Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Do You Wear A Jockstrap

witches are back! Being on the wrong side

Bishop and Bishop Bertoldo Babini. Two members of the Italian religious class, two monsignors, which last months have really given the best of Catholic tolerance toward gays and to women. Who has ever heard of them is lucky, but I suggest however take a ride on google and the results are these:

Babini, Bishop Emeritus of Grosseto, is known for having left the chronicles pearls of wisdom like "just with gooders on immigrants "(January 15, 2010)," Do you think that Fascism was the absolute evil? " resp. "absolute evil does not exist ..." (06 August 2010) but his admiration for the Duce has reiterated February 20, 2011 when compared to Vendola "Mussolini would have been ashamed of being gay, but goes Vendola proud "adding a nice" all the Christian love "event on Feb. 13 rose," a concentration of abortion and libertine who challenged their own principles " (February 17, 2011). He also spoke against violence against gays but ended the speech with a fine "as well as violence against women is wrong, but their provocative dress can lead into temptation ..." (August 7, 2010).

Bishop Bertoldo is a moderate compared the above-mentioned Babini, but he said this morning that "Women lead in tempting their rapists and make more victims of priests."

So in principle I would say that I am a Christian, I know the scriptures but do not believe in the Catholic Church. That the statements above are severe it seems to me obvious even to repeat, what still baffles me is that there are some people who support extremism and call for "holy Babini now" (facebook group). Of course there are also groups that brought down as the target for the shooting, others who are clamoring for the return of the beloved Duce, but indifference is really something that we can still afford? We can afford to ignore the snakes that we keep in the breast and then point out Muslim extremism? The Catholic Church should be the first to condemn certain positions that are contrary to the commandment of the New Testament, "Love your neighbor as yourself ", but it does not, let these claims fall into the cauldron and the media that spread to disprove it then maybe after 3 or 4 days in the third page with a paragraph that you hardly see ... This morning I read a post where Stephen said that the policy of "throwing the stone and hide your hand" was used to inoculate however the ideas in the minds of citizens to buy consensus, giving voice to the worst part of all of us. So I wonder again can we afford to ignore it? let it go, perhaps allowing some minds to grow silent, however, the idea that rape is not rape if the woman has sculettato, or if the gown can be depleted, that the gay rights as a person ill and therefore incapable, that a slap to his wife every time there is if she has caused.
Silence is consent and the witch hunt can start over: I repeat the question we can afford to be silent and ignore some of his statements?


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