issued an arrest warrant for Badalamenti. On 10 March 1999 held a preliminary hearing of the case against Vito Palazzolo, and the position of Badalamenti is stralciata.Nel 1998 in the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission has established a Committee on the case Impastato and December 6, 2000 was approved a report on responsibilities of representatives of institutions in the screening investigations.
On 5 March 2001 the Assize Court has recognized Vito Palazzolo guilty and sentenced him to 30 years in prison. The April 11, 2002 Gaetano Badalamenti is sentenced to life imprisonment. Badalamenti and Palazzolo are subsequently died.
Felicia Bartolotta, Peppino's mother, who until last bravely fought for the truth about the death of his son, died Dec. 7, 2004.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Working Out With Palpitations
After 47mesi 1042giorni
Last July 6, the four agents - Paolo Forlani, Monica Segatto, Enzo Pontani Pollastri and Luke-were convicted of manslaughter: should serve three years and six months in prison ... so the first degree is finished, follow the 'call, follow the Cassazione.Intanto four policemen convicted of manslaughter in the first degree will not be suspended from duty and Paolo Forlani, the agent charged with press with its amphibian back to the end of Frederick, was recruited for police duties for the G8.

Federico Aldrovandi had the 18y.o. 25settembre 2006.Abitava in Ferrara. At 5 am on the street near the hippodrome had walked home after saying goodbye to his amici.La had spent a quiet evening, a Saturday night in Bologna in a local reggae music, the story of Fred, his friends-had taken 2 stamps of LSD but not-as witnessed later by doctors-in an amount that they can morire.Federico around 5:20 trying to call his friends on his mobile ... presaged to be in danger? "Not feeling well? No one now can say, his cell phone was found in a little park bench in front of where the body is found.
His body was found beaten up, the poizia flying around him, arrived at the 118-6.5-successo.Federico without trying to revive him he was alone, uncensored, unarmed.
Parents are kept in the dark for 5 long ore.La mother, Patricia Moretti, at that time had tried in every way to get in touch-in vain-his knowledge with his son and called the police repeatedly to have notizie.Unica answer: silence.
From 5.20 to 6 am a black hole, you do not know what happened in that half hour, it is hard to rebuild, trying to smear his name, follow false trails, it seems that no one has heard and seen nothing.
images of video shot in the forensic soppraluogo that morning show a body-to-murdered a boy: her face disfigured, signs of beatings throughout the body, two dark marks in the neck and the blood is in the clothes, it is the street-to tens of meters away from where it is found in the wheel-of-polizia.Dalla testimony of the mother after she was allowed to see the body of his son, Frederick is unrecognizable, shows signs of handcuffs , scrotum squeezed in the whole body and especially in the face dark marks and bruises.
In the days following the first version of events, which appeared in newspapers and made by the police in Ferrara, Frederick is described as a drug addict died of an illness lying on a bench, in the second version, to explain the serious injuries visible on his body- as a self-defeating violento.Per the police would have banged my head on a lamp post and repeatedly on the police car.
the police do not just killing him, he needs to blame.
For months, one expects the autopsy and is seeking the causes of its morte.Per months a deafening silence: silence by the police, the silence from the tenants of the houses that overlook on that street must have heard the screams and saw something.
For months, one expects the autopsy and is seeking the causes of its morte.Per months a deafening silence: silence by the police, the silence from the tenants of the houses that overlook on that street must have heard the screams and saw something.
But the mother of Frederick is not content with false investigations, to seek the truth and to make sure that these facts do not ripetino more open a blog, inform the incident has become the infamous "Case Aldridge."
Friends of Fred are the Committee for Truth Aldro, mobilize, initiate a real investigation, trying to figure out what happened, interviewing the residents of the notorious street Ippodromo.Le s'accavallano testimony, the trial opens.
The defendants are four police officers, Pontani Luca Luca Pollastri, Monica Segatto, Paolo Forlani.
The medical examination of the 'accused found Frederick died of asphyxia, in a state of oxygen starvation is crushed and beaten on the ground handcuffed for about ten minutes.
Some witnesses say that during those moments was screaming help because he could not breathe.
Expertise public part, however, emphasizes the role of drugs but at the same time, however, does not attribute the cause of death to those substances, the amounts taken are not high enough to determine her body decesso.Nel They come to find 0.4 that still allows alcohol to drive, 0.04di ketamine (which have a toxic effect on the individual exceed the threshold of 2000), 0.36di morphine (which is metabolized and the remainder of opiates whose comnque presonnolenza effect is not assigned to agitation).
was not therefore the drug to kill him.
Frederick says the mother-as-would still be alive if police had not met that night.
And even if it had been under severe effects allucinigeni that does not justify any violent action by the police that, indeed, should have as Minimum soccorerlo.La track drug so it is an aggravating circumstance that excuse.
But the mud continues in the twentieth hearing (October 2008) carries on the expertise of the defense argument that Frederick was destined to die anyway even if he had not found the polizia.Viene used precisely this term is intended.
Come cercare di spiegarsi questi fatti?Gli interrogativi sono tanti e non si può vedere questa vicenda come un caso unico;non si può non rivedervi-soprattutto nella ricostruzione dei fatti,nell disinteresse arrogante delle autorità-altre vicende quali quelle di Carlo Giuliani e dei fatti di Genova 2001.
Negli ultimi 4 anni altri casi-come quello di Riccardo Rasmani,di Gabriele Sandri e di Emanuele Bonsu-sono accumunati dalla furia violenta di una certa polizia-non tutta-che si sente legittimata a compiere,certa della propria impunità,quel che per il caso di Genova è stato definito "macello messicano" dal vicequestore Fournier.
Vorrei finire con una citazione di Luccarelli in occasione di un incontro organized by the writers of Bologna in Bologna March 7, 2006. "This case demonstrates a fact that should not happen, of something horrible, it can happen that a person is stopped by a police patrol and then it can happen muore.Questo in Nazi Germany, we are not in that company and not a thing can happen genere.Siamo front of a witness of a disease that is in law enforcement. If we tie this story in Sassuolo, in Genoa, just prior to Naples, in fact, the police suffer from a disease that is not believed that there was more but there was less, which is a fascist concept of the use of violence by the police. "
After 47mesi 1042giorni
Last July 6, the four agents - Paolo Forlani, Monica Segatto, Enzo Pontani Pollastri and Luke-were convicted of manslaughter: should serve three years and six months in prison ... so the first degree is finished, follow the 'call, follow the Cassazione.Intanto four policemen convicted of manslaughter in the first degree will not be suspended from duty and Paolo Forlani, the agent charged with press with its amphibian back to the end of Frederick, was recruited for police duties for the G8.
Friday, May 1, 2009
How Can Be A Carrier Of Kawasaki Disease
Gomorrah Roberto Saviano
Gomorrah Roberto Saviano is necessary, a duty, one of those books that one can not choose not to read it is a cold shower, electric shock is an immediate thought that you share, or a revolution.
not read it means closing their eyes to the truth, do not understand it, go blind.
Saviano writes beautifully, has the genius to combine the beauty (his writing) and hell (the events narrated), to stop memorable images on paper, fully human ... no rhetoric or censorship of any term too. Every sentence is weighed
lived survived a war inside and outside of the author and the world around him, around us.
Gomorrah is not a fictional story, the dead are not decorated, life is stark: the blood flows freely, the smell of concrete mixes, the throat, stomach and fear takes you-reader-you're in it is what you had before your eyes-as-an Italian citizen and you never wanted to see why the bubble-indifferent-like their stories, unknown, that does not touch you .
why you may not know now, not lost time in ignorance ... because after all is different: you can not drink, eat, live in the same way ... is to acquire a consciousness of a guerra mai dichiarata ma che ha fatto più morti di qualsiasi altra guerra.
Saviano ha avuto la capacità geniale di partire dall"io so"pasoliniano e non fermarsi.
"Il romanzo delle stragi"del 14 novembre del '74 di Pasolini inizia così:
"Io so.
Io so i nomi dei responsabili di quello che viene chiamato "golpe" (e che in realtà è una serie di "golpe" istituitasi a sistema di protezione del potere).
Io so i nomi dei responsabili della strage di Milano del 12 dicembre 1969.
Io so i nomi dei responsabili delle stragi di Brescia e di Bologna dei primi mesi del 1974.
Io so i nomi del "vertice" che ha manovrato, dunque, sia i vecchi fascisti ideatori di "golpe", both the neo-fascist perpetrators of the first massacres, and finally, the "unknown" material authors of the recent massacres.
I know the names that have managed the two different, indeed opposite phases of the tension: a first anti-phase (Milan 1969) and a second phase of the antifascist (Brescia and Bologna 1974).
I know the names of the group of powerful figures who, with the help of the CIA (and the second order of the Greek colonels of the mafia), have created the first (besides failing miserably) an anti-Communist crusade, a dab '68, and later, again with the help and inspiration of the CIA, have recovered a virginity-fascist, it must reverse the disaster of the "referendum".
I know the names of those who between a Mass and the other, have given the provisions and ensured the security policy in general older (to keep standing in reserve, the organization of a potential coup), a young neo-fascists, even neo-Nazis (to create tension in the concrete anti), and common criminals, until now, and perhaps forever, without a name (to create the next power-fascist). I know the names of people who are serious and important behind the comic characters like the General Forestry he worked, rather operetta, in the ducal city (as the Italian forests burned), or the gray and purely organizational character as General Miceli.
I know the names of persons and number important behind the tragic children who have chosen suicide fascist atrocities and common criminals, or not in Sicily, which are made available, as killers and assassins.
I know all these names and know all the facts (killings and attacks on institutions) that you are guilty.
I know. But I have no evidence. I did not even clues.
I know because I am an intellectual, a writer who tries to follow everything that happens to know everything that he writes, to imagine all that you do not know or is silent; coordinating events even far away, that puts disorganized and fragmented pieces together of an entire coherent policy framework that restores the logic where there seems to arbitrariness, madness and mystery.
This is all part of my job and instinct of my job. I think it's unlikely that my "draft novel," is wrong, that does not have that bearing on reality, and that its references to real people and facts are inaccurate. I also believe that many other intellectuals and writers know what I know as an intellectual and novelist. Because the reconstruction of the truth about what happened in Italy after the '68 is not that difficult.
This truth - it is heard with absolute precision - is behind a large amount of journalistic and political action, also: that is, not as fancy or fiction is by nature il mio. Ultimo esempio: è chiaro che la verità urgeva, con tutti i suoi nomi, dietro all'editoriale del "Corriere della Sera", del 1° novembre 1974.
Probabilmente i giornalisti e i politici hanno anche delle prove o, almeno, degli indizi.
Ora il problema è questo: i giornalisti e i politici, pur avendo forse delle prove e certamente degli indizi, non fanno i nomi.
A chi dunque compete fare questi nomi? Evidentemente a chi non solo ha il necessario coraggio, ma, insieme, non è compromesso nella pratica col potere, e, inoltre, non ha, per definizione, niente da perdere: cioè un intellettuale.
Un intellettuale dunque potrebbe benissimo fare pubblicamente quei nomi: ma egli non ha né evidence or clues.
The power and the world, though not the power, take practical relations with power, ruled the intellectual free - just for the way it did - the ability to have evidence and clues.
I could argue that I, for example, as an intellectual and an inventor of stories, I could go into that world explicitly political (power or around the power), to compromise with it, and then have the right to participate, with some high probability, evidence and clues.
But this objection I reply that this is not possible, because it is the reluctance to enter such a world politician who identifies with my potential intellectual courage to tell the truth: that is to name names.
the intellectual courage of truth and the political practice are two irreconcilable things in Italy.
intellectualism - profoundly and viscerally despised by all the Italian bourgeoisie - will refer a warrant falsely high and noble, in reality servile to discuss the moral and ideological problems.
If he is put to this mandate is considered a traitor to his role: it just screams (as if he expected more than this) at the "treason of the clerics" is an alibi and a reward for politicians and for the servants of power.
But there is only power: there is also opposition to power. In Italy this opposition is so large and strong da essere un potere essa stessa: mi riferisco naturalmente al Partito comunista italiano."
E concludeva": solo quando un uomo politico - non per opportunità, cioè non perché sia venuto il momento, ma piuttosto per creare la possibilità di tale momento - deciderà di fare i nomi dei responsabili dei colpi di Stato e delle stragi, che evidentemente egli sa, come me, non può non avere prove, o almeno indizi.
Probabilmente - se il potere americano lo consentirà - magari decidendo "diplomaticamente" di concedere a un'altra democrazia ciò che la democrazia americana si è concessa a proposito di Nixon - questi nomi prima o poi saranno detti. Ma a dirli saranno uomini che hanno condiviso with them the power: how responsible children against more responsible (and it is not, as in the American case, which is better). This would ultimately be the real coup. "
Saviano-although not a politician-has the courage to do those names, does not stop at a" I know, "his word is one that involves and acting. With the data collected in his book helps to capture boss, move minds and foster a national debate on certain facts and silenced for too long dimenticati.I the crow Pasolini's "Hawks and the Sparrows" he said "I am convinced that someone else will take my flag and to bring it forward. "
From an interview with Roberto Saviano : "When I went to Casarsa on the grave of Pasolini, I was very angry. clenched fists do not open even wanted to write. I went there in a kind of empathy, to see if it was still possible to believe a word that can attack the reality. I've thought long and I am convinced that the literary word because released by targets, from court decisions, it can show the guts of power, can raggiungere un nucleo di significato molto semplice, che è poi quello dei tragici greci: verità e potere non coincidono mai» .
Da Gomorra(pag.233-235) :" Andai sulla tomba di Pasolini non per un omaggio, neanche per una celebrazione. Pier Paolo Pasolini. Il nome uno e trino, come diceva Caproni, non è il mio santino laico, né un Cristo letterario. Mi andava di trovare un posto. Un posto dove fosse ancora can reflect on the possibility of the word without shame. The ability to write of the mechanisms of power, beyond the stories, beyond the details. Think if it was still possible to name names, one by one, to identify the faces, strip the bodies of the architectural elements of the offense and make them. If it was still possible to pursue such as truffle hogs the dynamics of the real, the affirmation of power, without metaphors, without mediation, with the single blade of writing. I took the train from Naples to Pordenone, a slow train from the name that was very eloquent on the distance covered: Marco Polo. A huge distance seems to separate from the Campania Friuli. Party at eight in ten minutes I arrived in Friuli winds of the past seven days later, through a cold night that I gave respite to sleep even a little. I arrived by bus from Pordenone to Casarsa and went walking with his head down as if he already knows where to go and the road can also be recognized by looking at the shoes. I lost, of course. But after wandering in vain I could get away Valvasone, the cemetery where he is buried Pasolini and his entire family. On the left, just after the entrance, there was a bed of bare ground. I approached this square with the center two white marble slabs, small, and I saw the grave. "Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975)." On the side, just beyond, his mother. It seemed to be less lonely, and they began to splutter my anger, with clenched fists until the nails have come in the flesh of the palm. I began to articulate my I know, the "I know of my time. and I know I have proof. I know how to originate and where the economies take the smell. The smell of the affirmation and victory. I know what oozes profit. I know. And the truth of the word no prisoners because they devour everything and everything is proof. It should not drag proof is baste inquiry. Observes, weighs, look, listen. Sa. Does not condemn in no cage and no witnesses recanted. No regrets. I know and I have proof. I know where the pages of manuals vanish changing economy i loro frattali in materia, cose, ferro, tempo e contratti. Io so. Le prove non sono nascoste in nessuna pen-drive celata in buche sotto terra. Non ho video compromettenti in garage nascosti in inaccessibili paesi di montagna. Né possiedo documenti ciclostilati dei servizi segreti. Le prove sono inconfutabili perché parziali, riprese con le iridi, raccontate con le parole e temprate con le emozioni rimbalzate su ferri e legni. Io vedo, trasento, guardo, parlo, e così testimonio, brutta parola che ancora può valere quando sussurra: «È falso» all'orecchio di chi ascolta le cantilene a rima baciata dei meccanismi di potere. La verità è parziale, in fondo se fosse riducibile a formula oggettiva sarebbe chimica. I know and I have proof. And then the story. Of these truths. I always try to calm this anxiety that takes me every time I walk, every time I climb stairs, take lifts while on mats and rub the soles threshold exceeded. I can not stop a perpetual brooding soul about how they were built palaces and homes. And if I have someone at your word I can with difficulty to refrain from telling you how to pull up floors and balconies to the roof. It is not a universal sense of guilt that comes over me, nor a moral redemption to those who have been quashed by the historical memory. Rather than try to dispose of that mechanism rather Brechtian that I have ingrained to think in the hands and feet of history. In short, more the perpetually empty bowls that led to the storming of the Bastille that the proclamations of the Gironde and the Jacobins. I can not think about it. I always have this habit. As someone who thought that looking at Vermeer mixed colors, pulled the canvas with wood, assembled the pearl earrings, rather than to contemplate the portrait. A true perversion. I just can not forget about how the cycle of the concrete when I see a flight of stairs, and I do not distract from what you bring into the scaffolding tower to see a vertical windows. I can not pretend nothing has happened. I just can not see only the saved, and I think the mortar and trowel. Could it be that those born in the meridians have certain relationship with certain substances in a singular, unique. Not all the material is received in the same way everywhere. I think that in Qatar the smell of oil and gasoline references to feelings and flavors of huge homes, sunglasses and limousines. The same acidic smell of carbonfossile, in Minsk, I think references to dark faces, gas leaks, and smoked while cities in Belgium refers to the smell of garlic and onion of the Italians of the Maghreb. The same happens with the cement for Italy, to the south. Cement. Oil in the South. Everything comes from the cement. There is no economic empire was born in the South that does not see the shift in structures: tendering, procurement, quarries, cement, aggregates, mortar, bricks, scaffolding, workers. The weaponry of the Italian entrepreneur is this . "
.. His voice now belongs to us is safe until we are safe.
Thanks Saviano.
not read it means closing their eyes to the truth, do not understand it, go blind.
Saviano writes beautifully, has the genius to combine the beauty (his writing) and hell (the events narrated), to stop memorable images on paper, fully human ... no rhetoric or censorship of any term too. Every sentence is weighed
lived survived a war inside and outside of the author and the world around him, around us.
Gomorrah is not a fictional story, the dead are not decorated, life is stark: the blood flows freely, the smell of concrete mixes, the throat, stomach and fear takes you-reader-you're in it is what you had before your eyes-as-an Italian citizen and you never wanted to see why the bubble-indifferent-like their stories, unknown, that does not touch you .
why you may not know now, not lost time in ignorance ... because after all is different: you can not drink, eat, live in the same way ... is to acquire a consciousness of a guerra mai dichiarata ma che ha fatto più morti di qualsiasi altra guerra.
Saviano ha avuto la capacità geniale di partire dall"io so"pasoliniano e non fermarsi.
"Il romanzo delle stragi"del 14 novembre del '74 di Pasolini inizia così:
"Io so.
Io so i nomi dei responsabili di quello che viene chiamato "golpe" (e che in realtà è una serie di "golpe" istituitasi a sistema di protezione del potere).
Io so i nomi dei responsabili della strage di Milano del 12 dicembre 1969.
Io so i nomi dei responsabili delle stragi di Brescia e di Bologna dei primi mesi del 1974.
Io so i nomi del "vertice" che ha manovrato, dunque, sia i vecchi fascisti ideatori di "golpe", both the neo-fascist perpetrators of the first massacres, and finally, the "unknown" material authors of the recent massacres.
I know the names that have managed the two different, indeed opposite phases of the tension: a first anti-phase (Milan 1969) and a second phase of the antifascist (Brescia and Bologna 1974).
I know the names of the group of powerful figures who, with the help of the CIA (and the second order of the Greek colonels of the mafia), have created the first (besides failing miserably) an anti-Communist crusade, a dab '68, and later, again with the help and inspiration of the CIA, have recovered a virginity-fascist, it must reverse the disaster of the "referendum".
I know the names of those who between a Mass and the other, have given the provisions and ensured the security policy in general older (to keep standing in reserve, the organization of a potential coup), a young neo-fascists, even neo-Nazis (to create tension in the concrete anti), and common criminals, until now, and perhaps forever, without a name (to create the next power-fascist). I know the names of people who are serious and important behind the comic characters like the General Forestry he worked, rather operetta, in the ducal city (as the Italian forests burned), or the gray and purely organizational character as General Miceli.
I know the names of persons and number important behind the tragic children who have chosen suicide fascist atrocities and common criminals, or not in Sicily, which are made available, as killers and assassins.
I know all these names and know all the facts (killings and attacks on institutions) that you are guilty.
I know. But I have no evidence. I did not even clues.
I know because I am an intellectual, a writer who tries to follow everything that happens to know everything that he writes, to imagine all that you do not know or is silent; coordinating events even far away, that puts disorganized and fragmented pieces together of an entire coherent policy framework that restores the logic where there seems to arbitrariness, madness and mystery.
This is all part of my job and instinct of my job. I think it's unlikely that my "draft novel," is wrong, that does not have that bearing on reality, and that its references to real people and facts are inaccurate. I also believe that many other intellectuals and writers know what I know as an intellectual and novelist. Because the reconstruction of the truth about what happened in Italy after the '68 is not that difficult.
This truth - it is heard with absolute precision - is behind a large amount of journalistic and political action, also: that is, not as fancy or fiction is by nature il mio. Ultimo esempio: è chiaro che la verità urgeva, con tutti i suoi nomi, dietro all'editoriale del "Corriere della Sera", del 1° novembre 1974.
Probabilmente i giornalisti e i politici hanno anche delle prove o, almeno, degli indizi.
Ora il problema è questo: i giornalisti e i politici, pur avendo forse delle prove e certamente degli indizi, non fanno i nomi.
A chi dunque compete fare questi nomi? Evidentemente a chi non solo ha il necessario coraggio, ma, insieme, non è compromesso nella pratica col potere, e, inoltre, non ha, per definizione, niente da perdere: cioè un intellettuale.
Un intellettuale dunque potrebbe benissimo fare pubblicamente quei nomi: ma egli non ha né evidence or clues.
The power and the world, though not the power, take practical relations with power, ruled the intellectual free - just for the way it did - the ability to have evidence and clues.
I could argue that I, for example, as an intellectual and an inventor of stories, I could go into that world explicitly political (power or around the power), to compromise with it, and then have the right to participate, with some high probability, evidence and clues.
But this objection I reply that this is not possible, because it is the reluctance to enter such a world politician who identifies with my potential intellectual courage to tell the truth: that is to name names.
the intellectual courage of truth and the political practice are two irreconcilable things in Italy.
intellectualism - profoundly and viscerally despised by all the Italian bourgeoisie - will refer a warrant falsely high and noble, in reality servile to discuss the moral and ideological problems.
If he is put to this mandate is considered a traitor to his role: it just screams (as if he expected more than this) at the "treason of the clerics" is an alibi and a reward for politicians and for the servants of power.
But there is only power: there is also opposition to power. In Italy this opposition is so large and strong da essere un potere essa stessa: mi riferisco naturalmente al Partito comunista italiano."
E concludeva": solo quando un uomo politico - non per opportunità, cioè non perché sia venuto il momento, ma piuttosto per creare la possibilità di tale momento - deciderà di fare i nomi dei responsabili dei colpi di Stato e delle stragi, che evidentemente egli sa, come me, non può non avere prove, o almeno indizi.
Probabilmente - se il potere americano lo consentirà - magari decidendo "diplomaticamente" di concedere a un'altra democrazia ciò che la democrazia americana si è concessa a proposito di Nixon - questi nomi prima o poi saranno detti. Ma a dirli saranno uomini che hanno condiviso with them the power: how responsible children against more responsible (and it is not, as in the American case, which is better). This would ultimately be the real coup. "
Saviano-although not a politician-has the courage to do those names, does not stop at a" I know, "his word is one that involves and acting. With the data collected in his book helps to capture boss, move minds and foster a national debate on certain facts and silenced for too long dimenticati.I the crow Pasolini's "Hawks and the Sparrows" he said "I am convinced that someone else will take my flag and to bring it forward. "
From an interview with Roberto Saviano : "When I went to Casarsa on the grave of Pasolini, I was very angry. clenched fists do not open even wanted to write. I went there in a kind of empathy, to see if it was still possible to believe a word that can attack the reality. I've thought long and I am convinced that the literary word because released by targets, from court decisions, it can show the guts of power, can raggiungere un nucleo di significato molto semplice, che è poi quello dei tragici greci: verità e potere non coincidono mai» .
Da Gomorra(pag.233-235) :" Andai sulla tomba di Pasolini non per un omaggio, neanche per una celebrazione. Pier Paolo Pasolini. Il nome uno e trino, come diceva Caproni, non è il mio santino laico, né un Cristo letterario. Mi andava di trovare un posto. Un posto dove fosse ancora can reflect on the possibility of the word without shame. The ability to write of the mechanisms of power, beyond the stories, beyond the details. Think if it was still possible to name names, one by one, to identify the faces, strip the bodies of the architectural elements of the offense and make them. If it was still possible to pursue such as truffle hogs the dynamics of the real, the affirmation of power, without metaphors, without mediation, with the single blade of writing. I took the train from Naples to Pordenone, a slow train from the name that was very eloquent on the distance covered: Marco Polo. A huge distance seems to separate from the Campania Friuli. Party at eight in ten minutes I arrived in Friuli winds of the past seven days later, through a cold night that I gave respite to sleep even a little. I arrived by bus from Pordenone to Casarsa and went walking with his head down as if he already knows where to go and the road can also be recognized by looking at the shoes. I lost, of course. But after wandering in vain I could get away Valvasone, the cemetery where he is buried Pasolini and his entire family. On the left, just after the entrance, there was a bed of bare ground. I approached this square with the center two white marble slabs, small, and I saw the grave. "Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975)." On the side, just beyond, his mother. It seemed to be less lonely, and they began to splutter my anger, with clenched fists until the nails have come in the flesh of the palm. I began to articulate my I know, the "I know of my time. and I know I have proof. I know how to originate and where the economies take the smell. The smell of the affirmation and victory. I know what oozes profit. I know. And the truth of the word no prisoners because they devour everything and everything is proof. It should not drag proof is baste inquiry. Observes, weighs, look, listen. Sa. Does not condemn in no cage and no witnesses recanted. No regrets. I know and I have proof. I know where the pages of manuals vanish changing economy i loro frattali in materia, cose, ferro, tempo e contratti. Io so. Le prove non sono nascoste in nessuna pen-drive celata in buche sotto terra. Non ho video compromettenti in garage nascosti in inaccessibili paesi di montagna. Né possiedo documenti ciclostilati dei servizi segreti. Le prove sono inconfutabili perché parziali, riprese con le iridi, raccontate con le parole e temprate con le emozioni rimbalzate su ferri e legni. Io vedo, trasento, guardo, parlo, e così testimonio, brutta parola che ancora può valere quando sussurra: «È falso» all'orecchio di chi ascolta le cantilene a rima baciata dei meccanismi di potere. La verità è parziale, in fondo se fosse riducibile a formula oggettiva sarebbe chimica. I know and I have proof. And then the story. Of these truths. I always try to calm this anxiety that takes me every time I walk, every time I climb stairs, take lifts while on mats and rub the soles threshold exceeded. I can not stop a perpetual brooding soul about how they were built palaces and homes. And if I have someone at your word I can with difficulty to refrain from telling you how to pull up floors and balconies to the roof. It is not a universal sense of guilt that comes over me, nor a moral redemption to those who have been quashed by the historical memory. Rather than try to dispose of that mechanism rather Brechtian that I have ingrained to think in the hands and feet of history. In short, more the perpetually empty bowls that led to the storming of the Bastille that the proclamations of the Gironde and the Jacobins. I can not think about it. I always have this habit. As someone who thought that looking at Vermeer mixed colors, pulled the canvas with wood, assembled the pearl earrings, rather than to contemplate the portrait. A true perversion. I just can not forget about how the cycle of the concrete when I see a flight of stairs, and I do not distract from what you bring into the scaffolding tower to see a vertical windows. I can not pretend nothing has happened. I just can not see only the saved, and I think the mortar and trowel. Could it be that those born in the meridians have certain relationship with certain substances in a singular, unique. Not all the material is received in the same way everywhere. I think that in Qatar the smell of oil and gasoline references to feelings and flavors of huge homes, sunglasses and limousines. The same acidic smell of carbonfossile, in Minsk, I think references to dark faces, gas leaks, and smoked while cities in Belgium refers to the smell of garlic and onion of the Italians of the Maghreb. The same happens with the cement for Italy, to the south. Cement. Oil in the South. Everything comes from the cement. There is no economic empire was born in the South that does not see the shift in structures: tendering, procurement, quarries, cement, aggregates, mortar, bricks, scaffolding, workers. The weaponry of the Italian entrepreneur is this . "
.. His voice now belongs to us is safe until we are safe.
Thanks Saviano.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Dodge Sprinter Conversion
25aprile in Monte-sun Marzabotto
Among September 29 and October 5, 1944 in a hundred small towns scattered around the sun in the municipalities of Monte Marzabotto Monzuno Grizzana and Morandi are massacred about 770 people. XIdivisione perpetrators of the massacre is the armored grenadier ss (reichfuhrer-ss), reinforced from other units including some units of the Wehrmacht, the perpetrators of the massacre were identified in Max Simon, commander of the division, Helmut Loos, head of information division command and Walter Reder, the commander of troops in action. Reder unit is stained from early August to mid October 1944 a number of massacres and killings throughout the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines.
Of these Walter Reder will remain after the war some thirty years in prison before being released in 85-after repeated requests for grace and mobilization in her favor in Germany and Austria carried out by groups ranging from right-wing nationalists to 'association of ex-soldiers to the Catholic Church and die in the 91st Vienna. At the Military Tribunal of La Spezia, between February 2006 and January 2007, was reopened a trial on the criminal liability of 17 former German SS soldiers accused for the crimes perpetrated in the fall of 1944 at Monte Sole, 695 trial dossiers for decades, took place on Nazi massacres in Italy have been hidden in the corridors of Military Prosecutor General of Rome, Palazzo Cesi, forget the infamous "closet of shame" with a measure of "temporary storage" (this is the unusual formula printed on the cards). In those years could have been ex-SS judge other criminals involved in the killings of Monte Sole.Dopo 62 years, have finally made possible new investigations. The ruling of January 13, 2007 subscribes 7 life sentences and 10 acquittals. Important step in a journey that still has not reached the end. Other responsibilities are to be established, including new appeals and investigations.
In German report of this massacre October 2, 1944 (Marzabotto massacre remembered as a national symbol of anti-gold medal of the resistance-but that actually includes all the territory around Mount only) describes how an ordinary mopping up action against Red Star partisan brigade that operated in the area since September '43 and was continuing his fight against nzifascismo with guerrilla and sabotage.
Indeed, even though the general framework where to put these facts is the occupation Germany and Italy in the repression of the partisan massacre could not be read as a regular anti-partisan operation, but an action improvised hot-as-Gentile says as a planned campaign of annihilation.
If in fact we see who are the dead risultan the majority being women and older children if you investigate the mode of killing is in the light of the criminal violence of the German occupiers.
Of these Walter Reder will remain after the war some thirty years in prison before being released in 85-after repeated requests for grace and mobilization in her favor in Germany and Austria carried out by groups ranging from right-wing nationalists to 'association of ex-soldiers to the Catholic Church and die in the 91st Vienna. At the Military Tribunal of La Spezia, between February 2006 and January 2007, was reopened a trial on the criminal liability of 17 former German SS soldiers accused for the crimes perpetrated in the fall of 1944 at Monte Sole, 695 trial dossiers for decades, took place on Nazi massacres in Italy have been hidden in the corridors of Military Prosecutor General of Rome, Palazzo Cesi, forget the infamous "closet of shame" with a measure of "temporary storage" (this is the unusual formula printed on the cards). In those years could have been ex-SS judge other criminals involved in the killings of Monte Sole.Dopo 62 years, have finally made possible new investigations. The ruling of January 13, 2007 subscribes 7 life sentences and 10 acquittals. Important step in a journey that still has not reached the end. Other responsibilities are to be established, including new appeals and investigations.
In German report of this massacre October 2, 1944 (Marzabotto massacre remembered as a national symbol of anti-gold medal of the resistance-but that actually includes all the territory around Mount only) describes how an ordinary mopping up action against Red Star partisan brigade that operated in the area since September '43 and was continuing his fight against nzifascismo with guerrilla and sabotage.
Indeed, even though the general framework where to put these facts is the occupation Germany and Italy in the repression of the partisan massacre could not be read as a regular anti-partisan operation, but an action improvised hot-as-Gentile says as a planned campaign of annihilation.
If in fact we see who are the dead risultan the majority being women and older children if you investigate the mode of killing is in the light of the criminal violence of the German occupiers.
I think the facts speak for themselves: I believe-for example -69 people gathered under a porch They come in with machine guns and massacred, 20 are ibambini; Cerpiane to 49 people including 20 children 27 elderly women 2 They come in closed oratory and killed in a bomb throwing hand, a man on guard in front of the shotgun who was trying to get out, 16 people were found alive the next morning and killed after a long agony. Fixed to the door a wooden sign "this is the fate of those supporting the partisans" They come in Casaglia surprises 85 people in a church during Mass, the priest is killed before the altar, women and children gathered in the cemetery and murdered.
In the final report German falsified the facts They come (and still current revisionist negazionise and try to hide the truth): German list of dead They come in those days counted as civilians parigiani behind "supporters of bands" They come hidden children killed (between 29/30settembre they are slaughtered under 13anni 213), is given false news of the discovery of weapons and documents el 'entire action is portrayed as a success antipartigiano (when in fact most of the partisan brigade had moved elsewhere the night between 29 and September 30).
I think it's important not to forget what happened, not to obscure the facts, recognize responabilità (also from the Italian side) to what is avvenutoin throughout the territory affected by the violence of CSR and the occupying Germans.
For 25aprile the truth.
In the final report German falsified the facts They come (and still current revisionist negazionise and try to hide the truth): German list of dead They come in those days counted as civilians parigiani behind "supporters of bands" They come hidden children killed (between 29/30settembre they are slaughtered under 13anni 213), is given false news of the discovery of weapons and documents el 'entire action is portrayed as a success antipartigiano (when in fact most of the partisan brigade had moved elsewhere the night between 29 and September 30).
I think it's important not to forget what happened, not to obscure the facts, recognize responabilità (also from the Italian side) to what is avvenutoin throughout the territory affected by the violence of CSR and the occupying Germans.
For 25aprile the truth.
regard to the process after 62 years held at the Military Tribunal of La Spezia on the responsibilities penali di 17 ex militari tedeschi SS imputati per i delitti perpetrati nell’autunno del 1944 in Italia rimando al trailer di "Lo stato di eccezione"diretto e montato da Germano Maccioni.
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